June flowers
It is June, just past the peak season for daylilies for me, and that time of the...
The garden has filled with opening daylilies as I approach mid season. One that I...
Early early Spring
I am celebrating the first day this year I need to wear shorts to work outside. I...
Exbury Nerines
I really like the Exbury Collection of hybrid Nerines. They use N. sarniensis in...
Early October flowers
It is the time when the Naked Lady group of flowers is starting to open. The Rodophiala...
Fall is on its way
It doesn't feel like fall is approaching since out temperatures are in the 26-28°C...
Wet daylilies
It is one of those strange days where it is past noon, but the fog hasn't burned...
More Daylilies
It is mid-season for daylilies here, so lots and lots of flowers. I have noticed...
When considering if I should register a daylily, there are many factors that come...
It is that time of year when I start thinking about which of my seedlings are good...
Open flowers
I grow bromeliads outdoors. They have to be placed so there is a lot of shade for...