Two improved beds.
By wildrose
My husband has been working on the two flower beds by our kitchen door.
In the past they both had borders of heather and an evergreen shrub and did not really allow for very much else behind these borders.
We had a number of plants in pots waiting for somewhere to be planted so it was a good opportunity to re home them.
In the bed that goes off to the right we have put in an acer, a witch hazel and a prunus. Nothing else has been added yet.
In the bed on the left which is filled with hellebores and spring bulbs we have put in a small, slow growing magnolia, a fern and a deciduous azalea. We also have a choisya to put in but need more ericaceous compost for that.
We are pleased with the changes and hope that everything will be happy in its new home.
For once we had everything we needed here and didn’t need to spend on anything at all!!
22 May, 2020
Previous post: 🇬🇧 A village filled with VE Day scarecrows, flags and bunting!
Next post: Windy colours in the garden .
I think that looks wonderful the plants will be much happier than sitting in pots.
22 May, 2020
Hard work in this weather. Should look good by the end of the season.
22 May, 2020
Sounds good to me - all that innovation and nothing to pay...
22 May, 2020
It's a good thing everything was to hand, as you wouldn't be able to go get! Love the way that little water feature put a stop to the border edging in your first pic.
22 May, 2020
Lovely changes, going to look really attractive...
22 May, 2020
It's always a pleasure to release plants from their pots, a bit like releasing caged animals into the wild, well it is if you have an odd imagination:-) Next year it will look even better, isn't it good to have always something to look forward to:-))
23 May, 2020
The beds look nice now, I think the new planting will provide a better variety and more colour :)
23 May, 2020
John has been busy ! Were you the tea girl then Chris ! Hahaa!
Both borders are going to look brilliant when they are settled in. xx
23 May, 2020
Thank you everybody for looking and being so encouraging!
I think it will be next spring before both borders really come alive but for the time being it is nice to see them neat and tidy.
Rose - me, tea girl, only sometimes!!! His turn next in fact, now where is he?!!
23 May, 2020
Oh and don't let him forget the cakes ! Hahaa!
23 May, 2020
What a wonderful selection your OH has put in cant wait to see them when wstablished the Acer will certainly give you colour he s done a grand job they look lovely.
23 May, 2020
Well done you two,,I presume you helped as well,Chris ? :o) It's looking really good,and I love your choice of lucky,that you already had them at hand.You are going to enjoy watching them grow Just to add,the Choisya doesn't really need Ericaceous compost,unlike the Azalea,so you don't need to buy anymore especially..Mine doesn't have it,and it's done very well over the years.I just give it a mulch of compost ,or multi purpose once a year ..
23 May, 2020
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Your OH has been busy hasn't he? It's all looking really good. I hope everything takes for you.
22 May, 2020