Ollies place...:o)
By bloomer
I thought you might like to see Ollie the Owl’s former home,that we revisited recently,only this time with Carole (Pp) and Harry..and as you know,she very kindly adopted him,to live by her pond…You may recall the Black swans here,with their Cygnets,earlier in the year..
Good news..there are about seven more eggs in their nest,now.:o))
We also saw these swans in a different pond,there,in the Owners garden..which visitors are allowed access to,but only as far as a protective fence.Lovely white swans with black necks.The owner was passing by,so we asked what species they were." er,Black necked swans" was the reply !!..we all started laughing,and moved on with egg on our faces..( not the swans eggs,I hasten to add! Lol.
We then saw something unexpected,in the background..
A large white Wallaby,who seemed to be right at home ,high up in the Holme valley..There was also a brown one,but we couldn’t manage to get a pic of it..
So,back to the serious stuff…sitting outside with home
made scones and coffee,in the warm sunshine..
and Carole and Harry enjoying the scenery..)
Ollie is very lucky to have been adopted by them,don’t you think ? I might have to go back for one of his brothers or sisters :o))
22 Sep, 2011
Previous post: In the spotlight..:o))
Next post: Weekend with friends :o)
Lovely blog ... beautiful swans and wildlife ..
and nice to see Carole and Harry :o)
22 Sep, 2011
Thanks Paul..It was so funny about the swans..:o) I bet the Wallabies are strong too..now we know why the fence is there ! Lol.
thanks Terra..we love going to that garden centre..and we had a lovely day with Carole and Harry..as always..and have already booked our *C......s * lunch out at the pub we go to. Lol.
22 Sep, 2011
Nice to meet Carole and Harry, and what a lovely blog Sandra. Love the swans and the picture of the eggs in their nest is great.
22 Sep, 2011
Aw waht a nice blog love the black swans!!!!
Cheers Carole and Harry"
22 Sep, 2011
Aw waht a nice blog love the black swans!!!!
Cheers Carole and Henry"
22 Sep, 2011
oh dear lol
22 Sep, 2011
I'll have to take time to look at Carole's pics to see Ollie now. It looks a nice place to visit.
22 Sep, 2011
Thanks,Cinders..it was lovely to see they had bred again..shows how settled they are there..it is a good pic of Carole and Harry,isn't it ?
22 Sep, 2011
ook lol changed Henry to Harry but cant get the other one deleted for some reason lol silly me :)
22 Sep, 2011
What are you like,Pixi ? edit both your comments ..get rid of one,and change Henry to Harry ! Lol..job sorted .Lol.
Yes you will,Hywel..Ollie is lovely ! and we never tire of going there..we even take our Grandson..he loves the Ducks and Swans..:o)
22 Sep, 2011
did the haary one cant delete other ..i tried! :(
22 Sep, 2011
If you edit the other one,and backspace,till the comment is erased..,it should disappear..
22 Sep, 2011
Who is Haary ? :o))) SIMC !
22 Sep, 2011
I did!!!!!!!!!
22 Sep, 2011
Sending you a PM,Pixi...:o)
22 Sep, 2011
lovely blog ~ those refreshments look good!
im sure that is a giant white mouse and not a wallaby!!
22 Sep, 2011
22 Sep, 2011
What are you on tonight,Sticki ? ! :o)))
22 Sep, 2011
um .... i think it was cider!!??
23 Sep, 2011
Coffeee!! lol anyway I cant type on the laptop..I know I cant really type wll here..always in a hurry to write as I talk lol :)
23 Sep, 2011
I've never seen a photo of 'black necked swans' before bloomer, could they be having you on and they're a cross between the black & white swans?
23 Sep, 2011
lovely Blog... love the wallabies...and black neck swans...
23 Sep, 2011
Nice to see your pictures of our lovely day out, funny I was looking at the pics I took ,was going to do a blog but you beat me to it lol and yours are better than mine. Just showed Harry his moment of fame, his remark was we both look very coordinated lol I would like a copy of our picture so we have a reminder of a great day spent with you and Russell ;0))
23 Sep, 2011
That looks a lovely place to visit, Sandra ... really like those Swans ... very surprised to see a Wallaby in Yorkshire though! ... Lovely photo of Carole and Harry too ... :o)))
24 Sep, 2011
Thanks Pamg..maybe they are a cross,but I have never seen any white swans here, they maybe sneaked in,when no one was looking ! Lol.
Thanks Holly..they all seem happy there,and very well looked after..:o)
sorry Carole..I wasn't sure if you were going to show your pics,as you said you weren't happy with them..I should have waited a bit..Russell will print you a copy,so will bring it next time we meet up..:o)..Harry must have known to wear something that didn't clash with your outfit..for the photoshoot ..very considerate ! Lol.
Thanks Shirley..you name it,we have have it, here in Yorkshire ! Lol...referring to Swans and Wallabies,of course !.:o))!
26 Sep, 2011
Great blog, really enjoyed it...beauty... wildlife...and a laugh...What more could anyone want:-))
6 Oct, 2011
Thanks Ba...you couldn't have put it better..:o) Shame you weren't able to visit,while you were up that way..not far out of Holmfirth ..:o)
6 Oct, 2011
Need a car for that sort of thing I'm afraid :-)
7 Oct, 2011
Very true,Ba..too far out to walk..and all uphill! ..
8 Oct, 2011
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Great blog Bloomer - like the reply for black neck swans - kind of thing I'd ask :DD like the wallaby - bet they're really strong things
22 Sep, 2011