Levens Hall and Gardens..Cumbria..
By bloomer
A lot of you know, we recently went to the Lake district for a few days,with Carole and Harry..We visited quite a few lovely places ,and this was one of the tours included in our holiday..the highlight for Carole and I ,but the boys really enjoyed it as well..and the weather was very favourable to us,which made all the difference..
Firstly,The Hall..
Privately owned,and the finest Elizabethan House in Cumbria,built around a 13th century Pele Tower and Great Hall..
The gardens were designed by Monsieur Guillaume Beaumont,in 1694,who had been gardener to King James 11,and worked at Hampton Cort Palace.
Of his gardens and designs,only this one remains,and the famous Topiary garden is the oldest in the world..
We didn’t spend much time in the house,as we wanted to take everything in,looking around the wonderful gardens..so off we go ..
A view of the House..as we set off around the gardens.
Lots of separate areas,.consisting of a 17th century garden,Orchard,Beech circle,herb garden and a Fountain garden. the latter established in 1994 to commemorate 300 years at Levens..all this,besides the Topiary garden ..
I’m going to let the photo’s speak for themselves,or you will be here a long time !:
Two happy ladies,…
..and two happy men :o)
We were ready for a sit down ,but this wasn’t what we had in mind..! just fantastic,isn’t it?
And now to the Topiary gardens..this is one of the gardeners trimming the top of one..glad it wasn’t me up there !
I loved the little Elephant,and the perfume of the Heliotrope (Cherry Pie) was wonderful..
The walk is almost over now,so we needed a little light relief,and a bit of a rest…and what did we find ? the playground !..with no one else around…we checked ! Lol.
Poor Carole felt sick,but we couldn’t stop laughing..or get off !
just helpless..:o)
We had a great day out,and then headed for the cafe..and the ‘Facilities’..Lol..
I hope you enjoyed it with us..sorry it’s so long,but there was so much to see. We still didn’t see it all.so we wouldn’t hesitate in going again…
17 Sep, 2013
Previous post: Hairy bikers,last night ..
Next post: Bed and Breakfast with included extra's !
What a love blog Bloomer .
Now may you should all come and visit Glamis Castle Walled Garden where Karen and I volunteer:)
17 Sep, 2013
thank you Jane,I loved them too..so effective,aren't they?
sorry,but I can't remember what they were...on second thoughts,maybe Yew? the previous close up is,I think,and they were having to have support ,as they were so old..
17 Sep, 2013
Thanks Kath,I hope we can make it one day..if ever we see one of our tours coming up your way..we might just do that :o)
17 Sep, 2013
Isn't it stunning? The soft colours in the flower beds look so pretty and the grounds are so well maintained. All of you are obviously having a really great time!
But as for that little elephant - I want him please!!!
17 Sep, 2013
It is,Chris,and one of the nicest places we have been to..maybe a trip out sometime,when you go up to the Lakes? just off the M6 past Kendal..you might want to google it..I fell in love with the Elephant as well :o)I can imagine what mine would be like,if I attempted one..nothing like that,I assure you ! Lol.
17 Sep, 2013
Beautiful place and...oh, oh, oh, the topiary...
But...hey, hey, hey Sandra...fun/death/fun by swinging doughnut!!!
So...How come the boys managed to make it seem so, well...calm??? :))))
17 Sep, 2013
thank you for name....
17 Sep, 2013
I take it you like the Topiary then ? Lol..I loved that swinging doughnut:o) well,you know the song"girls just wanna have fun ? "..ha ha..very reserved at times,our men..,but they have their moments of frivolity..:o)
you are welcome,Jane..at least I think they are Yew trees..
17 Sep, 2013
What a laugh Bloomer..love the swing!
17 Sep, 2013
LOL I had to laugh with you on that swing :D
I'm glad you went on it, and I bet you both enjoyed. I would have done the same !
The old house and gardens are wonderful. I love places like that. I hope you get a chance to go again one day :o)
17 Sep, 2013
Oh Jane, you got in first with your request for the elephant. I want it as well! never cared much for topiary but that garden is amazing - you could spend ages wandering round there admiring it all. What a grand day out, and the weather made it perfect.
17 Sep, 2013
Cheers Tet..it was so funny..There was a sign saying,for under 12's only..but we were going to look surprised,if anyone came,and say we thought they meant 12 stone! lol.
17 Sep, 2013
Thanks Hywel,you would love it there,and the House was very nice too,but we didn't stay in too long..it was warm and sunny outside,and we wanted to see as much as possible..Age is irrelevant when you are having fun :o)..I still laugh,when I think of it ..I think we would have still been in it,if the lads hadn't helped us out Lol.
thanks Sue,pleased you enjoyed it,and that Elephant is great,isn't it? I'm not usually a fan of Topiary either,and thought it might be a bit boring,as we didn't expect to see all those separate little areas,with lovely plants..The gardeners were so chatty too,and very knowledgeable about the history of it all...what an idyllic job they have there.
17 Sep, 2013
Fabulous blog Bloomer lovely pics I add my name to the list wanting the elephant - just adorable, I would quite like a go on the swing too it looked great fun! It looks a really nice place to visit :o)
17 Sep, 2013
Lovely place to visit... glad you all had a good time..:))))
18 Sep, 2013
Great happy beautiful blog Bloomer xxx
18 Sep, 2013
Hi Sandra! you have made a great job of the blog [with all the history too I was sorting out pictures myself yesterday almost identical to yours, but you beat me to it!] Memories to treasure of a lovely holiday with dear friends! The Doughnut pictures say, How not to look dignified! lol x
18 Sep, 2013
Thanks Neellan,glad you enjoyed it..the swing was great,but not trying to get out of the darned thing! good job the boys were there..we might have missed the coach back,no one at all around to help us either Lol.)
Thanks Holly,we had a lovely time at all the places we visited..:o)
Cheers Pam,a shame it's out of your way,when you go to Scotland..you would love it..:o)
Oh,sorry Carole..I didn't know you were going to post a blog and pics too..have you got some of the other places we went to ? I hope I'm forgiven for the playground ones ...but I did warn you ! Lol..you didn't really think I would miss those out,I'm sure :o)
We loved sharing it with you both again too..where are we going next ?? I've been browsing !
18 Sep, 2013
Brilliant blog Sandra, glad you all enjoyed yourselves!The gardens looked amazing from your photos, I'm not a fan of Topiary, but it looked amazing, and you and Carole....well what can I say.....Good on yer for enjoying the doughnut!!The men looked as though they were enjoying themselves as well. :-)))))))))
18 Sep, 2013
thanks Gralew...a great day out..and Carole enjoyed it much more when they got her out ! Lol..I think she will stay well clear of playgrounds in future..if she is with me,that is ! :o)
18 Sep, 2013
Eeeeeee you daft pair, look at you two giggling away, did make me laugh especially as you were both stuck!! Lol Lovely photos, I really love that vista on photo no. 6. What a gorgeous garden and those topiarized yews, fantastic.
18 Sep, 2013
We are sometimes,G.mage :o).but we have been known to behave with decorum ..sometimes too ! Lol.
glad you enjoyed our visit,and I loved that view as well..thank you .x
18 Sep, 2013
So, it's true then..you're as old as you feel..and you two looked about 4 years old..lol. I wonder what Thomas would have said if he'd seen his Grandma like that!
Super topiary and I also love that Elephant, so cute. What a lovely place, looks as if you guys have struck gold again.
19 Sep, 2013
I don't know about that,Waddy..same mental age maybe! Lol.It must be the age of our decade,as there is only 6 months between us .:o) I blame the 2nd world war ..haha..I'm sure Thomas will hide away in a corner as he gets older,if I carry on like that..
It's not that far to go,even for a day..you would love it..not sure how much the entrance fee is ,as it was included in our tour..well worth it we thought ..and thank you for your nice comment..:o)
19 Sep, 2013
Great blog Sandra, by the way, the baby elephant is mine, bought it on ebay:-) Lovely to see you all having such fun, just think how embarassed you'd have felt if the ropes had broken lol, good job I wasn't there or they probably would have:-))
19 Sep, 2013
Thanks Ba, I hope they saw you coming,and charged you over the odds..WE saw it first,and some of the other Goyers..I can think of other words than cheeky to describe your methods,but as I'm a lady,I won't lower the tone...not on my own blog anyway ! :o)
19 Sep, 2013
What a fabulous place Sandra. I really enjoyed your blog. I'm not normally a fan of too much topiary, but these were just spectacular ! I loved the elephant.
I'm glad you all enjoyed yourselves, but...ahem...how old are you ! Hahaa!
19 Sep, 2013
I remember being dragged at high speed, across the Aegean, on a doughnut like that...but, they called it a "water-biscuit"...lol! :)))
I wasn't laughing like you though...I was hanging on for grim death and keeping my mouth shut, so as to not drown. And, no matter how hard they tried, NOTHING was going to dunk me in the drink!!
And, no...it's not something I would normally do...
...and, Carr's have never been the same since...
19 Sep, 2013
Thanks Rose..and to be honest,when I saw Topiary on the Itinerary description,I thought oh, ok..but when we saw it I was amazed..it was much more spectacular than I imagined..it looks like we all want that Elephant! Lol,now there's a project for you..first buy your Box,and wait a few years ! :o)..and how old am I ? same age as my hair,and a bit older than my teeth ! Lol..xx
19 Sep, 2013
Oh Karen,you do me the world of good..any imagination is in overdrive! Lol...I would have loved to have seen see you,but thank God I wasn't with you ! :o)
I got thrown off a Pedalo once in Benidorm,OH and 3 year old in tow,plus baggage..sea too rough,and they shouldn't have let us go out..It tipped to one side...my side !, and I fell out,hitting my toe on the only rock for miles,I think..luckily we were still in shallow water,so I waded to the beach,while OH and daughter carried on .."we have paid for it,so might as well use it "were his words.. but did ask if I was ok first..I lay sunbathing ,then couldn't walk when I came to get up..Doctors next stop ,Xray,broken big toe .." such fun " .
I couldn't go to work when I got home,as I couldn't get my shoes on for two weeks ..
Happy days eh ?
19 Sep, 2013
Hahaha...not funny at the time, I know...ouch! broken toes really hurt! But, I'm picturing the scene, lol! :) I'll bet they had a few chuckles at work too when you said you broke your toe in a pedalo incident! lol! :)))
It was my teenage daughter who wanted to go on the water-biscuit...but, she would only go if I went too. But, as soon as he started up the engine and moved forward, she shouted, "Stop! I want off!" The guy in the boat asked what she was afraid of and she said, "Fish!" He laughed and said, "Feesh? Feesh? There are no feesh!" But, she got off...and muggins here had to go...same reason...it was paid for...lol! Mind you, looking back, if she'd been on it as well...we'd definitely have been in the drink :)
20 Sep, 2013
Definitely not funny at the time,Karen..and I had only been working there a few weeks,so I didn't qualify for sick pay either,even worse ! I could only get flip flops on,so elf and safety ,and all that..had to go for another Xray when I got back..the dozy so and so and so's were only going to do the wrong foot ! Duh !I mean,would you really have strapping on your good one?? :o) even I knew that,with having broken my arm twice,and my leg,plus dislocating my thumb falling off the top of a haystack..don't ask ! ..and I still never got an invite to their Christmas party ..ha ha.
Oh,dear.on your own ? no Feesh? not even a teeny Sardine? I need to go to the bathroom,I'm laughing so much :o)
20 Sep, 2013
Poor Bloomer she goes on a Pedalo
And ends up breaking her big toe
And Karen on her Biscuit thing
I can see her now trying hard to cling
on despite the waves - I really did laugh!
Recycled teenagers you sure are daft
That picture of PP and you in the Donut
Show that without doubt, you are not grown-up!
20 Sep, 2013
Sandra you sound like accidents waiting to happen Lol how many other people can claim to have broken so many bits of themselves , what were you doing on top of the haystack anyhow ??
Brilliant blog or Wicked as the young ones say , I'm never going to see all the fabulous places shown on GOY I'd need another life at least . The gardens are stunning there won't be any arguing about the Elly I'm having it !
The 3rd pic down mid pic ,I'm sure I've seen fields of it I think it's some kind of curly kale I'm not sure maybe someone else knows .
What a fabulus day you had ,I had a good laugh seeing you girls on the swing still young at heart , brilliant like you I wouldn't have been able to stop laughing either ,you laugh so much it hurts ... . thanks for showing ,have a good weekend without breaking anything that is :o))x
20 Sep, 2013
Love this blog Sandra ... the gardens are looking wonderful considering it's mid September ... and topiary always looks better than it sounds!
As for you two stuck in the swing ... words fail me ... for once ... lol!!
22 Sep, 2013
Well in my 'youth' my dearest Tet,
my bones were always being set,
In plaster of paris,..so not nice,
on my leg for skating on Ice,
Arm, when in the school ,playground,
and that was only the first time round..
I really was a walking disaster,
6 weeks later,and back in plaster !
Brittle bones? was asked by mumsy..
"No they aren't,she's just so clumsy,":o)
So now you're wondering about the thumb,
dislocated,..eeh by gum (Yorkshire dialect)
Falling off a haystack ,it was pretty bleak,
I was only playing hide and seek !
So that is the truth believe it or not,
you really are a doubting lot :o)
I really wasn't having fun,
on the Haystack in the sun,
Well I was,up to a point,
till my thumb was out of joint..Lol.
22 Sep, 2013
Thanks Amy,glad you enjoyed it..It does look like Kale doesn't it ?I didn't know what it was..thanks :o)
Oh,Amy,I haven't laughed like that for years..the reason why we had to look for the ' Facilites' quickly ! lol.
We took Thomas to the park today,and they had one there..but with it being a lovely day,I couldn't get on for all those kids ! so disrespectful to their elders...now in MY day.....! :o)
22 Sep, 2013
Thank you Shirley..we had such a lovely time,everywhere we visited,and blessed with nice weather for most of it...
You? stuck for words ? you are having a laugh,surely? Lol.
I bet you are glad we weren't able to meet you in July ! Lol.
22 Sep, 2013
Heehee, ladies!
I'm not being tempted to join you in rhyme,
as, my tooth is giving me a terrible time.
I've tried to ignore it, I know that it's daft.
But, I have to go now, 'cause it hurts when I laugh!
Lol (ouch)! :)
23 Sep, 2013
Oh no,Karen..still so painful? make that appointment,pronto !
23 Sep, 2013
Done. Tomorrow...15,OOhrs... :(
23 Sep, 2013
Laughing at all your mad antics, I have always behaved in a ladylike way.....and I think I have fractured more bones than you Sandra ...again...just clumsy. The only funny thing that happened to me at the seaside was on Pwllhelli beach. I had gone to work at Butlins a week before my mate Val was arriving. I had trotted down to the beach alone hoping to look mystical and interesting. I had a date that evening wth a boy I had met the previous night. The beach was deserted and I cleverly found the only patch of sinking sand for miles. One leg had gone straight in and the other was sort of bent out. Not a soul around the weather was very dull. Then on the horizon I saw a figure in a large raincoat. Rescue! "excuse me" I shouted ..the figure did not look my way (I was in up to my hips by then) I called again "excuse me" I couldn't for the life of me shout HELP! Eventually he turned ...oh nooo ...he was wearing dark glasses ...I prayed he wasn't blind. I waved and he came cautiously down to where I was, from afar I must have looked as though I was sitting on the sand and just trying to attract his attention. He managed to pull me out and I had to walk through camp, bare foot as my shoes has been sucked off my feet and legs far apart like the mud monster. When I got back to my chalet, I immediately fell fast asleep, it must have been the shock. I missed my date and when I woke in the morning I thought for a horrible moment that I was paralysed as the muddy sand had set rock hard. I had to soak in a bath for ages to get it all off. When my mate Val arrived a week later, she though it was hilarious ... not one word of sympathy:-(
23 Sep, 2013
Oh Ba oh Ba ohohoooh.....
Sorry but that took the water biscuit!
Bloomer &pansy stuck in a donut, broken toes seasick water biscuits with feeshees now sinking sand......all I ask..... Ossifer cough cough.....Officer...... was Strong Drink Taken. :0))
23 Sep, 2013
Oh dera,Ba..sorry to laugh,by that is a picture to imagine..
A man in a long mac,and dark glasses?? you were taking a chance weren't you? Lol..it could only happen to you,my dear..It wasn't a Redcoat,was it? ha ha..I've heard about them.!! Lol.
23 Sep, 2013
Oh, Ba...Did you have to explain to your date that you didn't mean to stand him up...
...that you got stuck in sinking sands...and were rescued by a tall, dark stranger, wearing shades and a dodgy raincoat...??
And...did you ever see him again.........? lol :)
23 Sep, 2013
He wasn't a redcoat, don't know what his function was and I'm afraid 'mystery man' was neither tall nor handsome and very quiet. I did meet him some weeks later, after my friend Val had arrived. We had run out of our chalet screaming as we were attacked by daddy long legs. He was walking past at the time with a friend (still wearing the raincoat), they went in and removed the Monsters! I never mentioned the earlier rescue ( too shy) and I don't supose he recognised me. Val and I fell about laughing at the coincidence and he was referred to ever after by us as my 'gallant rescuer' :-))
I didn't have the confidence to tell the boy (a camp photographer) I had the date with for the same reason, so he must have thought I had just not bothered to turn up. Also what if he hadn't turned up either? then I'd have looked a fool! Paranoia rules:-))
It was my first time away from home. In those days, boy holiday makers would buy girls drinks when out, and Val and I would go to the loo at the end of the evening and sneak out the back way to our chalet. We would then have to dodge the boys for the rest of their week there. Femme fatales or what lol:-))
24 Sep, 2013
How I remember those days,Ba..my first holiday with the girls too..eight of us! also at Butlins,but in Ayr,Scotland..we lived in Cumbria then..We all bought those button through skirts with the big patch pockets all same colour! lilac...with black tops..we must have looked a sight :o)..got them out of a Sunday paper supplement ! Lol.
Bunk beds for four in each chalet,or hen hut,as we called it..loos and cold shower blocks across the road ..but boy,we had a great time..and all that dancing every night..and falling in love with the lead singer...all of us ! .ha ha..happy days :o)
24 Sep, 2013
I was working there for the season Sandra (escaping my poor mum) Val had left home as she didn't get on with her stepmother. There were two single beds in our chalet which was not in the same place as other workers whose chalets were behind barbed wire fencing lol, we were lucky. We palled up with two lovely girls from Swansea, Chris and Roz, we had a great time. We thought we were so sophisticated:-)))
24 Sep, 2013
Happy days xxx
24 Sep, 2013
Indeed Pam and so innocent. I just wish I had seen Sandra and her friends in those lilac skirts:-))
25 Sep, 2013
Hmm, lilac skirts..sound good to me, lol!
Reminds me of ("And when I am old I shall wear purple!") Sorry! :/
...just a quote I keep in my head. Don't remember who she was, but she raised hell, in her day. So, lilac skirts work for me! :)))
I was never allowed to do anything, when I was young...
Closest I got to Butlins, Ayr, was the "Heads of Ayr" caravan site...!
So, like Val...I ran away...not to Ayr...
...although, that's where my ex is from! (well, a bit south of there - but, it's their nearest town).
25 Sep, 2013
You would have been sooo jealous,Ba..we were very 'hip' as they called it then :o) nowadays,I dread to think ! Lol
25 Sep, 2013
Ah yes,"I shall wear purple" and I do Karen ! My glasses are purple,and my newest top is also purple,admittedly,..with a bit of black and white,..but I love that colour.Alison is the same,although I'm not as fanatical as her..even Thomas knew from a young age 'mummy likes purple'.:o)
25 Sep, 2013
"Cool", these days though, eh, Sandra? I love purple too :)
But, when I am old I shall wear red!
...red specs, red clothes...rugs, cushions, paintings. The walls of my old house were red too (although I've managed to curtail myself a bit in this one)
...even my wedding dress was blood-red velvet, lol! :)
26 Sep, 2013
I had my ears pierced about 12-13 years ago and now wear long, dangly earings. I change my fave colours each year, this autumn/winter I've gone for greys, bluey greeny and last autumn/winter was browns/oranges. Thank goodness for charity shops :-)))
26 Sep, 2013
My friend is certain colours affect her mood, beiges and greys depress her so she happily wears bright colours xxx
I love my bright pink anorak for dark grey days. :0))
26 Sep, 2013
Love the danglers!
Orange comes a close second for me, followed by yellow, with a touch of hot pink and purple...and all of them together!
My mum keeps buying me tops in peacock colours, though...is she trying to tell me something?? :)))
I think your friend is right, Pam. Plus, some people can wear all colours and look great in them all. Blue gives me the blues...
Your anorak would go great with my orange umbrella :)))
26 Sep, 2013
Greens and yellows make me look ill......
Pinks and blues are my colours and autumn shades....
My necks too short for danglers they get tangled in my sweater......
26 Sep, 2013
I like the sound they make when I walk... like I had company:-) I have loved to wear green most of my adult life, especially that sort of greyish green and khaki.. oh and emerald, but that was when I had dark brown hair. I've never been able to wear revealing clothes though (some unkind people may have said I had little to reveal), even my minis were just above the knee lol. If I buy a brightly patterned or a very feminine sort of top or dress, I end up feeling stupid in it and never wear it. I'm trying to retrain myself:-)
26 Sep, 2013
I live in trousers but when I go to the Luncheon club. ( ladies who lunch. :0)))
I love to wear a skirt or a dress for a change......
26 Sep, 2013
I think that was called "lovat green", where I come from. Soft, like a misty morning...
You feel good inside, you look good outside, Ba :))
I really believe that!
In the late seventies/early eighties, it was fashionable (among us, "you can tell we go to art-school" lot) to wear an assortment of danglers...but, only in one ear.
Result? One ear-lobe longer than the other...
I have the same problem as you, now, Pam...but only on one side. I have a short neck too...so, you can just imagine... :)
26 Sep, 2013
Ooh, the Luncheon club, Pam...how could we live without it? Getting dressed up and having a lovely time with the girls. Not a man in sight...and not missed, in the slightest! :))
26 Sep, 2013
What a picture you all paint girls! Lol.lopsided ears made me laugh :o) I can't do Orange,Karen,I look like death..or peach.either....browns and black is ok,when my hair has been hi lighted,but apart from that,I wear most colours..that's why I shouldn't impulse buy..!!. I also have a bright pink waterproof with matching inner
fleece,Pam ,now that does help to brighten the wet winter days ..erm.i have just bought another....yes,it's purple :o)
Jeans and Trousers are my faves...but I do wear skirts and dresses when it's warm..never,ever in winter ...
26 Sep, 2013
Have you all forgotten the long sleeve long legged knitted tankini? Well B.A. Fashions are bringing out a purple range this autumn with matching hat, ear muffs and gloves, we also an optional face veil for those 'bad face' days... I'm sure they'll sell out quickly so get you orders in now:-)
26 Sep, 2013
I'm in!!! :))
...but can you do the accessories in red (-dish) please? They counteract the sallow skin...
And, can you, please, include washing instructions?
I've found that knitted tankinis tend to stretch on the line...
26 Sep, 2013
..and could they be in a wool mixture please,Ba or better still,synthetic? especially the Face veil..it would be a tad uncomfortable and itchy,on the Razor rash ! mmm,I hadn't considered the washing instructions.. ..not to worry,I could get some higher boots,or share with my neighbour..save on the heating bills for both of us :o)
26 Sep, 2013
Girls ... I've taken all your suggestions on board you'll be pleased to know. Now Karen, none of your delightfully sallow skin will be on show you silly girl ...that's what the veil is for! Nevertheless, we will be including all the usual colours ....if only we could have a Grows On You winter outing ....what a dash we'd cut ... I think we'd put your lilac skirts to shame Sandra:-)))
27 Sep, 2013
I was quite conservative in comparison to the outfit you have in mind,Ba,..even as a swinging 60's chick! Lol.I've worn far more outrageous ones since..cringe moments ! :o)
28 Sep, 2013
Not the boob tube? :-)
29 Sep, 2013
Arghhhh! The Boob Tube!...and hotpants and catsuits..halter necked backless dresses...oh boy! those were the days LOL!
1 Oct, 2013
Did you wear them Tet?:-)
1 Oct, 2013
Every darned one BA!! Not all at once, of course.My hot pants were lilac with a lilac gingham blouse. My catsuit was white with a halter neck and no back to the waist. And I had this little black number that had my new boyfriend (and subsequent husband) quivering at the knees LOL! No back, halter neck but discreetly knee length worn with 4" strappy stilettos and not much else!! (I still have it but can no longer wear it..can barely get it over my head! I was sooo tiny then..sigh!
1 Oct, 2013
What a little fashion Icon you were Tet....I didn't wear any of those except the 4" Stiletto's..Not just them on their own,I might add !! Lol...they were killers,weren't they? I don't miss the many blisters I used to get...I think I had got past that era of the Catsuit,etc..I wore those stretchy Crimplene dresses...'in your face' colours..shocking pink,Lime green etc ..49/11d in old money from a chain of shops called 'Paiges' if you remember them..and then C&A came along :o) where did the 20" waist go ?
2 Oct, 2013
Ha ha, I only wore one and a half inch stilettos, I thought I was too tall and thin to wear very high ones and I was only 5'5". I did wear flares occassionally, but they kept wrapping round my legs ... not a good look. I never wore any of those things you did Tet, not even a little black number ...I'd have looked like a stick of liquorice in one:-))
2 Oct, 2013
Oh how I remember my first pair of Trousers,Ba..more like Bell Bottoms than Flares! Lol.maybe that is how the Sailor attraction started ..ha ha..They were thick wool type ones,and so darned itchy..took about a week to dry,after washing..no dryers then..but thank goodness they changed for the better..I wear them all the time now..
2 Oct, 2013
Right! Having to scroll back a bit, lol...
...boob tubes...halter-necks, cat-suits, hot-pants and stilettos...not all in lilac...some slinky little black numbers...
...crimplene from Paige's (there was one of those in Alloa! Wasn't it great!)
...and bell-bottoms!!
It's looking a bit like my twenty-two year old daughter's wardrobe! lol! :)))
(You'll notice that I haven't mentioned platform shoes and spandex...my formative years weren't fashion's days of glory...lol!)
But, Sandra...how do you stop them soaking up to the knees when you go out??? :)
3 Oct, 2013
you tuck them in your wellies,Karen ! Lol...don't you mean .'how DID,and 'when I WENT' out? good grief woman,I do clear my wardrobe out now and then! Lol.Remember I was in the flower power era,and before!:o)) ..
3 Oct, 2013
Miles behind with blogs because of my eyes but I 'm so pleased I chose yours today Sandra, not only is it a treat to see and hear of your day out but the whole blog has kept me amused, hearing of all your antics both past and present and the fashion memories from everyone had me in stitches with all the descriptions of everyones dress codes through the years, as I read through all the comments I have to admit that I also have memories of the same outfits, we thought we were the bees/knees, lol...
The photo's are grand, I am a fan of topiary and love to see the shapes in these gorgeous gardens, we have visited Levens during one of our holidays and it looks as lovely now as it did then, mind you I never had a play in the childrens play area.....
15 Oct, 2013
Thank you Sue,and I'm glad it made you laugh today :o) We are crazy at times,aren't we ? and even more so,in our youth,on looking back at what we wore :o)At least we all looked alike.so we didn't stand out in a crowd :o).
I seem to remember you visiting Levens..shame you didn't have a go in the play area..you are never too old for fun..next time maybe? I won't tell :o))
15 Oct, 2013
Another great blog, you do get around don't you, thank goodness!! going to find another now......
31 Oct, 2013
Don't know how I missed the later comments on this one - really enjoyed the nostalgia trip. I'd never have kept up with all you glamour pusses. My feet have always been to wide for fashion shoes and the only pair of stilettos I ever had (and they were...hold your breath.. 69/11 from Marshall and Snelgrove!!) bit the dust quite early when i did the Military Twostep too enthusiastically and bent one of the heels right over, unrepairable. What a waste.
31 Oct, 2013
We did digress a bit since your last comment,didn't we Sue? Lol..but good fun along the way ..69/11 was a fair old price then..I used to try and stick to 49/11 and that was a struggle...what a shame you lost your heel ,you exuberant lady..:o)
31 Oct, 2013
sorry,Dd.almost missed you there..and yes,we do get around a bit..three times this year,and another coming up shortly..only way to go :o)
31 Oct, 2013
Good for you..
1 Nov, 2013
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- Ist August..Happy Yorkshire day..xx.
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i had to comment your blog.. why? well because i just love the shape of those trees (curved semi circle, photo) it looks to be...
17 Sep, 2013