Exciting time of year for us..
As a gardener I love this time of year, especially the last few sunny (rainy) days, I can see the plants bursting into life, leave’s are gett’n bigger, flower buds are fattening up and ready to bloom, I just absolutley LOVE it…
Sitting having a cuppa this morning on the Decking, this is what greated me, I was so excited, just buds yesterday…
My little Semperviren pot.
Lewisia..Isn’t this gorgeous..
Red Semp
Lots of Baby’s on this red semp..
apple’s on my 4 miniature trees..
Hosta Flowers, taller than usual!
Big daddy.
29 Jun, 2011
Previous post: New Semperviren pot..
Next post: Red, in the back garden!
It's looking lovely nothing nicer that having a cuppa and admiring your handy work:)
29 Jun, 2011
Very nice YDD.
29 Jun, 2011
Tree fern looking much better than mine .I have the same flower as you third pic from bottom but i have lost label
29 Jun, 2011
lovei ng that tree fern ........... lost mine in the snow .... was wraped up .
may have to get another and put in pot like yours ........
lillies look fab !!
29 Jun, 2011
You've given me some ideas for my pots Ydd, i love that 2nd photo nice grouping lovely pictures, that tree fern is in a small pot isn't it? yet it looks very happy! I've added this blog to my favourites so i can refer to it again :o)
29 Jun, 2011
Lovely photo`s Ydd, I have the lovely lily amongst mine, they are gorgeous, nothing nicer than having a cuppa outside admiring ones flowers......
29 Jun, 2011
I just love your garden, a real bit of paradise, I too love this time of year - keep posting your photos.
29 Jun, 2011
Love your pics YDD everything looking so lush and bright, the tree fern looks amazing.....
29 Jun, 2011
So many gorgeous plants in bloom. It certainly does look a picture in your garden right now.
30 Jun, 2011
Thanks everyone, Couldn't comment last night, i was at work..
Both my treefern's are in pots, The trunk is the roots and that is what i water, soak actually and into the crown, my smaller one is still in the same pot i bought it in, about 4 years ago..
Glad i gave you some ideas SK, its great when someone saves your blog/pics for idea's, confirms your doing something right ;))) Thankyou..
Mushy, i can't find the label! is it firecracker something :)
30 Jun, 2011
Me again DD, I'm so jealous of that tree fern, haha. seriously all the photos are great, i'm impressed with your minature apple trees, arn't they lovely. well done!
30 Jun, 2011
all looking very nice....love your tree ferns.... i see your semps are in flower... mine are nearly in flower for the first time.... : O )
30 Jun, 2011
Your pots look amazing so colourful and so many different flowers and shrubs I love youe sempervirens and who could not stand in awe at your Trre Fern . Well Done YDD;0)
30 Jun, 2011
The apple trees are lovely Cindy, hub checks them out every day, anything edible in the garden is the only plant he's interested in lol..
The flowers are gorgeous Hollyeves, so fragile looking..
Thanks PP, Im in Awe of my TFs, Truely Amazing tree's..
30 Jun, 2011
What a greeting ! your seating area is lovely lots to admire while you have your cuppa :)
30 Jun, 2011
all looks lovely Dee and know what you mean some sun and rain works wonders, my white lily open to but sadly my other lilies look very weedy and small this year, not sure why.
anyway love your garden as always ;o))
1 Jul, 2011
Thanks Whdbor/San.. I think some of my lillie's need repotting san, they were weedy and small too..
1 Jul, 2011
Your happiness shines through, Ydd! Lovely to see your garden bathed in sunshine ... all looking so healthy. : o ))
1 Jul, 2011
Loved your garden, YDD! :-))
3 Jul, 2011
Lovely pics Daisy! :)
11 Jul, 2011
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lovely to get up to such lovely plants.. Love, love love your tree fern :)
29 Jun, 2011