Cold night forecast :o(
By bloomer
I hope it isn’t the same wherever you are,but we are destined for a very cold night..and a ground frost is already only 5 degrees,at 9 PM,and its been such a cold wind today..I’m so glad I wasn’t tempted to pot up all my bedding plants this they are tucked up under cover…I hope yours are ok’s going to be July before we can get them out at this rate ! :o((
22 May, 2013
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Blimey, hope your plants will be ok Bloomer.
22 May, 2013
Hope your plants will be OK, mine will have to take their chances outdoors, they're going to have to be tough to survive this year and if that means they have to put up with a little bit of frost then so be it!
22 May, 2013
Im afraid most of mine are now planted up fingers crossed they will survive! I cant believe the temperatures and we are almost in flaming june !!!
22 May, 2013
Mine are out now -dismal thought but its the shortest day in 32 days! The upside is its been great time for a long if late Tulip season.
22 May, 2013
It was also 5 degrees here at 8pm and we've had hailstones! This is going to be a long wait to see any flowering in my garden.......
22 May, 2013
:( it is cold indoors now, got the heating on :((
22 May, 2013
So have we - last summer it never got finally switched off at all - hope thi syear isn't going to be the same. Hope your plants survive Sandra.
22 May, 2013
Good old British Bulldog attitude shining through here, we just won't let the beggar beat us, LOL....
22 May, 2013
Windy and cold here too Bloomer I haven't planted my hanging baskets yet - just as well I guess :o)
22 May, 2013
Thanks for all your comments,some of you are very brave! Lol. It was reading zero this morning at 6am,but as the sun is shining on the clock/thermometer,it has now reached the dizzy height of five again ,but the cold wind is still here..:o(
...our fire still goes on in the evenings,and morning too,,but I am determined not to put the other heating on ! ..another layer will have to do..:o)..My pots are now in waiting mode,and not even got the compost in them yet...I don't think I have ever been so late with them...anyway,folks,let's hope it bucks up soon..and we can look forward to some balmy evenings,instead of barmy ones..
Happy gardening
23 May, 2013
It's cold yet again Bloomer , some lovely sunny days however, but fed up with stupid cold and by looks of it no change near. Also posted this on Facebook but the nights don't seem to be as light as long this year, low sun energy or something !
23 May, 2013
I agree,Paul,and think this is the way it is going for future years..still only five degrees here,and now very overcast ..the sun has definitely not got his hat on ! On the other hand,thank goodness we don't get the tornado's like America..I can't begin to feel how that must be for those in puts things in perspective really..
23 May, 2013
It does Bloomer........
Cold northerly wind all day yesterday and by late afternoon the sky cleared, we had to go out and came back at around 11.30 it was very cold but clear sky with such a bright moon
I took some pots into the gh and planted them up, hanging baskets in there too, if I dared to put anything out it would be flattened! The cherry blossom flying off the tree looked like an explosion in a confetti factory......seems to me we are going to have to learn to put up with this erratic weather. :0(
NOT a nice thought......
23 May, 2013
When i opened the back door this morning (thursday) it felt like Autumn, im expecting the plants to turn yellow and die off if we dont get some heat into the soil soon!!! Fed up with it now, i read the weather forecast for 7 days ahead, i dont know why i bother it just depresses me :(
23 May, 2013
It's too cold for me. It's more like early March :o(
I've put my cacti in the cold frames, and although I cover them with fleece and lots of old carpets in the nights, two of them have been damaged by the cold weather. I'm going to bring them back indoors today.
23 May, 2013
Cold strong winds here at coast today. Although the sun is shinning. Will it ever warm up...
23 May, 2013
Ah well,at least we are going out for lunch today,with Carole and and chips special..that will warm us up :o)and then to a Garden centre,just to look of course.?
maybe they will have some knock down prices to get rid of all that summer stock..they look as though they are going to have another tough year....such a shame..
23 May, 2013
Only going to plant out sweet peas this year, no bedding plants for me, maybe a few geraniums, that's all, did plant up three new grasses yesterday and a clem, hope they will be alright, b***** weather......totally fed up, heating still on and I am still in my winter gear, had coat and scarf on in garden yesterday :(
23 May, 2013
I'm fed up of wearing my winter clothes now and putting the heating on.....when's summer coming out to play?
Put a Choisya pic on for you today hun! :o))x
23 May, 2013
"It was reading zero this morning at 6am,but as the sun is shining on the clock/thermometer,it has now reached the dizzy height of five again ,but the cold wind is still here..:o( "
Frosts this late in the year are no where near as long or damaging as say in March. Bedding will be fine out unless you have really tender plants which can only come out in July.
23 May, 2013
Sleety hail driven on a horrible northerly wind.......
I proper fed up now. :0(
23 May, 2013
I put on my old sheepskin jacket to do one or two jobs in the garedn this morning and only took it off in the greenhouse! The wind is bitter and is straight from the north. No doubt it will be a record spring, for all the wrong reasons!
23 May, 2013
I've also been in the g'houses checking and was going to do some more basket planting but its too cold and I was getting so annoyed opening and closing the doors, dodging the heavy rain going from one house to the other, now back indoors with the fire on trying to warm up a bit.....
23 May, 2013
I had a lemsip. :0(
23 May, 2013
Drove home from work with golf ball size hail stones hitting my car :o((((
23 May, 2013
That doesn't sound too good Pam..
Annella I think we caught the edges of that, at one point whilst shut in the g'house it was really crashing onto the roof, it was after that particular shower that I made a dash back up the garden, enough was enough, lol....
23 May, 2013
It was scary Lincs ;O(
23 May, 2013
We have seen the sun today at 3minute intervals between heavy showers and blustery wind. I`m afraid all my plants are in the ground now and in the wall trough so the balls in their court so to speak.
Bloomer if your going to the garden nursery may I recommend a purchase of RED HOT POLKERS!!! at least it will save on your heating
23 May, 2013
We were on our way to a GC ,when we had the first lot of Hailstones..and the 2nd lot whilst we were inside ! Talk about good timing ...We then drove to Morrisons for some cheaper plants way were we coming home empty handed..although I was more restrained than Carole ,as I only bought two trailing Surfinias,and organic bug spray ..I'll leave Carole to tell you what she bought..
Just seen your Choisya pic,Annie..thanks off ! Lol x
Lol, you tell me ! but I do have Cerastium in flower..'snow in summer' as I know it, that is also very apt for today ..:o)
23 May, 2013
If I was a plant Lincs I,d be wilting through being too cold and lacking in sun. :0(
23 May, 2013
I went to Morrisons too...That warmed me up! I came home with a big Acer Orange Dream for £10.00 xx
23 May, 2013
When I took the dogs out yesterday I wore a fleece under my big padded coat and a scarf! I'm going to lose my patience with this weather ... and then it'll be sorry>:-[
24 May, 2013
Ooh I'm right behind you Ba.......
(it'll get you first then....... :0)
very cold here with strong wind coming it seems straight from the arctic......I,m going to have to unearth my wooly hat. :0(
24 May, 2013
I'm not even stirring out today..! strong North wind,and lots of new leaves off a huge Sycamore are everywhere woolly hat is handy nearby,if I choose to have another senior moment and step outside..very unlikely though.!
24 May, 2013
Same here today Bloomer, wet, windy and very cold. I have 3 days off next week and had big plans for the garden, can't bear to look at the forecast :o(
24 May, 2013
Waterproofs and wellies would be needed here today, think a brolly would end up inside out, I doubt whether I'll even venture down the garden, although the feeders could do with a topup so might have to brave it, luckily Morgan and Brynner don't like the rain either and are curled up sleeping away the day, lol....
24 May, 2013
I don't tend to look ahead too much,Annie,as it can change on a daily basis..sometimes they get your hopes up,and then knock you down deflating ! I will ask for at least three days of good weather for you,if I can have them too ! :o))x
24 May, 2013
My birds are ok for food at the moment, fact I haven't seen much of them the past couple of days..I don't blame them for not turning out..!
24 May, 2013
The biddy magpies raided my blackbirds nest a couple of weeks ago Sandra and I think it made my bird visitors wary as I noticed a definite decline in them in the garden, even the doves stayed away, alls well now and they are back emptying the feeders, its hammering down here so they are having to wait....
24 May, 2013
Forecast is better, wind dying down overnight and maybe even sun (sun?) tomorrow, then wind changing to sw on monday so I,m tentatively hoping.........
24 May, 2013
That's cheered me up a bit Pam :o)
24 May, 2013
Who sent it my way?????
24 May, 2013
The strange thing is, that in between freezing winds and rain and horribly dirty dreek weather, there is the occassional flash of sun. In fact as I was trotting out with dogs yesterday, booted and muffled to the top of my head ... a couple were strolling along hand in hand in shorts and sunglasses. I felt very over-dressed:-(
24 May, 2013
I went to tesco yesterday in a thick should have seen the silly devils in tee shirts dashing across the carpark in the hailstorm
24 May, 2013
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I've got lots outside now Sandra, I've given them a stern talking to and explained that if I've had to get used to the changing seasons then so do the plants, so they better just get used to it, we even have the fire on in the sitting room, lol...
22 May, 2013