Found - a lovely nursery!
By Gee19
A couple of weeks ago, before my new internet provider and computer joined forces against me and decided that I spent too much time GoYing so between them cut me off, my lovely son in law arrived one morning and asked if I would like to go to a nursery.Silly question – I had my coat and shoes on before he had finished speaking.
The nursery was one I had visited several years ago and which, while it had some excellent plants, was very dilapitated and the greenhouses etc looked a little precarious!!
I was amazed when we arrived – at first I thought we had gone to the wrong place. The whole site had moved slightly to one side, parking was easy and all the shrubs were in rows, carefully labelled and priced. The greenhouses were much improved (well, most of them!) with, again, carefully labelled and priced plants.
The shrubs were all a good size and all, with few exceptions, were £4. The others were £5 or £6. I didn’t see anything more expensive. It was bliss to walk round. Perennials were also £4 for good clumps of healthy plant. I only came home with two…..
The first was a £5 clematis Ken Donson, which is now happily climbing up my back fence. It was about 5’ plus tall and is now probably over 6’.
The second plant was a little hardy geranium Purple Pillow which I am hoping will not prove to Josie’s taste! (If you wonder what I am talking about see previous blog!!)
If anyone is in the Kent area, and near Ashford, Woodchurch, the nursery is called Hancocks and I thought it was brilliant. No good at giving directions so I will not attempt that but if anyone is interested I will get lovely son-in-law to do directions for me!
I plan a return visit as I have birthday money to spend and I want to revamp my front garden a little. I was going to completely change the front garden, but now its much, much drier I have fallen in love with it again and can’t bear to lose the grass and replace it with shingle :)
I am busy making a ‘wish list’ in readiness for the next visit…. watch this space :)
4 Jun, 2009
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There you are you see , you did need a break from your computer , it was probably overheating ... LOL ..
I,m glad you had a nice time at the nursery , its always much nicer when it,s unexpected , I love those two plant as well,
It,s obviously going to take you longer to spend your birthday money with your long wish list :o)
Let us know what you get when you go again :o)
4 Jun, 2009
I love that Geranium Gee, gorgeous colour.
4 Jun, 2009
Ilove getting money for birthdays & at xmas, then i can go & spend it on what i wont.
4 Jun, 2009
Lovely plants you bought Gee. I'll try to remember Hancocks next time I visit my brother in Kent. Thanks for passing on the information and enjoy spending your birthday money.
4 Jun, 2009
Yes i too love the Geranium, i have quite a few but that is a lovely colour
4 Jun, 2009
Another beautiful geranium for the wants list - gets longer every day! Gorgeous clematis too.
5 Jun, 2009
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Oooh, birthday money (rubs hand with glee!) how lovely! What a nice sil you have!
Love both your plants, don't know how you managed to be so restrained!
4 Jun, 2009