New grandchild
By balcony
Met my 5th grandchild yesterday for the first time – he’s lovely! It was good to hold him in my arms – though as he slept most of the time I doubt he realised anyone was holding him, let alone his granddad!
Meet George:
He is mainly the reason I’ve hardly been on here in the last couple of weeks! Between helping looking after his brother & sister my wife & I have been very tired! As they need soooo much attention it’s difficult to do anything else. Still, we love them to pieces! <3
George was born 19th November & his mum took the photo a few hours after his birth. :-)) She sent me it over her mobile phone. What a marvellous thing technology is today – when my 3 kids were born we had to wait till the baby was home before being able to take any photos, then they had to be developed before you could see what you had taken & hope they would come out alright. Then you had to send them by post to whoever you wanted to send them to – all this might take a couple of weeks & if the photos weren’t up to scratch you had to put up with whatever you got! Now you can send them around the world in question of minutes or even seconds If you don’t feel happy with what you’ve taken you can delete it & take another one within seconds – you couldn’t do that years ago, if you messed up you couldn’t “delete” it & take another immediately!
25 Nov, 2014
Previous post: Pumpkins on our allotments 2014
Next post: Changes afoot – on the balcony! (Part two)
So beautiful congratulations and enjoy.
25 Nov, 2014
And, how right you are about the couldn't delete them in the past ... U had to wait to see what they were like and, many of us have wasted lots of film !!
The technology is excellent.I am a Father Christmas and have recently(last couple weekends) worked in a grotto in a Winter Wonderland type set up.They have a photo set up there where I get the kids/parents to sit next to me...I can see them on the screen in front of me then I press a doorbell type button and it takes the picture...It appears on the screen and if the parents don't like it because one of the children is looking the wrong way or not smiling, I just take another one!!
25 Nov, 2014
Thats a lovely photograph Balcony, George is a bonny boy and I wish him well for the future, another grandchild for you to love and spoil..
Congratulations to you all...
26 Nov, 2014
Welcome to the world George, and congrats to the happy granparents and parents - you are so fortunate to have grandchildren, even if you are exhausted! Photos - yes things happen now that would have seemed like magic only a few years ago.
I've never spoken to Father Christmas before - I've tried to be good this year but am probably too old for that to count for much...
26 Nov, 2014
awhh bless. what a 'bobby dazzler'.
no wonder you are so proud Balcony.
26 Nov, 2014
Hello George ... welcome to the world !
Congratulations :o)
26 Nov, 2014
Thank you everyone for your warm welcome into this life/world! As you might imagine, I'm a little on the small side to use this wonderful thing you call "the Internet" which, they tell me, (I'm still rather new to this "life" lark, you understand), connects people via computers all over the world in the blink of an eye, so my granddad, also known as "Quico" (pronounced Kiko), who knows rather more than I do (at present, for I'll soon have him running round in circles) will tell you about me.
27 Nov, 2014
Congratulations, he is beautiful :o))
27 Nov, 2014
Congratulation to you and your family Balcony ,welcome to our world George :o))
27 Nov, 2014
Congratulations ! :o))
27 Nov, 2014
Georgie has asked me to thank you all for your fantastic welcome & looks forward to chatting with you - one day! ;-))
28 Nov, 2014
Ha ha..he's learned so much already! A quick learner!!
28 Nov, 2014
It seems kids nowadays are born with an innate ability to pick up computing & work mobile phones & all sorts of electronic gadgets! At less than 4 years old one of the gkids can work all the apparatus connect to the TV, video, DVD player, remote controls, etc! He can even manage the mouse on my computer now! Fortunately he doesn't know how to read or write at present or he'd be all over the internet like his 7 year old sister!
28 Nov, 2014
Gorgeous baby George.....congratulations Balc and family!
28 Nov, 2014
Hello, are a lovely little boy,,:o).sorry I'm a bit late in welcoming you into the World..but I am having problems with my laptop,and just wondered if you could help me out yet? Lol..I'm sure you will be taking over Quico's computer in no time ! :o)
Many congratulations to you and your family,Balcony...
29 Nov, 2014
Hi there, Bloomer & many thanks for welcoming me into the world! You GoYers are fabulous people! :-)) So many of you making me feel at home here! :-))
I'm afraid Quico will have to help you as my hands are still a little podgy to be able to use the keys & my hand won't fit around the mouse just yet! :-((
Give me another year & I'll be running rings around Quico! ;-)) He's already got problems with my older brother!
29 Nov, 2014
Isn't it amazing what the children know about Technology ? ..our 4 year old Grandson is just the same..He asked me to pause the TV while he went to the loo,and as I was looking for the right button, he found it first ! ...raising his eyebrows in disbelief ?? Lol..
29 Nov, 2014
Yes, Balcony, it's quite frustrating to see how easily kids can pick things up and do things so easily with technology.
1 Dec, 2014
Ha ha, Avis ... and I hope when your Gt. Nephew needed a 'bathroom break', the cinema obligingly pressed 'pause' ... ;o)
13 Dec, 2014
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George is adorable and is just perfect.
Welcome to the world little man!
A wonderful early Christmas present!
25 Nov, 2014