What is this sound?
By Gee19
For several nights now, about 1 – 2am, I hear a loud strange noise over in the village pond area. It certainly isn’t ducks. Whatever it is making the noise is quite persistent. Last night I heard it three or four times, with quite a gap (of maybe 5 minutes of so) between the sounds. Its very difficult to describe a sound in words but it is a bit like OhOh, with no gap between the two Ohs!!
I decided last night that if I heard it again I would be brave and go out into the back garden to see if I could spot anything but when I got to the back door it was very dark and my imagination was working overtime so I crept back to bed!! Don’t know if I would see much anyway as there are no lights out the back at that time and my torch was pretty feeble.
That my excuse anyway.
Has anyone any ideas?
Took Grenville’s suggestion of floodlighting the area and, what do you know, he was right all along.
13 Jan, 2009
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Could it be an owl or is that too obvious ?!! Don't blame you for creeping back to bed-think I would have flown back !!
13 Jan, 2009
How strange Gee....could be an owl they do make different calls to the well known toowit twooo.Look at us all trying to describe noises.lol
13 Jan, 2009
If you look at the RSPB site Gee some birds have recordings of their call on the page describing them....does that make sense? LOL
13 Jan, 2009
Good idea Pg...perhaps Gee will be able to identify it there !
13 Jan, 2009
U r Brave Gee id never go into the Dark Garden in winter unless of cos iv got My Summer with me :)
13 Jan, 2009
What if its not a Bird but A Wolf,Bear Tiger :/ that wont be on the RSPB SITE :(
13 Jan, 2009
A tiger going OhOh...Jacque ?
13 Jan, 2009
Well it might be!!!! u hear storys of them roaming the Country side because theyv ecsaped their Cages from the Zoo/Circus they may be discussing their Roooaaaaarrrrr so they dont get caught & caged up again :/
13 Jan, 2009
Or could be people in Kent having spotted the tiger and saying OOH OOH.Or it could be that famous poem..Tiger tiger in the night..going OOH OOH !
13 Jan, 2009
LOL u think so lol :) Thats it then the noise is some 1 being eaten its agood thing u went back 2 bed Gee:)
13 Jan, 2009
Now man eating tigers of Kent..how silly of me not to recognise them lol
13 Jan, 2009
Is it someone from the village removing and washing their 'smalls' in the pond under the cover of darkness?
A motion activated floodlight will surely catch them up to their antics. We hope they are using eco friendly washing powder and not polluting the water!!!!
(Oh, we are naughty!)
13 Jan, 2009
I refuse to accept any responsibility for this - man eating tigers - people washing their smalls under cover of darkness ? Wonder what poor Gee will make of all this when she sees it ? :-)
13 Jan, 2009
LOL only Helping Hey Grenville :)
13 Jan, 2009
OOh you little minx Jacque - just pointing out I m not the only one who can come up with potty theories ! lol
13 Jan, 2009
Of course Jacque..... If water pipes are frozen with the heavy frosts wev'e had lately the only option is to wash them in the village pond. I wouldn't do it in full daylight!!!!!
13 Jan, 2009
Oh I see - that makes sense the moonies of Kent washing their smalls howling ...ooh ooh its freezing !
13 Jan, 2009
This needs to be captured on video Bonkers!
We hope you have a possible solution and explanation for the strange noises now Gee19!
13 Jan, 2009
Aye Grenville - can just hear David Attenborough in that great whispering voice of his ..
And here in deepest Kent we observe a rare sight... under the cover of darkness these shy and elusive creatures perform the ooh ooh ritual never before filmed .....
13 Jan, 2009
Ha, ha, got to say you lot are crazy but very funny! Lol. I think it's a fox ???
13 Jan, 2009
Don't forget Dawn---- Foxes have to keep their smalls clean as well!
13 Jan, 2009
An ooh ooh fox ? Sounds unlikely Dawn could it be someone trying to squeeze a tawny owl into one of those boxes ooh ooh mind out .... lol
13 Jan, 2009
Of course Grenville, that must be it, I'm just trying to picture it, lol.
13 Jan, 2009
Foxes do get up to naughty things at this time of year - and they do make strange mating calls! COULD be foxes,
...or, of course, ghostly beings going WHOOOO...Whoooo. Not trying to scare you or anything, Gee!
13 Jan, 2009
Ha ha, BB: Its actually the sound coming from the "know all" being squeezed into the owl box by me, lol. Sorry Grenville, we'll explain another time.
13 Jan, 2009
Oh brilliant Dawn !! LOL - bit of a night owl Spritz ? Mmm anyone remember that Radio 4 programme used to record strange wildlife sounds and panelists had to guess what they were ? Our answers just as silly so we not alone !
13 Jan, 2009
Dogs going out on their own tonight I will watch from patio!!!!!!
13 Jan, 2009
Careful Lincslass all sorts out there tonight .
13 Jan, 2009
If I hear any noises tonight I am definitely not looking - I have no wish to see my neighbours washing their smalls in the pond and the thought of man-eating tigers terrifies me! (I have had recurring dreams of being chased by lions/tigers since I was a child so my imagination works overtime anyway). Big cats have been reported in this area of Kent in the past and we do have wild boar in the woods but I don't think either of them say OhOh very loudly unless, I suppose, they come across someone washing their smalls. It's quite a high pitched OhOh rather than a deep one, if that's any help. O dear, I think I might sleep with the light on tonight :)
13 Jan, 2009
Glad weve been able to reassure you tonight Gee sleep well xxx
13 Jan, 2009
Are you sure it is an animal? it might be a mating call.....the rest I will leave to your imagination. it happened to me one summer afternoon, no I wasnt making the call, just wondering which neighbour it was , never did find out to this day.
14 Jan, 2009
Ooooo!! DD that's funny.
This is great....man eating tigers,....neighbours that like algae in their shorts....ghostly beings.....Radio 4 doing sound effects......randy neighbours.....whatever next??
Maybe its a heron or bittern or rail. Some of those water birds have very strange sounding calls.
14 Jan, 2009
We often hear the call of deer in our neck of these particular woods. It's referred to as "barking" - or is that me? - but the sound could be described as "oh,"
14 Jan, 2009
Do you remember 'The Good Life' on the BBC in the 1970's? Tom made his own crackers for Xmas with jokes in them. "The ooh-ah bird is so-called because it lays square eggs". Perhaps "oh-oh" is the sound the Ooh-ah bird makes just before it's going to lay an egg?
14 Jan, 2009
When the eggs are laid backwards,
maybe the mystery sound isn't
oh, oh, oh, but ho, ho, ho ?
14 Jan, 2009
Lol Now Thats funny Andewr " Squre Eggs " lol :)Could be that Tiger standing on the Squre Eggs going Oh Oh cos they wouylnt break under his paws Gee ? lol :)
14 Jan, 2009
All this discussion about mating calls- It could be someone from the village who is feeling lonely, and they are trying to attract attention to summon a partner....
Gee, we think you need to contact Miss Marple. It would make a perfect plot for an Agatha Christie film.
14 Jan, 2009
Thank you all for your very helpful (and inventive!) suggestions. I only heard the sound once last night and I had no inclination whatsoever to look out into the darkness. When I next meet up with neighbours/friends I will make some enquiries as I wonder if others have heard the noise too. If they haven't it will mean only one thing - I am as crazy as the rest of you!!
14 Jan, 2009
Lol.Square eggs,very funny,foxes and deer maybe,tigers or some sort of big cat I might go along with cos we get reports here of the black panther or whatever,on a regular basis but I refuse to accept moonies washing smalls.I bet you its An Oozling Bird..........
14 Jan, 2009
Go on then, Lincslass, what's an Oozling bird?!! I bet I regret asking :)
14 Jan, 2009
Or is that an OhOhzling bird??
14 Jan, 2009
Just had another thought .... there's been a full moon these last few nights ......
14 Jan, 2009
Ooooooh! Were-wolves in Kent! How exciting! Can we all come and listen as well - you would have plenty of company, Gee, and you wouldn't be scared with us all there to hold your hand, now would you?
14 Jan, 2009
OhOh - with all the mist we've had here today I can just imagine werewolves in Hamstreet. Definitely will shut all the windows tonight too. If more than 10 of you are coming at once please let me know or bring your own crockery, etc. with you. Please also bring your own garlic.
14 Jan, 2009
Very tired this morning, following my noctural adventure. I must confess, Grenville, that I forgot to check on the type of washing powder being used!!
15 Jan, 2009
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha .... Oh dear Gee, this is very, very funny!
15 Jan, 2009
Oh Gee please check for empty cartons of washing powder lying around and the odd discarded garments!!!
15 Jan, 2009
You say you're very tired this morning Gee, does that mean you joined in with the washing, OhOh!
15 Jan, 2009
So are these werewolves returning to human form after a night out ? Having to wash before commuting ? Bet they work in financial services - well used to make a killing.
15 Jan, 2009
Nice one BB x
16 Jan, 2009
Well! Really! Such goings on in deepest Kent! I am shocked, nay, horrified!
Well - they are moonies in the true sense, aren't they?
16 Jan, 2009
Dear Gee.....do tell us if the mystery has been solved. Have there been any more mysterious goings on in deepest darkest Kent? A few stray bubbles left over in the pond? Stray clumps of werewolf hair caught in the bushes? Miss Marple peering round the shrubbery? Square nests containing the remains of square eggs? Any mysterious No No's to go along with the Oh Oh's? :o)
16 Jan, 2009
Ha ha ha ha. Gee I just found the update photo....all is now clear!!
16 Jan, 2009
Gilli, any noises I hear now I ignore completely! My face is still red with enbarrassment!!
16 Jan, 2009
Very funny, you know what they say about a laugh a day..........
16 Jan, 2009
LOL..... :oD
17 Jan, 2009
Sorry to drag this up again Gee, lol .... but any more sounds lately???
6 Feb, 2009
Is anyone still washing their smalls in the wee hours in THIS weather?
6 Feb, 2009
Yes Andrew, that's what I want to know too! Lol
6 Feb, 2009
No more sounds, Dawn and Andrewr - it was just that one week. The Moonies would have had trouble washing their smalls over the last few weeks as the pond was frozen for quite a long time! Could have been nomadic Moonies, I suppose, and now they've moved on to the next village pond - you had better look and listen out for them :)
6 Feb, 2009
Ha ha Gee, enjoy your peaceful nights!
7 Feb, 2009
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Could you make a recording of the sound and play it back in the day time ?
That might help ?
13 Jan, 2009