An autumn walk with the dogs~
By Arlene
The leaves have suddenly come down and everywhere is thickly carpeted~
and there have been an amazing amount of hazelnuts and sweet chestnut conkers everywhere
~ time for a drink
the river here was almost non existant but the rains have replaced what was lost and hopefully the kingfisher and the dippers are all enjoying the clear water as much as the dogs~
and of course there are sticks and branches to chew…
did somebody mention tea?
4 Nov, 2010
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I don't think they could have found a bigger stick! lol They look right at home on the forest trails and bridges. Lovely photos, Arlene....and pretty handsome boys they are!
4 Nov, 2010
Two lovely lads there Arlene, obviously like to share as all great mates do........
4 Nov, 2010
Handsome dogs. And those are some nice big ferns along the riverbank - what are they?
5 Nov, 2010
~thank you Cinderella,Whistonlass,Lincslass and Lauram~ those ferns are everywhere locally~think it's either wood fern or male fern~Dryopteris ~
5 Nov, 2010
Like book-ends they're a pair aren't they, handsome too, bet they enjoyed it even more than you. 'tis good to be alve.
5 Nov, 2010
Certainly is good to be alive! I love your dogs they are so big and strong looking, lovely pictures too. My kind of walk this one. Lots of leaf kicking to do! lol.
5 Nov, 2010
Great photo, Great blog, seems to be a nice place for a stroll.
5 Nov, 2010
They really enjoyed that walk by the look of it :o) So did I. It's nice there. Haven't been down that way for years.
5 Nov, 2010
Lovely blogs Arlene, dogs look adorable
5 Nov, 2010
Loved the walk and by the look of it so did the boys ,lovely photos.
5 Nov, 2010
Beautiful photos of your boys, Arlene and the wood looks great too. I went leaf kicking with Millie this morning, lovely crunchy leaves but today it has rained.
5 Nov, 2010
Great photos - looks like a lovely place for the dogs to enjoy without worrying about traffic.
5 Nov, 2010
~thanks everyone~it's a bit soggy here too unfortunately!
5 Nov, 2010
Nice to see your 'boys' doing what dogs 'should' do, Arlene, and in such a lovely place. Is this your usual walk with them?
6 Nov, 2010
Hi Barbara ~ the first photo is where I go every morning and the second one is the lower path apart 15 feet or so further down towards the road
so that you can do a circular route if you want to have a longer walk ~ the river walk is further on again across the road at the bottom of the bank and through the trees ~ I think Hywel knows where this is.
The walk starts at the back of the car park of the local pub(the Gower Inn)
and is a popular summer walk for visitors ~ not so many are here at this time of year,particularly when it is very wet~ usually people with dogs!~although it can get very muddy!
When it gets really hot out on the golf course and down to the beach at lunch time they usually go there instead as it is much cooler.
I hope your Henry is more himself and enjoying his walks too~
6 Nov, 2010
nice blog, lovely photos.
6 Nov, 2010
He is and he isn't, Arlene...sometimes he has a burst of energy and a playful few minutes, then he's back in his bed again. We're just thankful that he hasn't had any more fits! He does enjoy his walks, thank goodness. :-)) Yes, it IS getting muddy underfoot, isn't it!
7 Nov, 2010
Thanks for the lovely walk, Arlene. Your dogs really do steal the show, don't they?
9 Nov, 2010
The "boys" look even more gorgeous with those autumn colours, Arlene, and they obviously enjoy their times there. :-))
9 Nov, 2010
~thanks everyone~I love their chestnut colours too!
9 Nov, 2010
Recent posts by Arlene
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- a walk with Harvey~
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- snowdrops~
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- river walk part two
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31 Jan, 2011
- Forest sell off.
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Nice blog Arlene, and your dogs are gorgeous.
4 Nov, 2010