Not feeling great!
By wildrose
I have been unwell for nearly two weeks and have been able to do very little.
As the weather has been so lovely recently I have been sitting on a sun bed on our little lawn looking at a flower bed. I have seen numerous butterflies coming and going, watched the house martins preparing for their long journey south and even watched a spider creating a web.
I know every flower in the bed and thought I would share my view with you.
The bed includes:
Hardy geraniums
Japanese anemones
White lilac
Spiraea japonica
Clematis Tangutika
Schoolgirl climbing rose
White phlox
A few scented pelargoniums in pots.
You cannot see all of these in my photos!!!
Also in the garden are some pretty roses:
Champagne Moments
Chandos Beauty
Gertrude Jekyll
I am so looking forward to getting on with things in the garden but must be patient – I am not a very patient person though!!!
7 Sep, 2021
Previous post: The plant thugs of our garden.
Next post: A wander around our autumn garden.
Thank you Hywel and Meadowland for your good wishes which are very much appreciated. I have had a particularly bad dose of gastric enteritis and have been so ill!!! I don’t want that again!!!
The garden has been such a blessing it really has.
7 Sep, 2021
You poor soul! That is the pits. What a comfort to have that beautiful garden to recover in - I hope you are feeling much more settled now.
7 Sep, 2021
Chris, I have put a 'Like' for the photos of your lovely garden, not for your poor health!
It is such a debilitating illness, but how fortunate to have good weather in the garden for you to be able to get some fresh air.
Sending you hugs and get well wishes . . . :o) x
7 Sep, 2021
oh you poor thing, it really can knock you for six. Take it easy and enjoy your beautiful garden. Glad the butterflies and bees have been able to entertain you.
7 Sep, 2021
I'm sorry you aren't well at this time Rose. I'm hopping for a speedy recovery. I think you have the the right spirit. Fresh air and sunshine does a body good.
7 Sep, 2021
Thank you everyone for wishing me well. You are all so lovely on here and really do help to lift the spirits of any one of us who are a bit down.
I am improving but not quite right yet.
x x x x x
7 Sep, 2021
Hope you're on the up, Rose. Your garden is very colourful.
8 Sep, 2021
Hope you will soon be feeling your self. You garden is full of lovely plants and the photos are very colourful.
Take it easy Wild Rose.
8 Sep, 2021
Thanks for your best wishes Klahanie, Anget and Marjorie.
I am taking it easy but would love to get a bit of energy from somewhere! The doctor is phoning me on Friday - I shall soon have forgotten what he looks like!!!
x x x
8 Sep, 2021
I’m so sorry to hear you’ve been feeling poorly, Chris. Gastro-enteritis is just awful! To be so unwell for such a time with it too… I do hope you are starting to feel like yourself again? It really does knock you off your feet and you feel like your upside down and round about. It’s just horrible as it affects every part of you.
Thank you for taking time to show us some updates in your lovely garden, those roses are so beautiful. The list of plants in the bed is amazing! A collection of gorgeousness!
Sending best wishes xx
8 Sep, 2021
Best wishes for a speedy recovery Wildrose, not nice to be ill for so long.
8 Sep, 2021
Oh Kate if only I was 'a collection of gorgeousness' as well as the plants' That is a long way off I can assure you! I try to do a few useful things each day but don't really feel like it! Thanks for your thoughtfulness.
Feverfew thank you so much for your kind words and I also feel as if it has gone on long enough now!
x x
8 Sep, 2021
I do hope you feel better soon. Your garden is a delight.
9 Sep, 2021
Oh poor you Chris … it’s horrible to have no energy when there is so much you want to do … I do sympathise. You did well to take so many lovely photos and to write the blog. I’m sure your garden must help to lift your spirits, especially being able to enjoy the wonderful scent of Rose Gertrude Jekyll. Hope you’ll feel better very soon 🙂. x
9 Sep, 2021
Drc thank you for your lovely message, the garden has helped me a lot but now I am really wanting to get out there and get on!
Sheila I do so appreciate your sympathy and have had enough of feeling ‘yucky!’ Very heavy showers today so everything is dripping and looking much fresher. I have a small vase of Gertrude Jekyll in the house and yes the scent is wonderful!
x x
9 Sep, 2021
So sorry to hear you are unwell. I hurt my foot at the beginning of the the year. I spent four weeks unable to tend the garden. It is hard sitting watching the garden getting over grown but your garden looks beautiful.
9 Sep, 2021
Good morning,Chris,and I hope by now,you are starting to feel much better than you have been,these past two weeks. Sorry,I'm late with my comment on your lovely garden,which I'm sure,has been something to lighten your spirits ,and to be able to sit out in the lovely warm weather too.
I hope your GP has some positive advice for you tomorrow,and I can just about remember what my GP looks like too ! No problem though,as he has a lovely telephone manner :o)
Take care,and keep your spirits up.xx
10 Sep, 2021
Linda thank you for your message. I must admit to being a bit fed up by now! I just want to wake up one morning and feel ok again!
Bloomer I have spoken to the doctor who says I have got an infection called campylobacter but there is nothing he can give me to get rid of it! I just have to wait for it to go away! Great!!!
Thanks for your cheery message, I am so looking forward to an outing one of these days.
x x
10 Sep, 2021
Oh dear,Chris,that is one of the worst things to have,so I'm told.I was under the impression that one needed to be checked till the infection had cleared ? Maybe that is onlywhen you are working in the food business. I know they had to stay off work if there was contact with customers,serving fresh foods,etc,and weren't allowed to go back to work till such a time..?
I guess times have changed ..I'm sure you will manage an outing before very long.. xx
10 Sep, 2021
The doctor warned me that I am infectious so I will have to stay put until it goes away. Your information was quite right.
10 Sep, 2021
Gosh, Chris! I did wonder when I posted on your blog earlier what the infection was? You definitely have been very poorly, what a horrid bug you’ve had. I do hope you are starting to feel some improvement. Best wishes again x
12 Sep, 2021
I have just found this Chris as we have been back to Norfolk again. I am so sorry you have been ill and hope now you have recovered!
I loved the pictures of your garden and wish I had been sat there with you! Will send you a p.m. Take care my friend. xxx
13 Sep, 2021
Kate I am at last beginning to get over it. Thank you for your concern. It is the worst thing I have ever had and I do hope it has gone away for good!
Rose thank you for your lovely words. I would have liked you to sit with me in the garden but I wouldn't have been very good company!!! I am getting better at last.
x x
13 Sep, 2021
That’s great news Chris … we appreciate our good health so much more when we’ve had a bad episode. Take it easy and don’t do too much too soon! x
14 Sep, 2021
I promise I won't Sheila. I have a little rest when I feel as if I have overdone it! I planted a few bulbs in pots today and I really enjoyed that!
Thank you for your encouraging words.
14 Sep, 2021
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I'm sorry you are not feeling well, two weeks seems a long time to feel unwell. I hope you are taking some medication or having treatment for whatever it is ... and that you will be feeling better very soon.
You have a lovely garden with beautiful flowers so I hope that helps, and being in the fresh air will also help I'm sure.
Clematis tangutica is nice for this time of year.
Take care x
7 Sep, 2021