Autumn and my new neighbour Harvey!
By bjs
These are a few pics I have recovered after my camera died.
So there may be a little pause until I purchase a new one.
Covers in position ready
Still the occasional flower,
this one veronica Spode Blue
This is Harvey about 75 lbs in weight and 30in long and 20+in wide he has been fostered by Carol & Shaun my next door neighbours ( they bred Jamie)He was still settling in after his trip from Northampton when this pic was taken,they are of course experienced in keeping them and already have a number of smaller ones.
I have watched over the last few weeks as his accommodation has taken shape cost must be a couple of £2000.00 although the tortoise changes keeper without cost.
17 Nov, 2013
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love your sink covers...just the job..
18 Nov, 2013
Wow! Harvey is a big boy bjs. That's a very neat way of keeping your alpine troughs dry and the Veronica is a beautiful colour.
18 Nov, 2013
love the turtles:-))))
18 Nov, 2013
Lovely pics. The first one had me guessing for a minute, Brian!
18 Nov, 2013
That is so not fair - you get a very lovely Harvey as a new neighbour and I get a Kamikaze Kitten!
Like Sheila, I'm wondering what Jamie has to say about him.
Your troughs look well protected. I chose to make a sort of polytunnel but open at both ends to allow for air flow.
I'm not sure how it would withstand bad weather but so far it's held up against some strong wind.
The little plant growing to the rear and left of the Veronica - might that be Globularia? I have this in my trough at it's looking really yellow????
18 Nov, 2013
Love the alpine roofs, great idea. That tortoise is brilliant, I used to have one here and some naughty children released him from his pen in the garden and he wandered off. We hadn't got the garden fenced in and there was no chance of finding him in the wood. I had had him for a number of years - found him wandering along the Trent bankside and took him in to care for him. He used to hibernate in a blanket box in our bedroom over winter. lol. Amazing how big they can grow. :O)
19 Nov, 2013
The plant you can see is Dianthus, however there are two different varieties of Globularia but not in that trough.
Jamie does not know he has a new neighbour as yet, probably best that way, although he would rate him boring as he does not move fast enough. I understand Harvey had to dogs as playmates in his previous home.!
19 Nov, 2013
I love the leaf photo Brian my young grandson has recently won a competion with a similar photo, I'm sorry to hear about your camera I hope you are able to get another one soon ,put it on your Christmas list :o) I'm afraid mine is showing signs of 'black spots 'on the photos . big sigh :o(
My father gave us a very large Tortoise years ago it had belonged to his second wife , we gave it to somebody who already had a large Tortoise and knew how to look after them plus it then had company ....
22 Nov, 2013
love the veronica, its my little girls name so keen to see new ones, she thinks its great having a plant with her name in it as she says x I have a few already in the garden, need to look out for this x
22 Nov, 2013
the veronica is not hard to come by and pretty cheap,
If you fail to find it in the spring let me know and will see if I can find a piece for you
23 Nov, 2013
nice pictures, I enjoy looking through them thanks x
18 Jan, 2014
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Lovely colour in the autumn leaves. The Veronica is a lovely shade of blue. Your alpine troughs are all looking very smart with their roofs in place. OH was going to make me some after seeing how you made yours but everything is taking a bit longer these days. A 75lbs tortoise. He is some size. What does Jamie think of him or have they not been introduced yet.
17 Nov, 2013