Bonus plant
I bought some plants, mostly hibiscus and a red lemon, and received a bonus plant....
Dipcadi serotinum
A member of the Hyacinthaceae family, you could call this Brownbells. It has long,...
Hibiscus mutabilis
After a long growing season, it is time for the Hibiscus mutabilis to bloom. Since...
Nerines Part 2
'Blue Magic' has a name that really fits. The darker colors on this are really magical.
Nerines Part 1
Finally, and sadly, the last of my new Nerines that will be opening this year have...
New Hedychium
Hedychium grow really well here, to the point that if you aren't careful they will...
2 Amaryllidaceae
After several months of neglect, I have 2 members of the Amaryllidaceae family coming...
August flowers
Rainfall has been above normal, so the flowers are going strong.
First, there is...
End of July flowers.
Unlike most of Europe, we are having a fairly cool summer. Here it is, noon, and...