Welcome to the Spring Show
A beautiful Sunny day today just had to get out in the garden, it was a little chilly but I wrapped up warm and armed with my camera out I went.
So much colour and new growth everywhere, I had barely stepped foot outside when I had a little visitor!"
Dovey called to say “I Love You”
[ just as long as I feed him lol] He has been coming on his own these past couple of weeks, I think Lovey is on the nest;0)Well time to go for a look around, with my friend of course!
All the pots are looking colorful and the minature Daffs are puting on a lovely show.
Up the steps and off to see the borders!
The Hellebores are looking good. This one was new last year so Im really pleased to see lots of flowers;0)
Here is Polly’s little rockerey, you may be able to make out the little Cyclamen Coun sent to me from BJS, its great to see them flowering in the first year.
The Euphorbia is Griffthi "Fire Glow, I love color of the leaves, they really do glow in the sunlight;0)
Here is a new plant I couldnt resist Euphorbia," Ascot Rainbow" A real beauty, the color combination is gorgeous!
Another new one I fell for! Euonymus, “Fortunei Harlequin”!
You can see I have been on a spending spree as here is another newcomer Euonymus “Ovatus Aureus”
Here’s a nice suprise, I had forgtten I planted these lovely Pink Helebore’s last year
Ribes fflowers are blossoming now;0)
Just look at the Peony shoots standing up straight like soldiers on parade!
Sunlit Primula
A Colorful Mixture!
“Sandra’s” Hebe, looking forward to see it flower later this year;0)
Spring Tulips, Daffs and “Hilda Ogden” Rose;0)
My latest buy today, Buddliea “Red Pixie” especially for the Bees ;0)
Cuttings and seedlings waiting to be planted on;0)
I hope you have enjoyed the Spring Show, I could go on and on but enough for today! Happy Gardening everyone P.P.,
25 Mar, 2014
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Such wonderful colours there love Polly s little rockery its come on wonderful and yes I can see the pink cyclamen .
25 Mar, 2014
What a bright and wonderful garden. I really love your blue blue crocus, but everything in your garden looks so bright and vibrant and I think dovey approves. Thanks for sharing...very inspirational!
26 Mar, 2014
It's all looking so lovely,Carole..and your new plants are wonderful too..some great choices there.will you plant them out,or keep them in pots? your little shadow,Dovey,is always there to greet you too..I can see you had a very happy time in your garden,and it's so good to be out there again..Where on earth are you going to put all those overwintering plants and seedlings ?? Lol..added to favourites,so I can remember your new buys..and for the lovely photo of you and Dovey :o)
Thanks for the walk around ,and see you soon X
26 Mar, 2014
What a lovely walk I've just had, but then I always do round your garden.Love the Euphorpias.. I bought Europa(think thats its name...lost the label!) the other day, but my stems are still green, hope they colour up like yours.The euronymus Harleqluine as well is lovely.As Sandra remarked...where are you going to put all your seedlings?:-)))
26 Mar, 2014
Me again....Its Euphorbia Purpurea,the name just suddenly came to me...Duh
26 Mar, 2014
Lovely insight into what is flowering am well impressed with how advanced everything appears. Particularly like your Ilex standard.
26 Mar, 2014
Thank you so much for the pictures. I love looking around the gardens. You have so much going on, it is really beautiful.
26 Mar, 2014
Lovely carole, all looking lovely in your garden..
26 Mar, 2014
I enjoyed my wander around your garden Carole and isn't it nice when one has a feathered friend for company, lots of good colours, everything always looks better when glowing in the sunshine even if its a tad chilly as we stand and admire.......
Lovely photographs...
26 Mar, 2014
Thanks Karen pleased I have inspired you on! I have been scarifying the front lawn, [its only tiny thankgoodness, but it was full of moss [hard work! must be exciting for you with your new garden to plant and design;0)
Thanks Thrupenny Im am so pleased with Polly's rockery and its nice to see the cyclamen too;0)
26 Mar, 2014
Lovely as always Carole, your garden looks good whatever the time of year, love the hellebores and euphorbias I bought 'Ascot Rainbow' too last year its flowered all winter,can see your 'Fireglow's another must have, lovely colour.
26 Mar, 2014
Thank you Bathgate, spring is my favourite month in the garden everything looks twice as colorful and is twice as welcome after the drab winter months, a little sunshine makes such a difference and the Crocus in particular shine out in the sunlight;0)
Hi Sandra Im pleased to hear you have added my blog to your favourites, if I forget the name of any of the plants you will be able to yell me lol
Been to the hair dressers this morning then I pricked out lots of seedlings, needless to say my hair looked like a birds nest when I had eventually finished! it was chilly outside, but another job out of the way I also planted a few more seeds Rudibeckia [dwarf] and Penstemon [a glutton for punishment arent I.]You know me I will find somewhere to put them all or send them all round to you lol
26 Mar, 2014
Hi Val Thanks for having a walk around, pleased you enjoyed it!Im sure your Euphorbia will color up I have just googled it and it looks lovely [glad there is someone else like me who forgets names;0) If I have any spare plants left over I will send them your way lol
Thanks Brian I am so pleased to see all the little Cyclamen you sent me starting to flower and love the Pale Green one you can see in the picture, I have to confess I cant remeber what it is called, but the foliage is so attractive. pleased you like my Ilex to I was really smittened with it;0)
26 Mar, 2014
So much is going on in your beautiful neat garden Carole. I just love it, my kind of garden. Can't wait for the weather to improve so that I could be out longer... :))
26 Mar, 2014
Thanks Nannijii nice to meet you and pleased you enjoyed your look around;0)
Thanks Holly, Lincs, Kathy and Michaella its been so nice to get out and enjoy the garden and so pleased to have such lovely comments from gardening friends;0))
26 Mar, 2014
Your garden is looking great - very colourful and I really like the little rockery area, especially the robin watching over it! thanks for the stroll :)
26 Mar, 2014
Thanks Scottish I made the rockery in the memory of my little Scottie Dog Polly and it will always be one of my most favourite places in the garden, glad you like it too;0)
26 Mar, 2014
How lovely to see you with Dovey ... I`ve so enjoyed my walk first up those very impressive steps leading to some great spring planting and your little robin that had a makeover by you last year. The surprise pink Helebores
are a delight and so is the new standard Ilex your OH has very good taste.
26 Mar, 2014
Thanks Stroller for your lovely comments and fancy you remembering the Robin makeoverlast year [he never seems to get any older not like me, I might try one on myself this year] lol
26 Mar, 2014
A lovely stroll round your garden Pansy, thank you. The pink hellebore is on my wish list - I got a bit jealous when I saw that photo!
Simbad I have some small self seeded euphorbias - I don't think they are Fireglow but they are very similar. PM me if you'd like one.
26 Mar, 2014
I love your garden Carole, it's looking wonderful and what a lovely memorial your rockery is. I would love a tame(ish) dove and now you have the their babies to look forward to. That photo of you with dovey is priceless, how did they become so tame? All I have is their fat cousins, wood pigeons, and they're not so welcome even though they're cute:-))
27 Mar, 2014
Thanks Steragram pleased you enjoyed your stroll;0) I dont remember planting thePink Helibores but whatever way the got into my garden they are Very Welcomel;0))
Hi BA The doves have been coming for a few years now, I started by putting a little dish with nuts in it on the patio and always called out their names, after a while as soon as they saw they came flying around, they then got very brave and started sitting on the patio table as I worked there, now I always put their dish there, its safer and keeps away the Woodpigeons! I have seen quite a few generations of babies who dont seem at all frightened and come with their parents;0))
27 Mar, 2014
Carole, your Spring flowers are a sight to behold! So much colour in there ... love the standard Ilex and the photo of Dovey is wonderful ... don't seem to get Collared Doves in my garden any more :o(
27 Mar, 2014
Hi Shirley So pleased you like the garden and of course Dovey too, hope all is well I will you a p.m laterxx
27 Mar, 2014
What a lovely stroll around a very lovely garden! :-))
27 Mar, 2014
All looking lovely in your garden, Carole. I love the pink hellebores too and all the 'bits and bobs' - chimney pot, fountain, bird feeders etc. Such a nice idea to make the rockery in Polly's honour.
29 Mar, 2014
After spending some time working in my garden today I felt really tired but, having had a wander round your lovely garden, I feel really invigorated and inspired to continue with my 'makeover'. Really enjoyed seeing it all. I have just added Harlequin to my garden too - great minds think alike :)
29 Mar, 2014
Hi Carole ..
Your garden is looking very pretty ..
.. and lots of lovely seedlings too ! :o)
30 Mar, 2014
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I DID enjoy it Carole! And you've just renewed my excitement for spring and for my new garden! I've been scarifying today, and it will be a few more days work to get that done. But it's wonderful to be out there with the birds and the spring flowers! Just perfect. And soon we will be in April, which is only one month before my favourite month of May! :))
25 Mar, 2014