They survived the Holiday :o)
By bloomer
We returned from our lovely Holiday with Carole and Harry in Eastbourne last week,but I had been wondering how everything survived in the garden whilst we were away..We were flagging in the heat,so goodness knows how the plants in pots were, at home..
Needless to say,my lovely neighbours had done a great job in keeping them I was very happy.All the flower heads were taken off before we went,so I was amazed to see so many new ones in full bloom..
Pots of Petunias…
Ballet Girl Fuchsia..a gift from Cinderella two years pretty..
More Petunias,with the only Zinnias at the back which germinated this year..just opening up..
Last years Violas,ruthlessly cut back before we pleased they are flowering well again..
A Chimney pot of trailing Lobelia’s.
Two Surfinias are taking over this trough..and Pink Galore Fuchsias are fighting to make an entrance..
The pot of mixed flowers I bought as a treat to myself..:o)
Lemon scented Geraniums on the shed..last years cuttings..
I love to squeeze the leaves to smell the perfume :o)
(Sir) Cliff Richard Roses,reaching for the sky again..
These are my all time favourites in the border..
..and this blue delphinium has finally made more of an effort this pleased it’s doing better..I don’t think it will get as tall as the white ones,but if it does,I will be more than happy..
Lavender doing well as least ten years old now..
This looks almost bare at the moment..more green than anything where are all my pots?
Here they are..still all grouped on the Patio,to take advantage of the little shade I have in my back garden,and it made it easier for my lovely neighbours to water them for me..outside tap nearby…I shall gradually move some back on to the gravel,but for the time being,I quite like them there..
Today’s rain has been very welcome,and they all look so much brighter..
I hope you enjoyed looking round my small back garden..
23 Jul, 2013
Previous post: Our Birthday Girl :o)
Next post: Summer border..
Glorious colour to come back to, doesn't it all look well!
I couldn't grow what I do in the gh without good neighbours........I do share the produce with her too. :0)
23 Jul, 2013
Your garden doesn't look like you've been away B. it looks so fresh and fab!! Good old neighbours, couldn't do without them, although mine wouldn't have a clue about watering!! Lol. GLad you all had a good time away anyway.
23 Jul, 2013
Wow Sandra what a wonderful sight to greet you, everything in full bloom and looking fresh an d colourful, I love thos Delphiniums what a great show they have put on and wish I had cut my violas back before we went as mine have only just made it, but I gave everything a good chop yesterday so they should come back again after the rain storm, I was amazed too to seehow much had burst into bloomto welcome us home;0))
23 Jul, 2013
Lovely blog Bloomer, love it :-)
23 Jul, 2013
23 Jul, 2013
Really lovely display. Well done you...and neighbours!
23 Jul, 2013
Fabulous garden Bloomer.....Flowers have been beautifully cared for..:>)
23 Jul, 2013
I wondered how you were coping with the hot weather down South Sandra ... it was very hot in Polperro too! You must have been so pleased to see all your lovely plants looking so fabulous on your return ... hope you brought the neighbours a stick of rock as a 'Thankyou'! Sarah was a star by watering my pots and the GH Toms and Peppers ... I have yet to tell her that the bird bath water wasn't evaporating as quick as she thought ... I found a hairline crack in it so it's been slowly emptying ... :o)
23 Jul, 2013
Thanks Sue,our plants certainly take over our thoughts don't they? I always go straight through the house to the garden,before anything else :o) I bet you are looking forward to seeing your pink am I :o)
23 Jul, 2013
Thanks Pam,I think we have all deserved it this year,after the disasters of the past two..I'm glad you have good neighbours too..I'd be lost without mine..:o)
23 Jul, 2013
Thank you G.mage..glad you like it..luckily the neighbours who looked after it for us,love gardening as well..I'm just glad they are the youngest in our little community..mere babes in their mid 60's ! lol.I wouldn't dream of asking the 80 plus ones,on either side of us.:o)
23 Jul, 2013
Thank you Carole..just a shame you didn't have time to stay when we got back..I'm glad most of yours were ok too..I want that Gardener's job in those lovely gardens outside our Hotel :o) ..what a doddle,just watering,! :o)
I've been out all afternoon,and after tea as well ,till after 8pm..just too nice to stay in..all borders dug over after the heavy rain this morning..and so warm..lovely :o)
23 Jul, 2013
Thank you S.lad and Michaella..only small,but plenty for me to look after at the back,as I still have the front gardens as well..keeps me from having time on my hands,I'm glad to say.:o)
23 Jul, 2013
Thank you Tet,and Moti..much appreciated..It doesn't feel like hard work,just a oleasure..and so grateful to our friends for helping me out..We don't usually go away at this time of year..but then again ,we don't get this kind of heat either.! :o)
23 Jul, 2013
It was hot,Shirley,but it was the same at home as well..I hope you and Micheal enjoyed Polperro..we loved it when we went many years ago..
We loved Great must go some time..and Sheffield park gardens were beautiful too,in a different way..wonderful trees and scenery,but we loved Michelham Priory as well..shame we both picked the same week off,as Carole was disappointed we couldn't manage to meet up as well..another time maybe:o)
No,I didn't buy a stick of rock for my neighbour,but got her a pretty fridge magnet of Great Dixter,and some flowers instead..Thomas got the rock :o)
23 Jul, 2013
It's nice to see you back Sandra ,I'm glad you had a good holiday , I'm keen to know what naughtiness you got up to this time ( are there any sailors in Eastbourne LOL ) .
Goodness your garden looks lovely and full of pretty flowers and colour , ours is parched the heat is stiffling so many plants are dying the grass is brown the rain has missed us except for a few spots the water barrels are almost empty we were hoping for a storm last night but didn't get it ! welcome home ☺ x
23 Jul, 2013
Thank you Amy,it was a lovely holiday..sadly we were very boring,and behaved impeccably all week ! Lol..Well.we thought so anyway..we went to the Harbour and Marina one day,and not a single sailor to be you think word has spread from Portsmouth? Lol.
Glad you like my little garden,I really didn't expect it to be looking so good..we had a Thunderstorm and heavy rain early this morning,for a couple of hours,so it has helped a lot..water butts are now a quarter full again..our front lawn isn't too bad,considering it's in full sun..just yellow at one end where it meets the path..I'm sure yours will soon green up again,when you finally get some rain..thank you for your welcome home x
23 Jul, 2013
Lovely blog Bloomer, so glad you all had a nice holiday and were so well behaved! your pots and garden are looking lovely especially the white Delphinium what a performer :o)
23 Jul, 2013
Thanks Neena,we can behave ourselves most of the time:o)..It's maybe as well it's only a small garden,as I still find enough to do..The Delphiniums do so well every year..there are two white ones there..seeds from Chelsea flower show in 2008.. both happened to be white ,but they look as one.I'm happy with the effect..:o)
24 Jul, 2013
I'm pleased to see your pots survived with neighbour's help - very kind. They look colourful all together there on the patio.
I hope you had a nice holiday :o)
24 Jul, 2013
You've certainly packed in a lot of colour, Bloomer .The pots on the patio are fantastic.U'r very lucky to have neighbours who,look after them so well.I always find nobody waters my pots quite like I do!!!
24 Jul, 2013
Beautiful colour Bloomer
24 Jul, 2013
Hello again, I'm back!
What a wonderful sight to come home to. Your plants look fabulous and there is so much colour to enjoy. I do love your delphiniums and feel inspired to have another go with them next year and wage war on the slugs! A really lovely selection of pics.
Now........... our garden was less impressive on our return home! The pots were fine because a good neighbour watered them for us. However the beds looked very thirsty, the lawn looked like a desert, the roses needed dead-heading AND had black spot......alll in all not a lot of photographic opportunities at this end!!!
The garden is now beginning to look a little more loved and rain is forecast for tonight so I shall have an evening off watering!
It WAS a nice holiday though!!!
24 Jul, 2013
Thanks Hywel,I moved three of the Petunia pots back on the gravel it doesn't look so bare now..and yes,we had a lovely holiday,thank seems to go so quickly,but I'm sure there will be more :o)
Thank you Paul,praise indeed from a professional :o)
I know what you mean about watering,my OH is a 'wet the foliage' guy..that's why I end up doing most of it!!..maybe that was his plan Lol.
Thank you Denise,I am pleased with it this year..
Welcome home Chris,and thank you.I'm so glad you had a lovely holiday..I'm sure you will soon get on top of all the jobs you need to do in your garden,especially in this lovely weather..and the rain will do wonders for your lawn..
To be honest,I didn't think I had much to do when I got home...wrong! so if it's any consolation,you aren't on your own ! :o) x
24 Jul, 2013
Lots and lots of lovely pots!! :)x
My OH is the same...he wanders around the garden with one hand in his pocket, lightly spraying anything with leaves...
25 Jul, 2013
Thanks Karen,it's looking good this year..I keep telling OH to water round the roots..does he listen? No! but ask him if he wants a cuppa,he hears first time...nobody deafer than those who don't want to hear,is there? Lol
25 Jul, 2013
How lovely it all looks Sandra, especially those delphiniums. I've just bought a pot of delphs from Morrisons, can't wait to see what colour they are. It's one way to defeat the slugs:-)
25 Jul, 2013
Sandra - I am pleased you enjoyed the gardens of Sussex and Kent ... I love Sheffield Park Gardens in the Autumn as the colours of the leaves are beautiful. PM just sent to you ... :o)
25 Jul, 2013
Thank you Ba.Mine started life in Pots,for a couple of years,Then they were moved to the border as they got too big..Still keep an eye on them though,those beasties will soon suss them out !.maybe some vaseline round the bases so they can't climb up? I must admit,I do add a few pellets to some pots I know are susceptible,but not on the ground..We want to see a pic when they open..:o)
25 Jul, 2013
Oh we did,Shirley,and Carole and I said the same about must be stunning...going to read your PM now ..thanks x
25 Jul, 2013
I've tried delphiniums, every time I've seen them for sale. They are so beautiful.
I just love the blue ones, like yours, Bloomer :)
I don't know why I like blue flowers so much, (I will not have any blue in the house...or my wardrobe...!) but, I do love blue flowers! The last one I bought was a lovely bluish-pink, just a couple of months ago...
Anyway...they all frizzle up and die. I don't think delphiniums are suited to French country gardens... :(
26 Jul, 2013
Ha ha...he's not silly Bloomer....I'm afraid I'm a bit of a 'stickler' for getting the can or hose to the base of the plant!!
26 Jul, 2013
I love blue in the garden too, makes a statement amongst the other stuff..have another go next year,and give them lots of water at the roots,and feed them well..they are very hungry plants..maybe that's the reason they looked frazzled..a bit like me a lot of the time! lol.
So,you don't have blue in your house at all? not even jeans ? I must admit I don't have a lot of blue in my wardrobe,mainly denim..and you would hate my Bathroom ! :o)..
26 Jul, 2013
You are right there,Paul..but I get out of the washing up ,by sidling off into the garden,to do the the roots! :o) I know which I prefer :o)
26 Jul, 2013
In my case(at this time of year) it's watering or walking the dog....although, I'm happy to do either or both bt if I water Julie tends to take Paddy unless our son(his actual owner) is around to take him!!
26 Jul, 2013
I hope the dog has been walked already tonight Paul,if you have a similar weather forecast to us..dark and stormy skies right now, and there should be no need to water either,unless you have already done it..Chill out and put your feet up !.
27 Jul, 2013
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Doesn't matter how much we have enjoyed our holidays, us gardeners are always eager to see how our plants have been without us to care for them, lol, yours are looking lovely, a smashing sight to come home to and obviously been well cared for.
I lost my white delphinium, seeing yours has reminded me I need to replace it, I have a new pink one thats just growing its flower stalk so waiting to see what shade of pink it is and how well it does in my garden, my blue ones have all gone over now so I've cut them back in the hopes of getting a second flush of blooms.
Lovely set of pics Sandra...
23 Jul, 2013