Private Mail from Estherluv
By yorkshire
Hi everyone,
I have just received a PM from someone called Estherluv, I think its another dodgy one, said they were impressed with my profile and would like to establish a long lasting relationship, and would I contact them on their private e mail address, I have flagged it, but just thought it best you are all warned,
22 Apr, 2011
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Glad you flagged it. I had a similar one to that some time ago from a Fiffi or something lol. These people are scum !
22 Apr, 2011
glad to be of help, I think I had one from Fiffi Hywel also, problem is they can get into your computer apparently. glad you flagged it too Donna, did'nt realise they came from Sengal, I read it, flagged it and wrote the blog,
22 Apr, 2011
Thanks for the warning, Yorks.
22 Apr, 2011
This afternoon I had a message from a member, worried about receiving a message from "luv".... I explained this type of thing does happen on GoY now and then ... especially on holiday times when these new members guess that the moderators might not be checking the site so carefully...
Always flag these dodgy messages and do not reply to them..
I've emailed Peter and Ajay about this member also, just to be sure... I recall a couple of years ago, one Boxing Day morning, a really awful blog appeared on GoY..but I flagged it... and Peter removed it FAST ! :o)
22 Apr, 2011
I did flag it to the admin as well, there was nothing on its profile, so I got a bit concerned about it.
Thanks TT and Peter!!
22 Apr, 2011
Hi everyone - I've had one of these today too - have flagged it to the bosses. Definately NOT a gardener !
22 Apr, 2011
thanks for the warning yorkshire
22 Apr, 2011
your more than welcome S/Lad
22 Apr, 2011
thanks yorkshire ~ i definitely dont want one of those messages!!
22 Apr, 2011
I like it when we can all look out for one another. Good that members have flagged and reported this "member."
22 Apr, 2011
Ajay/Peter have just removed this person, thanks Guys
22 Apr, 2011
i hate this sort of thing yorkshire, glad its gone, iv had them before, poor people trying to get some gulable person to fall for them and they ploy to make money.
22 Apr, 2011
this is the 2nd one I have had San, not nice at all, at least the person was removed quickly,it just worries me in case someone new from GOY doesn't know whats going on and emails the persons, hope your feeling better, saw you was unwell on Hywel's blog I think, !!
22 Apr, 2011
you did the right thing yorkshire making members aware, i would do the same and have reported things right away.
thanx for well wishes, im sure i will be fine ;o))
22 Apr, 2011
I noticed last time I had one of these also some one else that there is advertisements on these pages to site a dateing site, I flagged mine so did a nother goyer at the time they emailed me to say they had the same some months ago, I find it dodgy too the fact of an email addy.
22 Apr, 2011
I`ve had a few during my time on here and always flag them, it`s a good idea posting a warning, as you say a new member might not realise, plus they could distress folk, I was shocked when first receiving one but luckily a member put me wise which was a great relief at the time...
As always thanks to Peter and Ajay and of course your self Yorkshire.....
22 Apr, 2011
Thanks Yorkshire - always start with that type thing - a lot on Youtube that say "I enjoyed your videos" - had one on Facebook from a supposed girl trying to get my bank details - had one comment on here trying to sell me phones - very annoying - thanks for the warning
22 Apr, 2011
I had one of these a few months ago from 'juliet' wanting a relationship with me and my email address. Her profile just said "I am very nice lady" six times! lol but it disappeared very quickly after I flagged it.
22 Apr, 2011
I have received exactly the same private message today and I flagged it.
22 Apr, 2011
It's the way to deal with any messages that we don't like for any reason. Why they send them is beyond me! Thank goodness for flagging!
23 Apr, 2011
glad you all appreciated the blog regarding these nutters, thats strange Lily2 as the one I got yesterday said nicelady but must have been going on two dozen times, wonder if it was the same person, the first one I got I actually got in touch with Spritz as I had no idea what it was all about, she told me to flag it, seems a lot of us have had them, just keep an eye out for anymore and put a warning up, Paul, someone was pushing their luck trying for your bank details, sick the lot of them,
23 Apr, 2011
Thx for the warning, I had one of those meassages too a couple of months ago!! Hope you are having a sunny Easter w/end xx
23 Apr, 2011
Think these sort of folks are sick in the head, so pleased you flaged it.
23 Apr, 2011
as if I want a long lasting relationship at my age, daft buggers, not nice people Clarice, surely they know its a gardening programme,
24 Apr, 2011
Good for you for flagging it Val...... :>))))
8 Jun, 2011
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I got one too, flagged it to the admin and asked them to remove the 'member'
yeah like I really want a long lasting friendship with someone from sengal or wherever ... NOT!
22 Apr, 2011