By Janey
A Happy New Year to all my gardening friends. I know it’s a bit late, but I’ve been down with shingles and in my best eye! My sights been blurry as there is an ulcer on the back of my right eye. I’ve had anti vitals and now have gel drops for two weeks to heal the ulcer. Feeling so much better too.
I’ve had a look round the garden and hellebore buds are surfacing, pretty golden celandines nearly out, winter Jasmine and pale blue flowers on the rosemary. How good it is being able to see them, even if not in focus.
Well I do hope everyone enjoyed Christmas and is looking forward so much to spring and a good gardening year for us all. X
13 Jan, 2023
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Janey,so sorry you have had Shingles, and how painful it must have been,but so glad it is getting better now.
I know how awful it is too,but mine was around my waist.
I'm sure the Gel will heal the Ulcer,and hope you will be able to see clearly again soon..
I'm also late in wishing everyone a Happy New Year too,but hope it's a good one both for you,and other gardening friends on Goy..
How lovely to see some colour in your garden, it's very lacking in mine,except for the Birds ! lol xx
13 Jan, 2023
Hi Janey, Happy new year to you as well :) x
Nice to see your Hellebore flowering. Mine are slow but my two white ones in pots have lovely buds on them.
I'm sorry to hear about you having shingles. I know it is very painful, I had it several years ago.
Last summer I got a letter from my GP, telling me now that I am over 70, I could have an injection to stop me getting it again ... so I went to have it. I can also have one against pneumonia and I'm thinking about it.
I've still got some bulbs to plant lol, must do it soon !
13 Jan, 2023
Oh Janey, I’m so sorry to hear about the shingles and an ulcer too … ghastly for you. I had been worrying, as we hadn’t seen you on here for a while.
Great to have you back, and bravely getting out in your lovely garden again.
Wishing you a very happy and healthy new year too! x
13 Jan, 2023
You have really been through it Janey and I hope you are feeling a lot better now.
I am looking for encouraging signs in our garden but not finding many at the moment!!! Pleased that you have spotted some nice things.
13 Jan, 2023
sorry you have been in the wars Janey - all a speedy recovery for you . Happy 2023
13 Jan, 2023
Happy New year Janey glad your feeling better :-) x
13 Jan, 2023
Thanks Shirley, I am sorry to hear about your hubby, but pleased he's all mended now, I'm sure I'm going the right way too..:)
I can imagine just how bad that must have been Sandra, it's strange, that used to be the main site I remember. Yes little pops of colour even after those very low temps of a few weeks ago. I tried to upload more pics, but it liked the one the best, so that's all there is..Haha!
The white ones are strong aren't they Hywel and face outwards more than down. I've a yellow one too which is budding up.
I should have done what you did and had my vaccination, the letter came just a few days before this popped up. So no dithering next time. Yes I've tulips still to plant, they'll be ok for a week or two yet I think. I'm having to prune my Aeoniums right down Hywel as they were bitten by the frost..:(
Oh thank you Sheila, yes I must catch up with winter pics, I've missed seeing them!
A Happy, Healthy and Wealthy New Year..:))
I am feeling much brighter Wildrose, thank you, I was quite surprised to see the beginnings of life and buds, what a welcome surprise, especially the rosemary flowers, I'd forgotten they were January flowering..
Hi Julia, yes I was so surprised to wake up and find I was spotted! Ooh now that sounds nasty with an abscess on your appendix, goodness..:(( Yes, I'm looking after myself, and as much as the three fur babies stare, I am not moving!
13 Jan, 2023
Happy New Year to you, too, Janey. Hope it's a good one for you and your family. Sorry to hear you've had a tough time of it recently but glad things are beginning to improve for you, just in time to enjoy the burgeoning colour outside.
13 Jan, 2023
Sorry to hear of you eye sight problems following shingles. Hope 2023 turns out better for you now.
13 Jan, 2023
Happy New Year to you too Janey and was sorry to hear about you getting shingles.
That must have been awful for you , especially affecting the eye as well.
You can get a shingles injection though!
I hope this will be a better healthier year for you!
14 Jan, 2023
I been missed out reply for some reason lol
14 Jan, 2023
Hoping you’re on the mend, Janey! Sounds like a very traumatic and worrying time.
Best wishes for good health and happy gardening in the year ahead x
15 Jan, 2023
Paul - don’t take it personally, it happens from time to time (and I’m often called Shirley too lol).
15 Jan, 2023
I was sorry to hear that you had had Shingles, Janey! Also sorry to hear about the ulcer at the back of your eye. Hope the drops are doing their work for you & that you are getting better day by day!
I had the Shingles vaccination a few years ago & my wife had it last year. We've both had the pneumonia jabs as well!
Wishing you, & all our friends on GoY, a better New Year 2023 & may it turn out to be a healthy one as well!
15 Jan, 2023
Thank you Paul, it even feels a bit like Spring today..:)) Hope you have a good year too.
I'm sure it'll be a much better one Daylily, hope your year goes well too.
Hi Ange, yes the evenings are beginning to draw out aren't they? Thank you for your good wishes..
Thank you Klahanie, I hope your snow won't linger too long..:)) it'll be good to see your beautiful hummingbirds again!
Thank you for your kind words Siris, I hope we all have a good year, and I can text.now!
Happy New Year Rose! I think a lot of people have had shingles lately, like Hywel and you I was offered the injection, but I ummed and arrhed to long, so it bit me on the bum! Haha, no not there thank goodness..
Paul I think I posted my replies just as you and Daylily kindly sent me messages. I'm sorry I couldn't text anymore then.
Thank you Kate, I couldn't see previously to wish happy new year. I hope all's well with you and your family too.
That's right Sheila, nothing meant..x
Thank you Balc, you both did well and worth having, I won't dither if offered it again next year. Haven't been offered the pneumonia one as yet, but I'll be first in the queue..:))
I hope your amaryllis will soon be flowering, looking forward to seeing pics of those.
Have a happy gardening year too..
15 Jan, 2023
I've had shingles in my eye as well, its flared up quite a few times over the years and I know how very painful it is when an ulcer forms, mine has left me with a lot of scarring on the retina, you have my sympathy Janey...I sincerely hope it is getting better....Best Wishes for 2023....
15 Jan, 2023
Has it Lincs? Oh I am sorry to hear that, it sounds awful! Well it's not as blurred as it was. I hope you manage ok? I've driven today,
and that was fine.
Take care, and let's hope 2023 is much better.
15 Jan, 2023
Hi Janey!
Happy New Year! Hope this year will be a good gardening season for us all - Happy and successful gardening wishes sent your way!
Sorry to hear of your bout of shingles. Eat plenty of greens, with a squeeze of lemon 🍋 so good for your immune system.
I will check in on my hellebore, rosemary and all the gardens spring wonders! A great time of the year for planning the year ahead! All the best to you all x
19 Jan, 2023
Hello A_jh Thank you, a good gardening year is definitely needed! I will take that on board, shingles getting better by the day..:)
Yes now is the time to plan and also for starting off tomatoes if I remember right.
Will look forward to seeing what you will be growing this year. Best wishes.
19 Jan, 2023
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Janey, I have put a 'Like' to your bog for your positive words following your bout of Shingles. My OH suffered almost the same last September, luckily the sight in is left eye was not compromised, despite it being so sore. He found that dabbing Calamine lotion on the affected skin to his forehead, scalp and below ear helped ease the pain.
I hope this year brings us all good times!
13 Jan, 2023