By bloomer
I took these when in Gibralter last week….from the 1700’s to the present day..we will remember them..no more words needed,the pics speak for themselves…
11 Nov, 2011
Previous post: Another Yorkshire walk...
Next post: So this is where they are hiding!
Thanks Sandra, very moving.
11 Nov, 2011
Another beautiful cemetery B. kept very differently from others I have seen, but this one is a natural woodland, its lovely. Thank you for the thought today. 11/11/11/11.
11 Nov, 2011
Thank you, Bloomer. And so it goes on....
11 Nov, 2011
Thanks for this blog, Bloomer ..
"Liked" at 11 am today ...
11 Nov, 2011
Thank you all for your moving comments..More special for me today..thanks to you Grandmage ,for your info about Tyne Cot War Cemetry in France..I google it,and typed in my great uncles name..which came up as ..
unknown..James Chorlton...died October 19th 1917...which basically means he is buried with thousands of other unknown soldiers..he was aged19..and married for a year...The irony is,none of our present family knew of his existence ,until a couple of weeks ago,when my cousin found him while tracing our Grandfather's family tree..
11 am today,was a very poignant moment for me..and I am proud to be able to think of him today...I shall be visiting the War memorial in our village of Slaithwaite,this weekend,where we both came from..as his name is inscribed there...all these years,and we did'nt know..and walked past it hundreds of times..I have had a few tearful moments for him today..
11 Nov, 2011
Oh B. bless you, you bought a tear to my eye. Why dont you get in touch with the C.W.G.C. and e.mail them with all the details that you know and they will help you and tell you where on the memorials that your relative is mentioned. His name must be there somewhere. Good luck. x (my uncle is on the plaque at our local church and also on the wall in the Singapore cemetry, he was married to my aunt for one week) take a look at this website.
If you make contact on any of these websites B. they might e.mail you a photo, I did it and got one!
11 Nov, 2011
Thankyou for this blog.
11 Nov, 2011
thankyou Bloomer x
11 Nov, 2011
It's all so sad ;o( ...
11 Nov, 2011
How lovely to find details of your Great Uncle, Sandra. We didn't go in the museum but we did visit the Trafalgar Cemetary....Did you see the huge cannonball that was supposed to have gone through two soldiers!!!
It is a very tranquil place....but the headstones showed the ages of those that fell.....ah.....so young (:-
Those pink flowers in the background were flowering when we were there......
11 Nov, 2011
many years ago Mum-in-law asked me to go with her to visit Dunkirk...its remained with me to this day
11 Nov, 2011
Thank you,G.I might just do that,or relate this to my cousin,who is doing the Family tree..I don't want to take his findings over,but I shall contact him and tell him what you have suggested..he has the same surname as my great uncle,so that may carry a bit more clout...how very sad that your uncle was only married for a week..I think a lot got married quickly,in the circumstances,didn't they?,
Thank you,Carol,..it was something I wanted to do...and yes,Amy,very sad...for everyone who lost loved ones.. I bet you are glad you went with your mum in law,Pam..and she would be pleased you were with her as well..
We didn't go in the museum either,Lou..but we did see that cannonball..! That cemetry was so tranquil,as you say..and so well kept..you wouldn't know it was next to the main road,would you? some nice planting too..the pink flowers were very pretty...:o)..I forgot to look for the Hotel you stayed in..and I had written it down!! duh..
11 Nov, 2011
If you went to the Botanic Gardens...just up the road from the cemetery....it was above it......a huuuuge white building "The Rock"....:-))
11 Nov, 2011
Oh B....r.we didn't walk that far...I thought it was much lower down..I should have checked with you first..:o)
11 Nov, 2011
oops sorry,Lou..I called you B !..erm,think that is my name..:o)) I wasn't swearing at you,honest! Lol.
12 Nov, 2011
12 Nov, 2011
When coming into harbour you will have seen the hotel Sandra.....you couldn't miss it....:-)
12 Nov, 2011
Oh yes I could !! Probably having breakfast when we docked,so wasn't looking out..but I will google it,and have a look..my,it was a long walk from the port..and seemed even longer walking back !
12 Nov, 2011
Lovely blog Bloomer. This day will always brings back memories as your blog and photos did. How many people have given their lives for our freedom as we know it today. I think it's the Last Post being played on the bugle that makes it
We did dock at Gibraltar on the way to Singapore to drop off a few troops in the 50s on the way to Singapore. Mind you it might have been to get over bad sea sickness after sailing through the Bay of Biscay. The lady who shared our cabin with mum and I was thrown from her top bunk and suffered sprained wrist. This 11/11/11 at 10 am I suddenly just had the urge to quickly get washed and change into some cloths smart. I ordered a taxi and at the same time my 27 year old son who has just been made redundant shouted downstairs asking where I was going/ I told him I was going to pay my respects at our local war memorial. He joined me and at eleven we joined about another six people of our village to pay our respects. First time that I have been there since my present illness. I suppose every one else must work. It was also the 13th anniversary of my dear father in-law's death. Today (Sunday 13/11/2011) will be totally different with a few hundred on parade from our local British Legion , Scouts, Guides, Cubs, Brownies and Girl's Brigade .
"They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old.
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them".
13 Nov, 2011
Thank you,Tom..I am just watching the service from the Cenotaph in London..I agree about the bugle...sends a shiver down the spine,doesn't it ?.
We have never been round the Bay of Biscay..but after Gibralter,we sailed to Casablanca,which was fine,but the journey from there,to Lanzarote was almost as bad as yours..and the last leg from.Arrecife to Santa Cruz in Tenerife..was even worse!..we weren't ill,but don't think we will go cruising at this time of year again! Lol..good job,they have good stabilisers now..we could have ended up swimming! :o))
13 Nov, 2011
Very moving, and as we keep saying "Will they never learn?"...
15 Nov, 2011
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- Ist August..Happy Yorkshire day..xx.
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Awww had a wee tear in my eye there. Lovely cemetery though :)))))))
11 Nov, 2011