By Gee19
Because of the below zero temperatures last week I decided to bring the girls in from hibernation a little earlier than usual. After a day indoors waking slowly I gave both of them a warm bath (this encourages them to ‘wee’ and flushes out their systems after hibernation). They can also take the opportunity to drink if they want to but need to be watched so they don’t wee before they drink!!
Next was Jubilee’s turn. She really loves the water and puts her head right under and drinks with her mouth wide open! I kept having to warm the water up before she was ready to come out and dry.
Not such a quiet household since the arrival of Poppy yesterday! She reacts to any bird noises, squeaks, etc on radio, TV or outside. She also trills like a telephone. Chloe is being very tolerant but, although she is very deaf now, she obviously can hear Poppy and she’s not sure she likes it! She getting her own back by going to sleep on the cage cover!
11 Jan, 2009
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I wonder if they realize how lucky they are,this is the Ritz for tortoises !!! It must be a worry tho not knowing if they will wake or not.With such care they have a very good chance each year !
11 Jan, 2009
Great blog. :o)
What do you imagine the tortoises think of the Polly ?
11 Jan, 2009
~feel good story Gee19~your tortoises are very lucky!
11 Jan, 2009
Great blog...have to agree with Arlene....they have a wonderful home
11 Jan, 2009
So will they stay in the house from now until the spring, Gee?
11 Jan, 2009
Yes, Spritz, they stay indoors now until the weather is warm enough outside and even then I will bring them indoors at night until all danger of frost is past. In spite of their hard shells, they're like delicate flowers!! My dining room is now out of bounds for diners - we eat on our knees.
Hi Dawn, I've had the Jubilee for about 32 years now, Josie for about 5 and Little 'In for nearly a year.
11 Jan, 2009
WOW, 32 years - that is unbelievable - was he/she tiny when you had him/her then?. I remember when I was a child seeing wooden barrels full of baby tortoises for sale outside a local shop - poor things. Most families in our area seemed to have one at the time.
11 Jan, 2009
Hi Again, just realised why named Jubilee - 1977 being the Queen's Silver Jubilee - 32 years ago.
11 Jan, 2009
What wonderful characters and super photos. They are really being pampered...... a nice warm bath, a lovely cosy towel and a gourmet tortoise meal afterwards!
Thanks for this lovely Blog.
11 Jan, 2009
Tortoises remind me of one of my grannies, she had one in her garden.
Your little 'herd' are lucky to have such a good home.
Is there a name for several tortoises together? :-)
11 Jan, 2009
A shell of tortoises?
11 Jan, 2009
My Father inherited a very big old one , I believe it was about 30yrs old .. he didn,t really want to look after it so he passed it on to me . at the time we had recently moved here and I wasn,t sure about how to look after them .. at the same time a plumber was doing some work for us who also had an old one on it,s own so we decided that they should be together for company and let him go , he knew how to look after them properly , we went to visit and it was being looked after very well ....... :o)
11 Jan, 2009
Interesting blog. You running a spa for pets there, are you? : )
11 Jan, 2009
What lucky tortoises!! Wake up after a long peaceful sleep to a full spa session with heated bath and warm towels. I wish someone would do that for me!! LOL.
12 Jan, 2009
Loved your blog, and photo's of your pets, i beleive they can live for over 100yrs or more, cant they.
12 Jan, 2009
Do the tortoises seem to notice Poppy ?
She must be making noises they haven't heard before !
12 Jan, 2009
They certainly can, Clarice. My biggest one, Josie, was estimated to be about 80 by the vet and Jubilee is obviously over 32. She has got heavier over the years but I find it hard to judge just how big she has grown in that time.
Hi TT - the tortoises haven't yet ventured into the living room to meet Poppy - they are sticking close to the heat lamp and who could blame them. Poppy is certainly finding her feet and making more noise now!! :)
12 Jan, 2009
Hi Andrew, I like your suggestion of a shell of tortoises - much better than the ones I found on the web - a creep of tortoises or a rockery of tortoises!! Tortoises don't creep and rockery makes them seem insensitive and unfeeling; I quite like a cluster of Chelonians too. Any other suggestions?
12 Jan, 2009
~ CHUMBLE of Chelonians ~
The meaning of chumble is to chew or munch.
Tortoises seem to do a lot of chomping and scrunching :o)
Yes, the reason I asked about your pets' reaction to Poppy is that I've experience of friends' Lovebirds and they ( the birds not the friends ) can be very vocal ~ much louder than a budgie !
Poppy looks very pretty. The feathers she moults will be beautiful colours. You might be able to use some of the smaller ones to make a feather duster for your doll's house :o)
13 Jan, 2009
Chumble it is then, TT, I like that a lot. Poppy is now up on a shelf in the living room, specially designed for her cage. Chloe is much happier now she is not on the window ledge and blocking the view!! Thanks for the feather duster idea! I also decided the sand from the bottom of the cage can be recycled onto my very damp, clay front garden. I might get a few odd plants sprouting up but it will be interesting :)
13 Jan, 2009
Glad you like CHUMBLE :o)
I'm pleased to know Poppy now has her own special place.
It's important for cute Chloe to maintain a panoramic view of the outdoors. :o)
Good idea to recycle the sand.
Never mind if you simultaneously grow millet ~
and maybe more dubious plants. :o)
13 Jan, 2009
Interesting blog and obviously you have very pampered pets, beautiful bird but a word of warning about your seed tray,we used to have an aviary and I learnt the hard way about putting it on my garden. Lol ,try not to spread it about because you will get a lot of growth from it, however on the plus side the wild birds will love it .....
13 Jan, 2009
You could farm millet and apply the profits to the upkeep of the tortoise and lovebird trust! try to keep the lovebird at eye level as they get "elevated" ideas of their own importance if they are higher than their humans!!
17 Jan, 2009
love your blog and your tortoises.
17 Jan, 2009
Millet farming sound a good occupation for someone retired but I don't think the wild birds will leave much! Poppy already thinks a lot of herself! I have just swopped her into a slightly larger cage with some new toys for interest. She went straight into the new cage and has fallen in love with her spiral swing. She's been so busy exploring everything that she has now nodded off!!
17 Jan, 2009
The new cage seems a great success.
Good idea !
The spiral swing will give Poppy lots of fun. Crocus has what I call his 'whizzer toy'. He sends it round and round for hours on end. Loves it :o)
17 Jan, 2009
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Hi Gee19, your Tortoises are very well looked after. Really enjoyed your blog - have you had them long?
11 Jan, 2009