A Farewell Tribute To Polly, Our Beautiful Scottish Terrier and Faithful...
Our little friend passed away on August the 25th 2009, one of the most difficult and saddest days of our lives, she had been our loyal companion and best friend for the last twelve years and we loved her dearly. Polly was diagnosed with Servere Congested heart Failure in March this year after I had taken her to the Vets due to lack of energy, loss of weight and a cough. Despite medication she slowly faded until she no longer wanted to go for walks, continued to lose weight, had difficulty breathing and finally stopped eating ,she was also hiding herself away in corners throughout the house, it was pityful and heartbreaking to see her and we both knew the quality in her life had gone. Although it was something we had talked about we both knew it was time to say goodbye, she passed away at home in my arms and today we buried her Ashes under the little Salix Tree in our garden. We will never forget her or the love and joy she brought to our lives.
We would like to thank everyone for all the wonderful support and messages and PMs we have had from our Goy Friends, a special thankyou to Amy for writing a little Blog to inform members of Polly’s death. hope you will share with us this tribute to Polly.
Polly was such a good little dog, she slept through the nights and very quickly became house trained, she was full of mischieve too ruuning off with my hand brush and attacking the vacume cleaner whenever I decided to do some housework. She adored George our cat and copied everything he did, she was quite crafty too and would clean up any left overs on his plate. At first George wasnt very happy sharing his home but after the first few days they became very good friends and had lots of fun chasing each around the house
Will You Be My Friend?
Growing up fast now
Lots and Lots of lovely Long Walks
In The Heather and across the Fields
A Little Rest For Mum, then Off we go again , through stiles and amongst Wild Flowers
Then Home to see My Mate
A Time For Change
In 2005 we left our country cottage to live in a Bungalow in Mossley Lancashire, For Harry and I it was an easier style of living, for Polly she had access to a larger garden and still had countryside walks from the doorstep. My New HomeThis Will Do For Me
Room For Football And Places To Hide
Lots Of Lovely New Walks
Through The Woods
Meeting New Friends
On My Holidays
A Right Little Poser
Snow, Snow, And More Snow
Christmas 2008, Look What I Got|
The next pictures were taken this year when we first began to suspect that all was not well with Polly
Snow Again
Trouble With This Snow Doesnt Half Stick to the Old Whiskers And Feet
Want To Play Mum
Time To Just Have A Little Sit Down Now
Its My Birthday! A Big Cuddle With My Mum
Just Thought I Would Brighten Myself Up With A flower In My Hair our last picture of Polly]
The last two weeks have been very hard for us, Today we buried Poly’s Ashes in the garden under the little Salix Tree, I Planted Viola’s and Harry found a stone on which to put the Inscrption “My Best Friend” Rest In Peace Dear Polly.
6 Sep, 2009
You obviously adored your little dog,
and I can see she led a full and rewarding life with you both, with lots of very happy memories which in time wont be so painful, having 'lost' many pets over the years I can fully understand what you are going through..........
6 Sep, 2009
Glad you felt able to post this blog PP as perhaps the first steps to coming to terms with your loss ..Jane had 4 rescue dogs and suffered each time much as you have done .
As I always reminded her and your pictures prove to give an animal love and affection will always be rewarded .. never ceased to amaze me that despite their previous circumstances these pets over came their difficulties .
A pet that has grown up surrounded by such love will have been a treasured family member a happy life is all any of us can ask for and the path you gave Polly should surely help her rest in peace. x
6 Sep, 2009
oh Carole i can hardly see to type here with tears in my eyes, what lovely pictures of polly and you all enjoying yourselves, i especially like the snow ones, polly certainly had a happy and very loved life, wonderfull tribute to a wonderfull little doggy and friend.keep all these happy times in your heart carole and harry, love sandra x
6 Sep, 2009
What a special tribute to your little friend. The pictures were lovely and her resting place is very fitting. Take care. X
6 Sep, 2009
I am sorry for you I have a tear in my eye and a lump in my throat.
6 Sep, 2009
My heart goes out to you. What a wonderful and loving tribute to her this is. Even though she's gone she'll always be with you and she won't be hurting anymore.
7 Sep, 2009
She was a lovely little dog...you have some wonderful photos to keep her memory alive... didn't she just love to pose for the camera?! What a comfort to have her still with you in her garden...thinking of you.x
7 Sep, 2009
Oh Pansy, tears on my cheeks :(
You've written a lovely blog - a lovely tribute.
Rest in peace little Polly x
7 Sep, 2009
such a lovely blog to a loyal friend, Pansy it must have been hard losing such a sweet puppy, our pets are family and it's never easy seeing them go
7 Sep, 2009
Thank you for this wonderful blog with so many lovely photos of Polly. Some of these you put individually onto GoY and I've been delighted to add them one by one to my favourites.
Polly was a very special Scottie. She provided you with so many marvellous memories which will always be with you. xxx
7 Sep, 2009
God Bless Polly. It has happened to me too, but I try to think of them when they were young and full of life running and playing with their friends in Doggy heaven.
RIP beautiful girl xx
7 Sep, 2009
so sorry to hear about Polly,heartbreaking news
its a terrible time when you loose a very much loved friend
our thoughts are with you PP
good bye little Polly
Deida and Percy xx
7 Sep, 2009
What a wonderful Doggy life Polly has had Carole , she was so happy with you and Harry .. the photos are a wonderful tribute to a lovely little dog , I love the best friends ones ..
We bought a little statue that resembles our old friend and I still go out and have a word with him where he is buried in our garden ..
You and Harry will always have those wonderful happy memories , Polly , will be chasing bunny rabbits somewhere in that big garden .she knew how much you loved and cherished your time with her ..
Take care xx
7 Sep, 2009
~you need have no worries that Polly had a good and happy life and she will always live in your hearts ~
love xx
7 Sep, 2009
What a lovely tribute to Polly. We can all see what a wonderful life she had with you and how much you both enjoyed it It's so sad when it's time to say goodbye to our beloved pets and gets no easier however many times we have to do it.
7 Sep, 2009
Thank you all for your lovely comments, Its heartwarming to know there are so many wonderful kind friends on Goy, your messages have kept me going through the dark hours and I feel so much better now that Polly is back home where she belongs and is at peace. Will be catching up with all your pictures and news over the next few days. Love Carole xx
7 Sep, 2009
Looking forward to seeing you back Pansypotter we have all missed you.
7 Sep, 2009
Thank you for sharing all those lovely photographs. What a delightful little dog.
7 Sep, 2009
Thanks Ginellie I thought it would be very difficult to do, but found it very theraputic reliving all the happy times.
Thanks Morgana looking forward to being back amongst friends xx
7 Sep, 2009
That...Pansypotter...is a fab new username picture above. Lovely.
7 Sep, 2009
What a lovely way to celebrate Polly's happy life with you. Thank you for sharing it.
7 Sep, 2009
Beautiful Polly, my heart feels for you Pp as we lost our little pom in july age 13,its so difficult to let go of them, we buried wee pepe in garden and bought little plaque "Dogs leave Footprints on your Heart". i hope you will feel little better shortly,it takes time xxx
7 Sep, 2009
Thank You Fluff pleased you like it. Thanks Gee thought it was something that would give a little insight into the kind of Doggie Polly was.
Thank You Mobee sorry to hear you have lost your little friend too, it is so heartbreaking life will never be the same without them its good that your little dog is close to you like Polly.
7 Sep, 2009
Thankyou Pansy for sharing this blog. It must have been very hard for you to write it and add all those wonderful photo's. So many beautiful memories.....
7 Sep, 2009
My heart goes out to you Pansy. I know how hard it is as Like so many others have gone through this three times. Try not to think of the loss of your beautiful little friend but of the many years of happiness she gave to you.
7 Sep, 2009
Think you fetched tears to most of our eyes,but it is a lovely tribute to Polly, and thankyou for sharing those treasured moments with us.
7 Sep, 2009
Helo Milky. yes it was hard but in other ways it helped me come to terms with our loss and realise just how precious the memories are and that they will always remain with us forever.
Thanks Toto although it is hard at this moment in time , you are right as the sadness fades we will have always have the happy times memories of dear Polly.
Thank you Carol I do think it helps to share with friends
that understand and care.
7 Sep, 2009
what a beautiful tribute to a dear friend. Polly was certainly well loved and gave so much love in return xx
7 Sep, 2009
Thanks Irish, she certainly gave us lots of love which will remain with us always.
7 Sep, 2009
Sorry PP - yes see the wooden puffin we visit Bempton quite often so will think of Polly on our next trip.x
8 Sep, 2009
Thanks BB wil post some pictures I took of the Puffins and the birds when I get round to it, Lovely place isnt it!
8 Sep, 2009
It must be very strange not to have Polly around you, But her spirit will stay nearby, an awful time, so many understand that loss and their thoughts are with you wishing you well.
8 Sep, 2009
Oh Pansy,she was a little cutie and I`m so pleased you were able to write this tribute to her. As you can imagine I`m in tears writing this as no doubt you were doing it but I know that looking through the many photo`s and video`s is helping us because it also makes you think of the happy times as well. Polly is at peace and you have placed her in a lovely spot. XX Sue....
8 Sep, 2009
Thanks Sue will Pm xx
9 Sep, 2009
Just read your blog and my heart bleeds for you, but rest assured she will be waiting for you at " Rainbow Bridge ".
God Bless.
9 Sep, 2009
Your family and your Polly were blessed to get to spend time together in this life. Love lives on...xx~Cat
10 Sep, 2009
Thanks Val what a nice thought Rainbow Bridge.
Thanks Cat It certainly does in all our precious memories.
10 Sep, 2009
Beautiful blog Carole I am so sorry to read about your Polly ,lots of lovely memories ,thanks for sharing them with us x
10 Sep, 2009
Thanks Janette
10 Sep, 2009
Oh Pansy, I had no idea you had lost her, I'm so sorry. What a lovely tribute to her this blog is. Her photos have made me laugh, smile and weep, they are all so lovely and show her character so beautifully that I feel I knew her, thank you. My thoughts are with you.
10 Sep, 2009
Oh dear how very very sad, I have 2 Bedlingtons you can see their picture, Larry nearly died last year and I know how you feel, he is 5 now, I rescued a Beddy, and had to let her go to a knew family, but I cried buckets thought I had let her down etc. I belong to bedlingtondogs.blog it is a lovely site, and we are all a bit dog mad. Bear in mind you gave her 12 wonderful years, unlike some of the other poor little souls out there, wishing you well. x
11 Sep, 2009
Thanks so much BA for all your lovely comments Polly was so special to us and like all our doggie friends had her own distinctive character, missing her lots but also cherishing all the good times we shared.
Hello Patricia how nice to meet you, thanks for your caring message. it is a very sad time for us but feeling better now as I read all the lovely comments and support that all the lovely people have given, Will have a peep at your pictures later today, looking forward to meeting your doggies.
11 Sep, 2009
First time seeing your blog, PP, sorry for the delay. A lovely one it is.
Little Polly was obviously so dear to you, and anyone can see why. What a beautiful girl.
RIP, Polly.
xoxo PP.
11 Sep, 2009
Thanks so much Newfie, at peace now! xx
11 Sep, 2009
Searching for a stainless border fork, I found GOY and your tribute. My 12 yo rat terrier, Milagro, passed Tuesday, Sept 8, outside with me in the garden. That was his last gift. He has been on 6 medications for heart problems for over two years, and went through the same process as your Polly. The theophylline helped with the cough: it's for asthma. Such courage to stay by my side so long! But it's a relief, isn't it, to let our friend move on? When the earth settles, I will plant a Choisya "Aztec Pearl" with fine leaf foliage and spring fragrance, along with some native bleeding hearts. Treasure the love so freely given. (Have to wait for my daughter to help with the avatar!)
11 Sep, 2009
Oh Orgratis I am so sorry to hear about Milagro same age as our Polly so very sad heartbreaking isnt it, but I wouldnt have wanted Polly to suffer any longer, life is all about enjoyment especiallly for our Doggie friends. my most difficult part was having to call the time. but it was something I know I had to do for Polly. I have both Aztec Pearl and Bleeding heart in my Garden so will think about your loss whenever I see them.
11 Sep, 2009
Oh PP, I am so very sorry, my heart aches for you. What a wonderful blog, all those lovely memories of her. She is safe and well now and running free, back to the puppy she once was. It is very hard I know, take care.
12 Sep, 2009
Thanks Pam Yes its very hard , but like you say her pain has gone and she is at rest now and we will never forget her. xxx
12 Sep, 2009
I've just looked at your blog again, with the same response. Her little head peering over the ball shaped shrub, her dignified look as though to say "what's so funny" when she had all that snow stuck in her beard, so funny. Her obvious enjoyment of life makes me smile and then the pain of loss brings tears. We all have to make the dreaded decision, and I think, in their own way, they let us know when they've had enough and it is time. thanks again for letting us meet her.
12 Sep, 2009
So pleased you are enjoying the pictures enough for a second look thanks again Bornagain.
12 Sep, 2009
Oh, I've so enjoyed your beautiful tribute to darling Polly, Pp......such a lovely friend to have all those years and all the moments you've let us share too.......my heart goes out to you both .....much love XXX
14 Sep, 2009
Thank you Janey for your kind words although its getting easier to talk about her now we miss her so much, We are off in the morning for a Pick Me UP break to Derbyshire, the first holiday in over 12years without her, but looking forward to getting away for a few days pampering. and sightseeing xxx
14 Sep, 2009
Dear PP your Polly sure did have a wonderful Life so full of Walks,Fun& Love :) Brought a Lump 2 my throat PP as i know how much it hurts lossing a Close Family Pet , My Thoughts go out 2 u both I hope u have a Great Time XXX
14 Sep, 2009
Thanks Jac, we will try our best!
14 Sep, 2009
Sorry to hear of your loss as well, PP. We all enjoyed our pets when we could. As our Boli died just a couple of days ago I understand your loss. She was the last of the 5 we brought back with us from Spain 8 years ago.
During the last 3 years we have seen how 4 of them have died of congestive heart failure, including Boli. The only one that didn't died of a brain tumour.
We miss then all just as you miss your little one.
Enjoy your holiday.
25 Sep, 2009
Thanks Balcony, so sorry to hear about Boli, have sent you a Pm,Take care xxx
25 Sep, 2009
Very sorry ;-(((((( it really makes me sad for a pet like Polly, but life has a beginning and end !
21 Jan, 2013
Thank you Junna I still miss her so much, she is in my heart forever.x
21 Jan, 2013
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7 Jul, 2009
Such a lovely blog and I adore the picture of Polly between the stones, she had a wonderful life and every picture shows it she has now become a flower in a different world, and the little grave is so wonderful and looks great It tickled me with the photo of George with Polly outside your home with George with his paw, as if to say when you reach this spot its time to wipe your paws. Hope you and your hubby always remember the fun times with her as that what counts.
6 Sep, 2009