Should I send this to our beloved Chancellor of the Exchequer
By wagger
Letter to the Treasurer
Dear Mr.Darling,
Please find below our suggestion for fixing Great Britain’s economy.
Instead of giving billions of pounds to banks that will squander the money on lavish parties and unearned bonuses, use the following plan. You can call it the Patriotic Retirement Plan.
There are about 10 million people over 50 in the workforce.
Pay them £1 million each severance for early retirement with the following stipulations:
1 They MUST retire.
Ten million job openings – Unemployment fixed!
2 They MUST buy a new British made car.
Ten million cars ordered – Car Industry fixed!
3 They MUST either buy a house or pay off their mortgage.
Housing crisis fixed!
4 They MUST send their kids to school/further education/university.
Crime rate fixed!
5 They MUST buy £100-worth of alcohol / tobacco a week.
There’s your money back in duty/tax, etc!
It can’t get any easier than that!
Yours sincerely,
The Whole Country
PS If more money is needed, have all members of parliament pay back their falsely claimed expenses and second home allowances.
30 Aug, 2009
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I love it ...... It might even work!! Are you volunteering to take over as Chancellor too Wagger?
30 Aug, 2009
I couldn't do any worse, Lily. lol
30 Aug, 2009
Brill Wagger, and as you say it will probably work.
Lets start a 'Wagger for chancellor' campaign. :~))
30 Aug, 2009
I second that Ian!
30 Aug, 2009
Thanks Fluff.
Does anyone know how to register someone for election to parliment?
30 Aug, 2009
We could definitely run the country between us, don't you think??
30 Aug, 2009
You might need to dye your eyebrows Wagger or get some false ones!
30 Aug, 2009
And start deciding what you want to spend your expenses on....Lol
30 Aug, 2009
but if we are unemployed will we become delinquents? I've always been a good girl I have, honest! and what about all the pollution our new cars will produce?
30 Aug, 2009
We don't actually have to use them SBG, being good citizens we'll walk everywhere or use our bus passes!
30 Aug, 2009
I'll sign up for that , where's the form........
But must I really spend £100 a week on alcohol??? ...Oh, alright , you've twisted my arm!!!!!
I wouldn't know where to find the English made car though!
30 Aug, 2009
30 Aug, 2009
Crikey, Fritz. He'd better make it £2 million!
30 Aug, 2009
30 Aug, 2009
Hey Ian my sentiments entirely 'Wagger for chancellor'
I think it's got a good ring to it, Put my name on the nomination form too.
I think we should all have english cars like my .... erm .... like ... er ... well I USED to have an english car.
30 Aug, 2009
Triumph!! well if oap s and one parent widows with children can run a house on the money (Pittance ) they get from goverment, then course we could run the country better. I applied for help once and was told I had to pay it back, so I appealed and asked Dear Sirs, or should I say dear Gods as this is what you think you are, I along with oaps widows and one parent families want to know who is getting all this money they state is unclaimed, they keep it in a bank account. I had a visit of a chap who was discusted the way I had to live and discusted with my social department and told me I did nt have to pay it back, which was all of 25.00 to cloth my children as I had to live off 16.00 per week pay rent, 5.00 ,electric, gas, and food for myself and 2 children, and it was the council who told me I would not get housed unless I got divorced, so I did, prior to this, they kept us when I was married in b&b for nearly 1 yr at the cost of the tax payer of 119.00 per week plus nearly 100.00 for eating and washing, tell me where was I better off, and this amount of money could of bought at the time in the 70s a piece of land and a newly built house, if you add up 119.00 over a year plus money for food and washing. Goverments create all this setting man against man, then place the blame on either one parents or disabled like at the moment to throw you off what they have done hoping you ll all forget. or they do it to throw you off what they are up to behind our backs. All people fall for it.
30 Aug, 2009
Wagger for chancellor. Yeah!
31 Aug, 2009
I will second that, they give it the banks cause of the share holders, who are the share holders them.
31 Aug, 2009
Brilliant blog, agree with it all.
31 Aug, 2009
Well, I'm lost for words so would obviously be no good as an MP, lol.
Perhaps we could do it as a co-operative!
31 Aug, 2009
LMAO Wagger lost for words !!! he he he, you would make a great MP you would nt need that top qualification, A1+ lieing he he ha ha ha
31 Aug, 2009
31 Aug, 2009
Here here Ian she has my vote Wagger X there s my cross
31 Aug, 2009
\In the last European Elections, it has just come to light, that the Green Party would have won, but........................................................................................................................wait for it..................................................................
All their voters put their slips straight in the recycling box!
1 Sep, 2009
LMAO brill one Paul I like :)
1 Sep, 2009
Don't tell too many people orGraeme won't be able to use it in his act anymore!!!!
2 Sep, 2009
Tell Graeme it's a great one Paul, even made my husband laugh!! lol
2 Sep, 2009
Oh good, Graeme could get him some regular work as an audience!!!!!!! Better than some of his audiences, they just give a blank look when he does that one.
2 Sep, 2009
Perhaps they're so ignorant they don't know what either the Green Party or recycling is!!
Must be a very hard way to earn a living, easy to get demoralised I should think.
2 Sep, 2009
Well, yes. I'm afraid we're off to one of those sorts of places tonight., Jaywick near Clacton. The young, not so bright ones don't usually get comedy so he tends to do more visual stuff for the kids in those places. And get's them all shouting out football teams and where they're from etc. I'm afraid that's the only sort of thing some people see as entertainment. The days when people sit and listen to a comic are slowly slipping away!!!
2 Sep, 2009
Send it Wagger, we are all behind you............
2 Sep, 2009
So all the eggs would hit me first, Milky? Perhaps rotten tomatoes would be more appropriate, lol.
2 Sep, 2009
Good luck to Graeme tonight then Paul. I'm sure he will find the right level even though it may not be very satisfying for him. :o)
2 Sep, 2009
Hope he has a great time tonight Paul, It was said of the tv ther other night about comedians you know a good one when vile swearing and filth is not spoken all are left to the imagaination which people now a days have lost an imagination, the old comedians and top nobs were slateing most of these so call modern one on tv saying they have to sware or be vulger as there is nothing up top with them
2 Sep, 2009
No swearing in Graeme's act, he'd never work a holiday camp again if he did. He went down an absolute storm last night at Martello Beach, Jaywick (nr Clacton) One of his best holiday camp gigs this year! I particularly like to see lot's of young people laughing and enjoying his act because they are the tougher audiences. Older people tend to listen and appreciate more and are, therefore generally better audiences but it was mainly young families and teenagers last night!
3 Sep, 2009
Thats great I am pleased for him and glad you both enjoyed it well done, lets hope his driving lesson goes the same way for him fingers crossed XXXXXXXXXX and toes he he
3 Sep, 2009
Glad the gig went so well Paul, especially as you were uncertain about it. Congratulations to Graeme, sounds like he's doing well, lets hope his good fortune continues.
3 Sep, 2009
Thanks, you two! Yes ,a s you say , let's hope driving test goes as well next saturday.
4 Sep, 2009
Your welcome Paul positive vibes are for him from me and looks like Lily2 also.
4 Sep, 2009
Vote for Wagger and all is well
leave in these other and its straight to hell
4 Sep, 2009
I agree Ian
4 Sep, 2009
Excellent blogWagger and what a strategy, since the time they bailed out the banks I've been saying that they could/should have given the money to the people to pay off the mortgages outstanding and have money to drive an economic recovery. However it won't fix anything as we live in a "fiat" economy anyway! Its all just paper and balance sheets. The key to the problem is actually NOT to vote ,doing that means that you withdraw your consent to be governed by them(any of them) which subsequently means you withdraw your consent of any of their legislation from rubbish fines to income tax! See how far they get when they have NO revenue to service THEIR debts with, its a HYDRA too many heads to kill, unless you know that chopping off the tail (us, and our revenue worth) is the fatal blow!
12 Sep, 2009
Now Indy you know they would nt give the people the money he he as they have to give it to the banks to keep their share holders which are the ones like Micheal Hesiltien, does that ring a bell of an english mans name, Hesiltien, no it does' nt to me either. I was alway told if you crossed all the box s it would be bought up in house of commons and if you did nt vote you none vote went to the one with the most votes. have I been miss informed.
12 Sep, 2009
Crossing all the boxes means its a spoiled ballot paper and doesnt count,though they do know who's it is as theyre all numbered and matched to your voters card number(secret ballot my...)
Not voting at all is dissention ie you either do not agree or you do not care enough to vote for or against. Only just over half(52%) of the population voted last time round and Labour got in with 26% only just over a quarter of the possible vote, not a clear mandate from the people in my book. A quarter(less actually as I know many labourites who were on the peace march to London) took this country to war ruined the economy etc etc etc it makes me sick to be a part of this hypocracy they call a democracy!
12 Sep, 2009
I ve known about the number on who you are for years Indy :o) This was being discussed a few nights ago on the radio from a top person of years ago cant recall his name, he said there never has been a democracy ever, I agree with every word you say but you have to get quite a few people to stick to gether and the english never do this ever, moaners that all we do, we are too independant of one another, this is why forign people get what they get and people moan its because they are as one, a family unit, they discuss it eg, they get to gether as a whole family Temple, sinagog etc weather to pay the poll tax, this I know for definate. We are bought up to be bowers as my mother said and she is right, as long as the english man has his back pocket filled he is oblivious to his fellow man then when he loses his job and shouts no one wants to listen as you are classed in this country as a down and out if you dont work or not rich so your voice is worthless, so then its too late.
12 Sep, 2009
Agree totally Morgana!
14 Sep, 2009
Thank you Indy
14 Sep, 2009
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Wow, now thats an idea.
30 Aug, 2009