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How Are Your Veg Doing?? ......I hope my son will keep mine watered while we're away in North East next week with our comedian son!!!!

Are your vegetables doing particularly well this year, or is it just down here in...



20 Aug, 2009

Kitchen chaos!!

At love has come along.......... Nah, the words SHOULD read: At Last, my...



19 Aug, 2009

Wild Blackberries

Myself husband and our three kiddies all went to our local park for a kick about...



19 Aug, 2009

Dahlia update for Bamboo and Bertiefox

A few weeks ago you answered my question regarding this rather odd Dahlia and I thought...



19 Aug, 2009

You know you are losing the plot when you...

Get an email to say unfortunatly I have not been succesful in a job I had applied...



18 Aug, 2009

A Climbing ,Clinging & Berry Barering Plant ???

Its in My Laural Trees & I think its Very Pretty :) I dont have a Clue what...



17 Aug, 2009

Grubs up?

As there has been nothing to report in our gardens here of late. I thought I would...



12 Aug, 2009

The progression of a path......

So 2 days ago, Ali took her son shopping and on her return, handed me a little pressie...



9 Aug, 2009

The Arm of the Law

Murphy's Law, that is; or maybe it's Sod's. Whatever it is, I seem to be subject...



9 Aug, 2009

Hotel Des Coupages!

Well, another truly mad day in the life of Madperth! A gorgeous sunny day today....



5 Aug, 2009

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It must be Spring!

By Sheilabub, 9 Mar, 2025

Back again with a different name (Penn as was)

By Hapenny, 5 Mar, 2025

Yesterday's visit to see family in Cardiff.

By Meadowland, 28 Feb, 2025

A day of two halves

By Shirley_tulip, 24 Feb, 2025

A stroll around Highdown Gardens

By Shirley_tulip, 21 Feb, 2025

Tidy up time!

By Cottagekaren22, 15 Feb, 2025

See all the latest blogs»


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