Early August flowers
August is hot (highs in the 25-27° and humid) with lots of humidity and very little...
Late July flowers
If you want a nice mid-size tree, the Albizia is a good one. It can be trimmed to...
Early July flowers
I tried a new poppy this year. It is called 'Amazing Grey'. It is on the small side...
You would think that a daylily that is non-Polymerous would
just be a regular flower,...
I don't usually show what is edited in out my photos, but in the spirit of "wart"...
Early June flowers
Summer is trying to come. One day it is shorts, the next is long pants. But the minimum...
May flowers
Lots of plants are enjoying the warming temperatures, with the occasional plunge...
Exbury Nerines
Finally, the last of the Nerines I have from the Exbury Collection that put up scapes...
Photo background
I still have 8 different varieties of Nerines from the Exbury Collection yet to bloom...
A few more daylilies
I was out seeing what was open today, and had to take a photo of the one I named...