A winter walk
By Arlene
My garden is just a frozen waste so no pics there then!…. however here are some from a walk yesterday.
9 Dec, 2010
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Lovely pictures, similar to my walks with Jamie I find it is warmer walking between the trees ,and for the most I quite enjoy it.
9 Dec, 2010
I love that low warm glow behind the trees Arlene. So wonderfully wintery and atmospheric. This is so evocative of times gone by when winter was winter. You came home to one warm room and crowded up to the fire. Dared one another to make the cocoa!!! It was so coooooold in the kitchen. The pipes froze and the attic had no insulation......brrrrrrr. Took 2 hot house bricks in old blankets to bed + a stone hot water bottle. Still woke up with stiff knees in the morning. Bedroom like a fridge. Icy ferns on the inside window pane, which melted slowly as they thawed with the sun, and slid slowly down. Those were the days. Our river is in a concrete culvert. Yours is very pretty.
9 Dec, 2010
Thanks Cinderella and Bjs~love walking in the trees too
hi Dorjac
We have no central heating at the moment so the bedroom's being like a fridge still applies once we turn the heaters off!
I remember staying with my gran who had fireplaces in all the rooms in her stone built home and a huge open range in the kitchen with a large fender with seats.
I don't know how she managed to cook with the oven heated by the fire but I remember her being a very good cook!
9 Dec, 2010
Hi Arlene...
Interesting to see where your dogs walk...
I hope you are well thawed out now ! ;o)
9 Dec, 2010
'Those were the days' Dorjac? I remember being roasted one side by the fire and freezing on the other, dreading going to the loo, fingers so cold they ached (as a child, even), folding up next day's clothes at the bottom of the bed and taking them into the bed to warm them before getting up, ooh no thanks, they weren't "the days" they were b....y awful and I wouldn't want to return to that for all the tea in China. About the only thing I miss is the beauty of the ice patterns on the inside of the windows... and I'll put up with that loss quite happily, thanks, lol!
That walk looks jolly cold, I must say - if it were me out there, be more of a trot to get it over with, Arlene, well done for venturing out, but I guess with dogs, you just have to.
9 Dec, 2010
The fur coat helps them but when they get back they sit there roasting in front of the gas fre in the lounge
9 Dec, 2010
I still miss my brilliant gas fire - this flat has central heating, but you can't beat sitting in front of a fire, I don't think they're mutually exclusive at all.
9 Dec, 2010
Lovely Arlene.......
9 Dec, 2010
that looks like a very pretty walk, love the trees with the sunset glowing behind.
9 Dec, 2010
No wonder you went for a wintery walk Arlene, no C/H! Nearly as cold in the house!!!! My mum used to do fantastic rice puds in the oven next to the fire ( called it a bungalow range). That's where the bricks got heated.
9 Dec, 2010
great photos Arlene,love the one next to last.was only saying yesterday how did we get on years ago with only one coal fire in living room but it heated the whole house..and the outside w.c ..i remember having corned beef legs as a youngster from standing too close to the fire..:o)
9 Dec, 2010
nice pics Arlene bet the lads didnt bother with the water on this walk brrrr
9 Dec, 2010
Wonderful photos Arlene and love how the dogs don't give a dam and enjoying it all even investigating that bit by the tree so funny. Yes I remember the jack frost on the window panes and coal fires having to make them up in the morning fireing up the raeburn to get a cuppa, chopping wood to get it going or using an old shoe when wood I could nt get to start the fire and chucking a bit of sugar on to give it a boost.
9 Dec, 2010
~I remember my grans outside loo was across the road as were all her neighbours',large stone built, immaculately clean but no power~imagine going out in a gale with a torch just to go to the loo!
9 Dec, 2010
In 1977 Arlene I was still doing that only toilet out side furthest place from the house, hopeing you got the right door lol, I can't imagine having to go across the road though lol bad enough out in the yard, I recall when I was about 7 my mums aunties toilet in Wales was right at the top of the garden a wooden plank with a hole in, I think its because years ago they classed it unhygenic to have one in the house.
9 Dec, 2010
Lovely place to walk, Arlene, and your boys are certainly enjoying it. All the talk of cold past winters makes me feel chilly. I only have storage heaters and they are not the best (or cheapest) but are still nice to come home to after a long cold walk :)
9 Dec, 2010
~to be fair sixpence it was a back road without much traffic and behind it was a huge yard, with a massive washouse cum general shed where my grandfather kept all his tools~ he always kept chickens,sometimes ducks and geese and I well remember tiny yellow fluffy things in a large tin bath near a roaring fire and lots of sleepy cheeping if you lifted the cover to have a peep. As they grew they used to roam around on the grass banks leading down to the beach~ truly free range!
9 Dec, 2010
Is nt it wonderful when you think back of what they use to be able to keep in their back yards my mum use to keep chickens not so many years ago, but now you get people complaining that move in around the areas.
9 Dec, 2010
Looks lovely Arlene. I haven't had a good walk for over two weeks now...too much snow and muck. Its thawing now though, so hopefully in a few days I will be able to stretch my legs out properly!
9 Dec, 2010
what a bueatiful walk Arlene...looks like you missed most of the snow like us.....i love the trees in winter , they take on a whole new image naked.....
10 Dec, 2010
Lovely photos nice to see the boys out on there walk.
10 Dec, 2010
fantastic photos,
10 Dec, 2010
thanks everyone ! we have had a sllight thaw but apparently due to freeze again next week~
11 Dec, 2010
Lets hope it all goes before the new year when all the gas and electric are putting up their bills to us.
11 Dec, 2010
Don't know who you're with, Sixpence, but my provider put the gas up on 1st December - by just under 10% too.
11 Dec, 2010
Yes mine too but n power is going to put theirs up in January and some of my children go with them.
11 Dec, 2010
EDF are promising no rises till spring... but I'm with Southern
11 Dec, 2010
Thank you for that Bamboo I have never heard of EDF is southern a good company to be with.
11 Dec, 2010
They seem okay - every time I put my details into the comparison sites to get a cheaper deal, they can't come up with one, though I've not done it in the last year. Maybe I should have another look...
11 Dec, 2010
I bet you were glad to get home. It looks so cold. Nice on a warm day though :o)
11 Dec, 2010
The only trouble is when I get home after a walk in the cold I spent the next 1/2 hour blowing my nose. We are staying with Utility Warehouse, who do not advertise. We have gas/elec/phone all on one monthly bill. Read the meters last day each month, email it in, and pay that by direct debit. Arranged to have meters read every 3/12. Gets rather pricey in the winter months but constant swapping, for more mature persons, not a good idea, as the many senior's visits to Citizens Advice about this worried me. Too many argies over swoptime meter readings, leading to debt, and failure to change provider cleanly.
12 Dec, 2010
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Lovely pictures Arlene, especially like the last one for the colour, and of course the dogs.
9 Dec, 2010