Pre Goy(for me at least)
By bjs
Spring 2009 saw me finding Goy for the first time.
These photos were taken through out 2008 thought some of you may enjoy seeing a few of the plants I was growing then.And my useless attempt to reduce the numbers of plants in pots under cover.
Back then there were more Auriculas Primroses and Polyanthus to be seen.
The dog was as daft then as he is now.
It was decided to remove the glass house in the top garden as by then I had decided to finish with showing plants, the general idea was that i would not grow as many !
Once down i replaced it with Decking
This was a year near normal when Orchids flowered well
This was the last year before my Ten year old Tree Fern started to suffer horrible winters,it died in 2010 and has not been replaced!
The year when a Wren nested under the fronds.
When Autumn provided many Toadstools
When Ash and Birch began to shed there leaves
And when young beech looked there Autumn best.
All this before Goy ,and as for less pots no way, I grow and I grow because its in me what I was meant to do .
10 Dec, 2012
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Lovely blog Brian. Amost interesting garden.
That is the joy of Goy.
Thank you.
10 Dec, 2012
Brian what a great blog. Just look at the selection you had/have. Is that double pink in pic 5 a primula? If so do you have a name?
You devotion amazes me!
Agree about Jamie... He wants all the toys a once it seems a:)
That orchid and fern combo looks great and your now deceased tree fern was a stunner!
10 Dec, 2012
Lovely to see all those colourful auricula primulas Brian. Lovely blog.
10 Dec, 2012
I do love the reds and greens and sparkles of Christmas, BUT, oh my, when I saw all those lovely spring colours, lemons and mauves and whites I just smiled!
10 Dec, 2012
You joined three months before me........
The auriculas are stunning singly and together and
I know what you mean about 'meant to do'
Some things we do and enjoy 'feel just right'
Merry christmas x
11 Dec, 2012
I always say that this is the garden of dreams and my goal for next three re-incarnations as a gardener, lol. Love your terrace, Brian, almost like the one in Tulln Gardens in Austria :) Those blue primroses which look like little roses on the sixth picture are excellent! What a pity your fern tree died. It must have been magnificient.
Beautiful retrieving nun, by the way :))) I bet this is your assistant :)
11 Dec, 2012
:o) We are what we are Bjs :o) Plants are us maybe we should call ourselves. lol. love the decking, now theres an idea only kidding. lol.
11 Dec, 2012
lovely garden - shame about the tree fern - but all looks very pretty
11 Dec, 2012
Nice to have the photos for so many memories. :o)
11 Dec, 2012
What a wonderful show Brian ,your garden has been a real credit to you despite our strange weather this year .. :o))
11 Dec, 2012
great garden Brian.!
11 Dec, 2012
Ah! A young Jamie!! and a lovely garden!
11 Dec, 2012
Brian its been a pleasure to see your photo`s, the Auricula`s are amazing, I didn`t know there were so many to choose from until I joined Goy and that has been the same with so many plants and shrubs, every year I say I am cutting back and not growing so much therefore making life easier in the garden but it never works out that way, lol..
The pic of Jamie amused me as we have many like that of our boys with their toys and Brynner has a thing about the curtains in the sitting room and is always under them, our own fault for having a patio window when he was a pup..
A great blog, Merry Christmas Brian to you and yours....
11 Dec, 2012
Wonderful blog Bjs...Adore the orchids...:>)
11 Dec, 2012
lovely to see such colour Brian on a winter day and jamie looks so cute with his toys there, lovely pictures :o)
11 Dec, 2012
lovely pics Brian, i say every year i will cut down on pots under cover but somehow i always end up with more, nice to see that trillium there i have the same a great plant. hope you all have a great Christmas.
11 Dec, 2012
good job OH did not want me to build three houses to choose from.
11 Dec, 2012
surrylad well spotted it is establised in the garden now,
did you spot narcissus rupicola!
11 Dec, 2012
yes ,a semi double primrose raised from seed many years ago different to most double primroses in that it produces divisions that can be divided up,there are a couple of flowers of sorts on it now.
11 Dec, 2012
No i missed that , i've just gone back to see it :-))
11 Dec, 2012
From having visited you this summer for the first time Brian I think you got your wires crossed when you thought you would grow less. As you say its something you have to do and I and many other members are fortunate that you decided to join Goy. You have not lost any of your enthusiasm for your beloved plants and your garden is a joy to visit. I too have that trillium and I wondered what the green leaves were in the 4th and 5th pics. I take it that is the N. rupicola. I enjoyed looking at what used to be there.
11 Dec, 2012
good blog Brian, love the shot of Jamie
13 Dec, 2012
Lovely blog Bjs. Jamie looks as though he was having fun to
13 Dec, 2012
WOW!!! SPECTACULAR TOO ,Bjs, Looking back your beautiful Blogssss:-)))))
6 Feb, 2013
Its great to see this again.
6 Feb, 2013
I like looking back sometimes and often have difficulty believing that one or other plant looked that good.
I also have a piece of paper in front of me with a few words written on it,that was quoted by another Goy member and something I believe in.
< May your memories never become greater than your dreams >
6 Feb, 2013
Recent posts by bjs
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BJ this was a real pleasure and such an enjoyable blog.
10 Dec, 2012