Summer border..
By bloomer
This also survived well,whilst we were away,with no watering whatsoever..:o)
The greener bit of the border..and the cloud pruned Alder,more oval than round,this year,as the top was hard to would take over,if it wasn’t cut back..
Crocosmia ‘Lucifer’ gone mad,as I didn’t thin them out..the Blue Echinops is very blue this year..
Small White Rose,with no name..just labelled ‘white’,but I am pleased with it.. and good old faithful ‘Empress of Prussia’ Fuchsia..always turns up trumps..
At long last,Clematis ‘Elsa Spath’ was finally in flower when we got must have been waiting to surprise’s usually a bit earlier than July..sorry about the quality of the pic,as my camera doesn’t do purple well:o(
The Honesty (centre) about to shed it’s outer casings..I’m looking forward to seeing the white standing out like a bright light..
We had rain in the night,so it looks so nice and fresh this morning..very badly needed,but at least they all made it through the heat .The only one I lost was a Campanula at the front of the border,and the hardy Geraniums looked very brown,but once cut back,they are growing again ..I can live with that :o).
25 Jul, 2013
Previous post: They survived the Holiday :o)
Next post: Ist August..Yorkshire Day..
All looking very nice, glad they were ok while you were away...
25 Jul, 2013
Morning Karen..:o) I read a lot in reverse too,and look at photo's .Before I know it ,I can be way back to spring ! :o)Thanks for your nice comment..mostly perennial or evergreens now,much less hassle..and slug free ! We have hardly had any this year,just mainly a few snails..they are lurking somewhere out of the heat,I'm sure :o) I can't believe how good that has been,not having to go out in the dark to get the little B's ! Lol.x
25 Jul, 2013
Thank you Holly..I was pleased to see it fared ok in the heat.The Sidalcea's had finished flowering earlier than usual,so I now have two big gaps ,as I had to cut them down..but they will flower again later,but not as tall :o)
25 Jul, 2013
Hi Sandra that border always looks fantastic and its good to see it looking better than ever, Your Lucifer is further on than mine which is only just budding [also needs staking] I think they give a real boost to long borders like yours giving it a tropical effect! I wonder is your Elsa Spath the same as my new one which I lost the label of, but its doing well too? I see your Daisies are also blooming, the cutting you gave me has now got buds on it so looking forward to seeing it in flower the white will lift the border;0)
25 Jul, 2013
Lovely border Sandra. Always looks good. Pleased you enjoyed your holiday too.
25 Jul, 2013
I do like how you've pruned that Alder - it really makes a statement!
All looking very pretty indeed. I'm glad Elsa finally flowered for you. Mines was chewed by slugs this year and didn't make it past the first rung on the trellis!!
25 Jul, 2013
Well Sandra, it looks like the plants didn't miss you much, we Goyers did though, Welcome Home:-))
25 Jul, 2013
Thank you Carole.The Crocosmia's are huge this year,probably all the rain helped,with them being against the gets so dry in it's shadow .This is the first year I haven't split them and given some away..but I like them tumbling down amongst the other plants..Maybe your Clem is Elsa Spath,but there are so many purple ones,aren't there? I bought it when we first moved here,so it's fared ok really..Is yours one that is summer flowering too? I cut mine back in spring..Glad the Shasta Daisies are growing ok :o)
Thank you Cinders..and yes,we had a lovely holiday..lots of laughter,especially squashed together in a tiny lift at the hotel. about 'we wanna be togevver' was putting it mildly !:o) I've just tidied your Heucheras up today..lots of flower spikes this year :o)
Thank you OH is responsible for the Alder tree shape..and every year I tell him he has butchered it,but it always looks good in the end :o) I don't let him loose on anything else though !.That's a shame about your Clematis.I didn't know the slugs went for them.I must have been lucky :o)
Aw,bless you Ba..that is kind of's pretty obvious some plants don't really need me at all ! much for giving them all the care and attention..they couldn't have cared less ! :o)
25 Jul, 2013
Survived really well Bloomer...Welcome back..:>)
25 Jul, 2013
Very nice Bloomer, looks very colourful, some lovely plants too. :-)
25 Jul, 2013
Beautiful border Bloomer it always look good, great that it survived the hot weather while you were away :o)
25 Jul, 2013
It does look really attractive and I love your clematis - what a sweet colour. I also love honesty and find it very therapeutic peeling the dried flower heads back to get at the seeds - I am looking at a bunch from last year as I write this hanging in the fireplace........the honesty Bloomer not me!!!
25 Jul, 2013
Thanks's nice to be back,with the sun still shining and warm..and just to potter..but we had a lovely time of both worlds just now :o)
thank you S.lad..I keep thinking it all looks a bit 'samey' every year,but it seems to work..might introduce a few changes at some point..that will give me something to ponder over :o)
Thank you Neellan,it's a nice view from the kitchen window just now,..and quite easy to maintain. less work than all the pots etc in the back garden.. but I enjoy both,..only all the watering is getting a chore !
25 Jul, 2013
Oh what a vision that conjures up Chris ! hanging in the fireplace..don't you have your own chair ?? :o) Thank you for your lovely comment..The Clematis is a pretty colour,but what I call a proper's just my camera that make it look more blue.I love peeling Honesty too..and posted a blog a while ago,titled 'I must get out more',so you can guess what I was doing .whilst sitting on a wall outside, sad is that? fireplace at our house,but it is lovely in a vase as well :o) .
25 Jul, 2013
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- Ist August..Happy Yorkshire day..xx.
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Morning Bloomer! Just catching up with, I'm reading your blogs in reverse order! Everything looks so lovely. I wish that I could get my borders to fill out like that! :)
25 Jul, 2013