Hellebore Weekend
By Arlene
~Today we went to visit a local hellebore nursery and here are some of the photos!
21 Feb, 2009
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Oh, aren't they lovely. I really like the one in the 5th photo. Do you remember what it is called Arlene?
21 Feb, 2009
Arlene ~ Wonderful photos.
I'm glad you were able to go out and enjoy your day.
21 Feb, 2009
Hi Arlene,
This is a super Blog with lovely photos of some of my favourite winter flowering plants. I'm glad you had a lovely trip to the nursery. Now, did any of them accompany you back home ? They look as if they are saying 'You must buy me! '
21 Feb, 2009
~not sure what that was Gilli!
a lot of these were taken in their breeding polythene tunnels~3 large ones and most had numbers and dates.They have a website wwwfarmyardnurseries.co.uk with lots of pictures.
21 Feb, 2009
~yes Grenville !
there was a bewildering choice but I limited myself to four 3 lltre hellebore plants which I will take photos of today and lots of primlet primroses which look like mini roses at 3 for two pounds!
Also bought an acanthus and a cream coloured ribes.They grow alpines and lots of lovely mini firs/pines and a full range of flowering perennials, and shrubs. as well as fruit trees etc.Got some fantastic rhubarb!
They do have a lot of land with lots of nice pots too.
It is about 50 miles from home so I will be back!
21 Feb, 2009
Beautiful plants. Now thats my kind of day out, may visit a garden centre today myself,
21 Feb, 2009
How gorgeous are they! How cruel, Arlene! My tongue is hanging out over them...Maybe it's a good thing we haven't got a specialist grower within travelling distance.
I think you were VERY restrained only buying four!
Thanks for the website address - I just had a peek - amazing colours! How about a deep peachy-coloured double! Oh WOW!
21 Feb, 2009
~hi Barbara
I bought one of the peachy ones~ couldn't make my mind up one which to get~was there ages deciding!
The problem is that I already have a lot that haven't opened yet so I don't know what I have. .A while ago I bought a dozen unnamed seedlings from them and they will probably flower this year.A dark pinky/purple is almost open and there are a lot in bud.
I also liked some of the stock plants which were not on sale yesterday and they say you can order so I am thinking of going back on Sunday as I missed the talk on growing tips etc and should have got some rhubarb for my daughter.We will go earlier in the day as didn't get there until about 1pm.
my husband spent most of the day either in the coffee shop or walking on crutches and is very tired ~so he is going to take it easy today while I move my plants around.
21 Feb, 2009
Lovely photos. I didn't realise that some of these colours existed.
21 Feb, 2009
Hi Toto
~I think they were saying they have a 1000 plants~that would not surprise me!Some of the colours are lovely and some of the striped ones I had not seen before!
21 Feb, 2009
That is a lot. Think I'm going to have to find somewhere in my location to get some plants or seeds. The ones you photographed are beautiful.
21 Feb, 2009
They do mail order with a flat rate charge of £10 irrespective of quantity and decent sized plants ~have a look at the site it is very comprehensive!
21 Feb, 2009
Do you know i planted three of these plants last year, but on sign of them, dont know what happened to them.
21 Feb, 2009
~well don't give up yet as they might just be late~I grow mine in pots and cover them if itis really cold!
21 Feb, 2009
My favourite is the third photo - lovely colour. I must try and grow some of these. Hadn't thought of putting them in pots - might give that a try.
21 Feb, 2009
~ hi Gee
two of mine have just opened and I have a fairly small flower
coloured like that with deep maroon spots inside and a a pinkier one also with spots~and looks like a green and pink single~exciting!
21 Feb, 2009
I'm glad you got a peachy one, Arlene! I thought that one on their website was so unusual! I would have bought that one.
But I loved ALL the doubles! :-)
21 Feb, 2009
~definitely spoiled for choice Barbara!
The ones I would like are dark apple blossom and dark pink picotee with the striping as well as most of the doubles~very addictive!~I also got a yellow spotted and white spotted as well as a double pink.
Considering that it was a Friday afternoon 30 odd miles west of Swansea~past the National Botanic gardens which are well worth a visit~ there were quite a few there and I would expect a lot more over the weekend!
21 Feb, 2009
Bit far, Arlene - unless they build a bridge across the Bristol Channel!
21 Feb, 2009
They are fabulous I didn,t realize there were so many to choose from, can,t get them to grow in my garden but seeing those photo,s makes me want to try again......
21 Feb, 2009
~I have just put some more on!
21 Feb, 2009
~Second Severn Crossing as they called it!not that I like crossing it~I feel better when the tide is right out and my husband has to drive on the lane furthest away from the edge!Helicopter much better~or boat all the way round the coast!
21 Feb, 2009
Keep adding, Arlene! That yellow with pink is lovely!
I have a double white one - it is too young to flower, really, although it did have a bud last year when it came (from the RHS) and it opened - so I know what it will be like.
If only I were rich enough to have a private helicopter! LOL.
21 Feb, 2009
i love all these photo sArlene
i've never been to farmyard nurseries but i have met them at garrden shows. they won a gold medal at chelsea the year before last.
i'd heard tell of their helibores..it was nice to see them
thanks for the tour. :-))
21 Feb, 2009
Fabulous day out Arlene,and what a choice ! Glad you managed to select a few...wouldnt have know where to begin whittling it down to four ! Lovely blog..thanks for sharing ....
21 Feb, 2009
Thanks for sharing your day out with us.
Beautiful flowers and fantastic colours.
21 Feb, 2009
You prepared fantastic pictures Helleborusokról.
I envy you, that you may have been between these.
Do they bloom at this time at you already?
22 Feb, 2009
~hello Julibrissin~welcome to GOY!
mine are starting to flower out in the garden now but they can be a bit earlier or later depending on where you live ~later further north I think!
22 Feb, 2009
They do not bloom yet on Hungary at us, the snow was burying everything.
Melts slowly, and it is possible to see the flowers then then. I like them very much.
22 Feb, 2009
Hi there
I went to the nursery again today to hear the owner give a talk on how he started and what he has available now etc~ a real character and very enthusiastic~I have just bought 5 more and will be putting more photos on tomorrow!
22 Feb, 2009
Arlene, this could be infectious!
Absolutely stunning, love these, and this blog ! - X
22 Feb, 2009
~you should have seen their stock tunnels David~rows of plants in flower! They were actually closing when we left~I hope they check the carpark everyday before they close up!
I bought another 5 today!bread and water for the rest of the month!
23 Feb, 2009
I love the botom one its lovely ...thanks for sharing
26 Feb, 2009
So glad you pointed me to your blog Arlene they are all nice but drawn to the yellow one with red centre.
And am I seeing bark a round them.
And I am now hooked yes not as many as you but getting there .
4 Apr, 2009
~Richard Bramley's stock plant tunnels were magnificent
~some of the pots are very large and they did have a bark mulch on top~ Check out their Website at Farmyard Nursery.co.uk~
4 Apr, 2009
Hi, just found your helibore blog, it's lovely.
It is such a shame that my garden is "full up", no room for anything else. Your photos are very appealing.
I did try them a few years ago, and they did not do that well, didn't seem to like my garden at all, so I did not replace them.
love marge.
5 Apr, 2009
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Very pretty! So much more colourful than the green ones we're surrounded with locally to our village.
21 Feb, 2009