Out with the old..in with the new !
By bloomer
Today is our 37th Wedding Anniversary..so we exchanged cards,and usually I get some flowers..nothing forthcoming..so we had breakfast,and just thought he hadn’t bothered this year..no problem,as I knew we were going out for lunch,so that would be nice….and then,I got this..:o)
Want to see?..Oh WOW !
I have been complaining about my old camera for ages,and seem to delete more than I take..I am so excited..it has a large viewfinder..as my eyesight isn’t good..and hopefully,blue will look blue,and purple will be purple..no more white bits on pink flowers…but that could be my photography..Lol…It is on charge at the moment,but can’t wait to use it..and the nicest thought was,because we are going away for a few days,next week,and we have a day out included to The Eden Project…What a lovely day I am having so far…and a caring hubby,to share it with. :o)
27 Jul, 2011
Previous post: I need to get out more !
Next post: Lesson two,for" The Apprentice"...
Thank you,Denise..and the sun is shining too..:o).what could be better?
27 Jul, 2011
Congratulations to you both, have a lovely day out x
27 Jul, 2011
Thanks Annella..we will..:o)
27 Jul, 2011
O Wow, what a lovely present. Congrats from me too. Look forward to your next lot of pics. Enjoy...
27 Jul, 2011
Isn't it just ? Thanks Cinders..I can't wait to start 'clicking'. :o)
27 Jul, 2011
Congratulations to you both, thats a grand present and I bet you keep checking to see if its charged up and ready,( can`t you tell I`ve been there),lol. You`ll have loads of fun and I have to admit a bit of frustration as well at first but that comes with the territory.
Have a lovely day Bloomer, I`ll be looking out for extra special photographs, enjoy playing.....
27 Jul, 2011
Blessings to you both today, enjoy and happy photography B. Have a great time at Eden, love it there. x
27 Jul, 2011
Lovely Bloomer! ( take the instructions with you just in case.....)
will you go to Heligan as well, I've not been to Eden for 8 or 9 years and I'm sure it will have changed a lot so will look forwards to the photo's have a great time x
27 Jul, 2011
Congrats to you both, what a great prezzie, you will have loads of fun with that. have a lovely day. xx
27 Jul, 2011
Well, congratulations to you both on your aniversary and aren't you one lucky lady to receive such a lovely gift? Stop looking at the charger ... I know you keep peeking! Looking forward to some very well focused and colourful pics from Eden . . . . .
27 Jul, 2011
Congratulations Sandra and Russel, hope you have a brilliant day, what a wonderful surprise Sandra, look forward to seeing the photos you take in the future, xx
27 Jul, 2011
Congratulations! what a very good OH you have, thats a lovely camera ~ i hope you have lots of fun with it! im looking forward to seeing your pictures.
that bag is lovely too!!
27 Jul, 2011
Congratulations to you both, dont the years just fly past especially when your sharing them with a thoughtful caring hubby. I know your just dying to get to grips with the new camera, so enjoy your few days away and hopefully we will be able to share them with you when you get back.
27 Jul, 2011
happy anniversary sandra and hubby, camera is lovely, what did you get hubby? happy snapping, enjoy the eden project ;o))
27 Jul, 2011
Congratulations to both of you on your 37th anniversary, and happy snapping!
27 Jul, 2011
Many congratulations Sandra and Russell on your anniversary......what a lovely pressy to get....and a holiday too...I'm envious of you going to the Eden Project.....so am expecting lots and lots of lovely pics.........Have a lovely day xxxxxx
27 Jul, 2011
Congratulations on your anniversary. My OH always says I'm the best thing that happened to him and I can say the same about him. I think these are thoughts you share for each other too. Have a lovely day and a great weekend. Remember to take the charger with you as well.
27 Jul, 2011
Congratulations to you both. what a lovely gift will now be looking out for "new" piccies on your page enjoy!
27 Jul, 2011
Congratulations from me too,wow that is a lovely present (better than flowers).We will be seeing lots of great pics from you..looking forward to them..have a great few days next week..:o)
27 Jul, 2011
What lovely comments from you all,and thank you from us both,for all your good wishes..they are very much appreciated..We have had a lovely day..a superb lunch(and pudding !) and went over the border to Lancashire..no passports needed...weather was lovely and we had a good walk by the river..The new camera has been well tried out today..and I am so pleased with it..I can see things so much better with it..I will write a blog with pics later...it will be great for the Eden project..sadly,we haven't a trip included for Heligan,but that will be a good reason to visit some other time,as it is only a five day break...oh BTW,San,you asked what I bought Russell..I'm ashamed to say...nothing ! We don't usually buy pressies for Anniversary's...but his birthday is in two weeks ,so will have to rack my brains for something special...although he already has me ! Lol....
27 Jul, 2011
Congrats ... and what a wonderful present :o)
27 Jul, 2011
I love me who do you love..springs to mind Bloomer..lol.. :o))
27 Jul, 2011
Thanks Terra..I was so surprised,and delighted,of course..:o)
So,Joanella,you love yourself do you ? ..I love you too ! :o)))))))) ha ha..
27 Jul, 2011
Congratulations, hope you had a good day and tried the new camera out.
27 Jul, 2011
thank you Julien..we had a lovely day,and I took lots of pics :o)
27 Jul, 2011
Sorry! Bit late to this one! Congratulations Bloomer, sounds like you had a lovely day out...ahem? pudding?! Yum! Just this once then! That was such a thoughtful present your Hubby bought you, I'm sure you couldn't wait to get started, cameras take an age to charge when you're sitting watching them, whispering 'hurry up!' Lol!
It was our 20th wedding anniversary on the 23rd, so we've a bit of catching up to do to get to 37! Happy days!
Can't wait to see some of your pics!
28 Jul, 2011
Thank you,Libet,a belated congratulations to you too...It will arrive sooner than you think...where has the time gone ? I was like a kid with a new toy yesterday...Funnily enough,I was never into photography till I joined GoY...so it's all their fault,Russell had to spend his money ! Lol.
28 Jul, 2011
Congratulations. 37 years, wow. Such a lovely thought from your OH.
28 Jul, 2011
Congratulations to you and 'Mr Bloomer' on your 37th! anniversary - you must be doing something right!!
What a wonderful (surprise) present too and I guess we'll all benefit from that as we view your photos on GoY.
(I don't suppose your caring husband has a single sister with a passport to Lancashire? . . lol). :-))
28 Jul, 2011
Thanks Alex..it has seemed to fly by...most of the time !! Lol...and I agree,a lovely thought.:o)
Lol,Muddy..I must be,..feeding him helps :o)..erm, OH was born in Oldham..so he can come and go as he pleases..as for the single sisters..he has two younger ones..but both attached,and both Yorkshire lasses..:o)))
Talk it over with your dear wife,..she can choose!! Lol.
28 Jul, 2011
Don't have one of those Bloomer, I'm a single Dad! :-)
28 Jul, 2011
Oh,sorry Muddy,I didn't know..we are well known for jumping in with both feet..! ..You can make your own mind up then..:o)
28 Jul, 2011
Ha ha - with two teenage daughters I'm already outnumbered (and outwitted!) in this house . . . lol! ;-))
28 Jul, 2011
Ah,enough women to contend with,Muddy..in the nicest possible way,of course..:o)
28 Jul, 2011
At least I'm the boss in the garden - my sanctuary . . lol!
28 Jul, 2011
Do you have a shed to escape to,as well.?.I escape to my garden and shed too.:o)
28 Jul, 2011
No room for a shed in my small garden, it would take up valuable planting space. But I do have an integral garage which is like a big shed - no room for the car at the moment though, as I have 24 sacks of well-rotted horse manure in there! Don't we all??? :-))
28 Jul, 2011
Ideal place for it,Muddy...just don't decide to fill the boot...or your boots..as well ! Lol.
28 Jul, 2011
Lol :-))
28 Jul, 2011
Congrats hope you had a lovely day, sorry i'm late.
29 Jul, 2011
Thanks Carol..no problem..lots of us are still trying to catch up..so much to look at and read,in the summer..but nice to see all the flowers in everyone's gardens..:o)
29 Jul, 2011
Congratulations to you both Blommer I have just coem across your wonderful blog .
What a nice surprise to get .
I am so looking forward to your wonderful photos.
31 Jul, 2011
Thank you Scotkat..I have just posted a blog of our day out..and pics taken with my new camera..I can't stop at the moment,and taking them at every opportunity..lots more on a walk yesterday too,in our area..It's great .! :o))
Probably lots today as well,as it is Gala day at one of our local parks...think I'm addicted..Lol.
31 Jul, 2011
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Congratulations and what a thoughtful present, the pleasure its going to give you. Have a lovely day Bloomer.
27 Jul, 2011