A lovely Suprise!
We came in after shopping today and amongst the post was a handwritten envelope with the title. To The Head Gardener..
Inside was a lovely leafcovered Card.
This is what was written inside..
(This has made my day, week, year )
Hi There.
Most mornings I walk my dog past your house. I just wanted to say how beautifull your front garden is.
The first time i saw it, I just stopped and said “Wow” !
Thankyou for brightening my mornings.
Best Wishes -———
Her name and address is written inside the card and im going to send a reply…
Can you imagine how i felt/feel? This kind gesture brought tears to my eyes, what a lovely thoughtfull thing to do..
10 Sep, 2011
Previous post: B&Q Garden furniture Sale.
Next post: They Arrived :)))
Hi Dee ..What a lovely gesture...
... glad you have the name and address so that you can reply ... you have a beautiful garden :o)
10 Sep, 2011
what a lovely thing to do ~ and well deserved may i say!!
10 Sep, 2011
Awww thankyou Costas Tt and Stickietoffee. Im never going to throw the card away lol. im totally on a high, The lady must walk her dog early or when im at work as i can't recall seeing her. I think ill look out for her now :))
10 Sep, 2011
Well it does look fabulous Ydd. The praise is well deserved I think. But what a lovely thought that was. Wouldnt it be lovely if we all did things like that.
10 Sep, 2011
how lovely Dee and well deserved i think, your garden is always spot on and colourfull, maybe you could invite her to see your back garden :o)) well done x
10 Sep, 2011
You totally deserve it Dee! And she hasn't even met you yet! That's a lovely gesture for a lovely girl!! I think you deserve a little bask in your glory for a while!xx
10 Sep, 2011
Cinders I was thinking the same thing, i wouldn't dream of sending a a card to a stranger :)
Sanbaz, I wonder if she would like to see the back garden, she's welcome but will have to be quick, it will be gone soon..
Libet, Thanks a lot, Im still basking hahaha..
10 Sep, 2011
iv got my full name today have i Dee lol im sure she would love to see, pop a note in and see ;o))
10 Sep, 2011
haha yes, sanbaz, havent called you that for a long time "San" im writing back to her soon as :)
10 Sep, 2011
Ps the curved raised bed isn't there any more, I dug out most of the plants yesterday and added compost today, ready for bulbs and a change of plants next year, hoping to add a few Huchera and i dont know what else yet lol.
10 Sep, 2011
Aww thanks Meadowland..
10 Sep, 2011
you deserve the accolade :o)
10 Sep, 2011
So nice ..:)
10 Sep, 2011
Both your gardens are lovely Youngdaisy, a credit to you, it was really a very nice gesture of the lady who has shown appreciation for what is a sight she admires. I`d be chuffed as well and yes I`d add the card to my treasures.....
10 Sep, 2011
Little do you realise how you brighten some ones day, and yours too, in some case gives them the will to live from your beautiful garden, which I was only saying to a chap just moved in over the road to me who has just done his front garden up with pots of flowers hope you enjoy your new freind to whom you have enspired.
10 Sep, 2011
What a lovely thing to do,Ydd..we often think how nice someones garden is,in passing,but would never thnk of putting it into a letter...I do hope you get to meet her,it would be so nice for you both...and maybe a new found friend !I can see why she wrote it,of course..and very
well deserved...oh,no..have you really pulled all those lovely plants up,in the raised bed ? It looked lovely..
10 Sep, 2011
How fantastic, what an amazing surprise.......a letter expressing the joy your garden brings. x
10 Sep, 2011
Thanks Seaburngirl, Pixi, Linklass, bloomer, Sixpence and lulu, Its true you dont realise how many people see your garden in passing and what it means to them, for someone to let you know what they do think in writing is awesome :) The pics above were taken over a couple of months, the last few weeks have seen it at its best but it will be gone soon and its time to think of next years plants, thats why the raised bed was cleared Bloomer, even tho it hurt me to do it lol, The purple spiked flowers in the first pic look great early on but they flop over eventually, flattening or hiding the other plants, shame as i liked them, and i planted far too many cosmos, a first with them for me from seed and i got a bit too excited hahaha, Never mind another lesson learned with this fantastic hobby of ours!...
10 Sep, 2011
Its just brightened my evening looking at your garden pics Ydd.....Your garden is just perfect...:>)
11 Sep, 2011
How lovely for you ydd, as others before me have said your front garden is looking beautiful.
I love gardening at the front of the house. People often stop to have a little chat and pass the time of day. If they admire the garden (which they often do) it puts a smile on my face for the rest of the day.
How nice that lady must be.... I hope she does come to see your back garden, you may have the beginnings of a new friendship! - gardening can do all that and even more, no wonder we all love it.....
11 Sep, 2011
Aww thanks, Homebird, Motinot, and poppylover, What lovely comments, I dont know anyone (apart from all of you) who loves gardening as much as me so it would be nice if the lady is a gardener, ive got a card to write back to her, ill send it tomorrow..
Thanks again for your lovely, lovely comments...
11 Sep, 2011
it does your heart good to hear such wonderful acts of kindness -- restores faith in human nature--
richly deserved Daisy-- and maybe a new friend too...:0))
11 Sep, 2011
What a lovely lady to do such a thing. You do have a beautiful garden.
11 Sep, 2011
You deserve it and hopefully you will have a friend nearer home to share gardening hints and tips. I know you have been down in the dumps because of the horrible weather during your holidays, this will make up for that disappointment. It looks fantastic, no wonder she is impressed. Maybe the weather has been getting her down too and you cheered her up.
11 Sep, 2011
what a lovely letter to get Daisy...your garden and you deserve it...:-)
11 Sep, 2011
What a lovely compliment :o)
11 Sep, 2011
sooo nice there are some lovely people in the world .
11 Sep, 2011
No wonder you're on a high, Ydd ... richly deserved praise for your beautiful garden which has obviously given this dog-walker a lot of pleasure ... there is a tiny front garden along our street which I admire for the amount of colourful plants packed within ... great to think it brightens the day for people ... :o)
11 Sep, 2011
Hi YDD why does this not surprise me? well for one you certainly do have a beautiful front garden, and back garden too....... this lady is like me, I often stop and admire other peoples gardens, because so many are uncared for and unloved, and it is such a delight to see a pretty garden, it cheers us all, a wonderful gesture.
11 Sep, 2011
So pleased for you Ydd, your lovely garden not only gives you pleasure, but others too:-))
12 Sep, 2011
What a lovely gesture from the passing lady. Well, deserved too as your garden is a beauty. Love all the purple.
12 Sep, 2011
Good for you Dee, well deserved :-)
12 Sep, 2011
Beautiful as ever, YDD, and wouldn't the world be a happier place if more of us expressed out appreciation of things? I wonder if she will ever realise how much pleasure she caused with that simple little note?
When you empty your raised bed, would you mind telling me what you do with all the plants, because not all of them are annuals? Do you have somewhere to keep them in your back garden?
12 Sep, 2011
Thanks for your lovely comments above,
What a good memory you have Scotsgran, Im still a bit fed up about this "summer" and im still going away next year, but im not giving up on the gardens, ive ordered stuff from online sales hahaha, I can't help it...
Thanks sandra, Hywel, Bornagain, angie, Dawnsaunt and Christina, for your lovely comments.
Shirley, people around here think gardening is, cutting the grass :)))
Dottydaisy, Thanks for the lovely compliment, lots of unloved gardens here as well, They dont know what there missing!
Steragram, If i see a nice garden on my travels im going to let them know what i think, ill knock on the door and tell them lol..
I pulled out, Nicotina, Chrysanths, cut back a few perrenials and the overgrown purple plants all went into the brown bin..
Ive sent a card back to the lady this morning..
13 Sep, 2011
What a lovely and very well deserved gesture.
You have a beautiful garden as always (even with a fair few plants now gone I'm sure). I'll look forward to new pictures next year when the new plants start going in.
13 Sep, 2011
Thanks samjp :)
14 Sep, 2011
She's so right though...it's so pretty and so colourful...you really have the 'touch' Daisy....brilliant!
16 Sep, 2011
She's so right though...it's so pretty and so colourful...you really have the 'touch' Daisy....brilliant!
16 Sep, 2011
16 Sep, 2011
Something went haywire. I started to write my comment, my finger slipped and hey presto my comment was printed and I didn't even press add comment. What I was going to say was if I passed by your truly delightful garden I would be tempted to do the same as your admirer. Well done indeed....
16 Sep, 2011
I think anyone would stop and admire your garden, Daisy - it's stunning. Not everyone though would take the time and trouble to pop a little note through your door to tell you how lovely it is. Similarly, not everyone would bother to respond to the lady's kind words, so good for you. Just think; you've been brightening her days with your glorious garden and now she has done the same for you with her kind words. I always think it is often the smallest of thngs which have the greatest impact.
16 Sep, 2011
Fantastic! what a great compliment, You start off creating your garden to your own taste and it also brightens the day of others who see it, what more could you want! [ only wish I could walk past and admire it too! well done Daisy!]
16 Sep, 2011
Very well deserved, how hard you must work. Only just found these 'blogs' not quite used to the site yet but how lovely to see all the beautiful pictures and stories, it sure lifts the spirit.
17 Sep, 2011
How nice of her to do that, but your garden is lovely. when i walk passed anyone garden and it looks nice i think it does make the day, well done you.
17 Sep, 2011
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