January 2012 before winter starts
By bjs
First few are a new woodland area i have been developing Jamie sits in as usual he is having to take things slowly at present he has torn a tendon in his shoulder,he is on steroids and anti inflammatory(NHS would not supply him)
Viburnum Bondadensie
Camellia all mixed up
Yellow Hellebore
Iris Pauline
Keeping an eye on me
12 Jan, 2012
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I hope Jamie soon improved Brian he looks sad give him an extra cuddle from me ! your Iris's are way ahead of mine I can see the leaves but no buds as yet .......
12 Jan, 2012
Wow get a load of those camellias!! Mine are in bud but no flowers as yet - Must be warmer down there in Bristol!
Give poor Jamie a big hug from me and tell him to stop running about (a bit difficult for a spaniel I would think) Love all your plantings, especially hellebores - they are fab.
12 Jan, 2012
Lovely flowers, good photos.
I hope Jamie heals soon...
12 Jan, 2012
Lovely flowers and how nice to have a woodland area.
12 Jan, 2012
Thanks everybody for your good wishes for Jamie.
Lulu not sure how long it will take,Because there are abnormality with his shoulder from an injury he sustained 4 years ago the vet has sent the x rays to Langford Veterinary College for a second opinion, so we await the outcome of that
12 Jan, 2012
Bjs , we have just come back today from a visit to friends in Devises . I do think things are more advanced over in the east . The birds were singing beautifully , and everything waking up (if they have been to sleep at all).
12 Jan, 2012
great stuff - love the fern, Hellebores and Iris especially - woodland gardens are so nice
12 Jan, 2012
the larger fern is an english native(would need to look the name up)There is another plant the same that receives a lot more rain than the one you see and that produces hunreds of babies on the ends of each section of the frond.If it is staked down to the ground loads of them will root, will post a picture tomorrow.
12 Jan, 2012
cool look forward to that - love ferns
12 Jan, 2012
bjs, AHHHH!! poor Jamie,big hugs for him::))
12 Jan, 2012
Hope Jamie gets better soon, loving your pictures, got me excited about the garden...just might have to go in the hottub today after a bit of gardening!!!
14 Jan, 2012
It is incredible, so many blloming bushes and plants at the end of the year! My Viburnum bodnatensae just showed few buds these days. And Jamie has beautiful head.
20 Jan, 2012
We have had a few frosts since thoes were taken and finished the open blooms on the Camellia.
20 Jan, 2012
Do you keep Camellia indoors during the winter? I like Camelias and for some time I am thinking of buing one to my garden, but I am afraid it will die.
21 Jan, 2012
Most are growing in the garden they are fully hardy in the UK it is only the flowers that are damaged by cold weather.Most are to large for pots some 8 feet high(2.5meters)some up to 25 years of age.They are good in pots but more likely to die if the pot freezes solid than if they were in the ground,if you can prevent the pot freezing very good.
21 Jan, 2012
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Oh poor Jamie. How long does a tendon take to heal?
12 Jan, 2012