Two lovely days
By Gee19
This last weekend was the village country fair – so all eyes were on the weather for the weekend but Saturday was warm and sunny with just a little cloud….
During the weekend bands played…..
…and various animals showed off their paces.
There were reminders of days gone by……
….and examples of man’s fascination with machinery…..
Some spectacular flying machines…..
…including WW2 planes that I wasn’t quick enough to catch on camera!!
My favourite ‘flyers’ of the whole weekend was those who took part in the displays put on by Xtreme Falconry….
There were peregrin falcons, a lovely little barn owl, an eagle owl and my favourite the vulture called Damien!
Isn’t he handsome?
Sunday’s weather was a little more cloudy than the Saturday but it didn’t rain, thank goodness. This second day included a motor show, kit cars, vintage and veteran cars and motorbikes and a large display of army vehicles.
As it neared 5 o’clock and the end of the two-day event, our local Sea Scouts played The Dam Busters theme as a group a veterans from WW2 were brought into the arena by jeeps.
The Last Post was played in memory of those who lost their lives…..
…a very fitting and moving end to a great weekend, a real family event.
I hope you enjoyed this ‘taster’ of our village Show – and you didn’t even have to pay to get in!!
8 Jun, 2009
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I don,t know how big your village is Gee but I think that was an amazing show , so much variety , something for everyone ..
Well done to all those that organised it I can imagine all the hard work that went into the planning , the committee meetings etc.
A round of applause to every one concerned ..
I,m pleased the weather was good for you to .. :o)
8 Jun, 2009
what a lovely inclusion of our vetrans.
8 Jun, 2009
What a brill day out.
8 Jun, 2009
Thank you Gee. This is a lovely blog. I am so glad that the weather stayed fine for you and all those who participated in and visited your fete.
8 Jun, 2009
Thanks Gee its great to see a vllage staging a lovely event like that and good weather makes all the difference,lovely photo,s....
8 Jun, 2009
Lovely blog...loved the falconry display..and such a worthy commemoration..thanks for this..................
8 Jun, 2009
You had a great day...........our village fete isnt till August...
9 Jun, 2009
Terrific blog, fantastic photos, particularly loved the birds. Glad you had such a good weekend.
9 Jun, 2009
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~really enjoyed~thank you!
8 Jun, 2009