Dunham Massey...Cheshire..
By bloomer
This is a another National Trust property, we visited on the
way home from our recent visit to Tatton Park..
It is on a smaller scale ,but still an enjoyable walk around the grounds and gardens.
The House and old Mill is only open Sat to Weds.so we couldn’t visit.The six avenues radiate in a goose-foot shape from the House,created in the 18th century,by The
2nd Earl of Warrington.,George Booth.
So,after a nice coffee in the Stables Cafe,we set off on our walk..
The Buildings are very much in the style of the ones at Tatton Park..
Lots of Silver Birch trees flanking the path,and a carpet of white Cyclamen..
Lovely greenery..
Just managed to catch this Squirrel before he disappeared..
Towards the Moated pool and lake..
..and the Herbaceous borders..
this was a Delphinium still in full bloom in October!
Time to leave for home,but we passed this magnificent tree on the way back to the car park..and still hanging on to life…
In 2014,to mark the centenary of the outbreak of World War 1,Dunham Massey Hall will be turned back into Stamford Military Hospital,a sanctuary to over 280 soldiers injured on active service..I thought it a fitting week to post this blog..
hope you enjoyed the rest of our short break..
13 Nov, 2013
Previous post: Here's one I made earlier :o)
Next post: The party's over..almost...
Beautiful gardens and I love the white cyclamen and the silver birches.
13 Nov, 2013
It looks a lovely place Bloomer, will the servicemen mean that the house will be closed to the public?
Its a really good use of it though,and as you say a good week to post it x
13 Nov, 2013
Very interesting :o)
13 Nov, 2013
I enjoyed that Bloomer - a nice place to visit.
13 Nov, 2013
Thanks G..it makes you stop and think doesn't it? especially in Remembrance week..that tree was awesome..and if only it could talk,it would be a real eye opener..:o) x
Thank you Jaykaty..the Trees are going to be magnificent in years to come..:o)
Pam,I think it is only referring to the number of service men it helped,so I imagine it will be open to the public,to see how they recreate it as it was..and thank you x
glad you found it interesting Hywel,thank you..x
Thanks Scottish..it was nice that it was on our route home,so were glad we didn't bypass it..
13 Nov, 2013
It is really lovely Bloomer. We were there a few years ago. It was September and it was 30 degrees. We had an amazing day there including Morris Dancers. The gardens are wonderful for October.
13 Nov, 2013
amazing old tree...the house reminds me of the park we used to hang out in as kids...http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/23/Tredegar_House.jpg&imgrefurl=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tredegar_House&h=194&w=259&sz=1&tbnid=Tb6iViqDXAmYYM:&tbnh=160&tbnw=213&zoom=1&usg=__W14HEVtlLjwpkRIV7xMYp3eGHJs=&docid=Cs8reaxT_N1wOM&itg=1&sa=X&ei=pPCDUqroHomthQeS4IHoCQ&ved=0CLUBEPwdMAo
13 Nov, 2013
Lovely blog Bloomer what a lovely place to visit , loved the Birches and Cyclamen, the little wooden Arbour and that characterful tree super, so pleased you shared your visit this week - what a super idea to recreate the hospital. :o)
13 Nov, 2013
thanks Linda..glad you enjoyed your visit too,and what good weather you had.
Thank you Sandra...pleased iit brought back nice childhood memories for you..I will take a look at your link :o)
Thanks Neellan..I loved that area too..also the wooden arbour..so unusual isn't it? definitely a good place to visit..:o) x
13 Nov, 2013
One for the list Bloomer! loved all your pictures :o)
13 Nov, 2013
That seems to be an ever growing list ,like mine,Neellan..
They also created a new Rose garden this year,but to be honest,there wasn't much in flower,so we didn't bother going in..surprising really,to say how well they have done this year..maybe they just need to get established..
They have a new Rose called Dunham Massey,so hope that flourishes well..
14 Nov, 2013
Loved the big wooden arbor thing and the bench Sandra. I noticed the mesh barrier all along the herbaceous borders, and wondered if you had taken a big suspicious bag?:-))
15 Nov, 2013
The Arbour is lovely isn't it?..and as for the mesh fencing,..I had thought of going skinny dipping in the Moat..far too cold ! What else would my bag hold,but a towel?? Lol
16 Nov, 2013
Did you miss the r out of towel there Bloomer?! :o)
16 Nov, 2013
Ha ha,Neena ..well spotted..! definitely NOT a towel :o)..maybe it might have been, when it was hot weather,or both ! Lol xx
17 Nov, 2013
Lol :o)
17 Nov, 2013
Sorry to be late to this blog, Sandra - just a week behind on GoY - lovely photos of a smashing place - can't believe that Delphinium still flowering and love those Silver Birches - thanks for sharing ... :o)
20 Nov, 2013
No problem ,Shirley..you got here eventually ,Lol,and thank you..we had a lovely day there,the Delphs were quite something for October,weren't they?
20 Nov, 2013
Indeed ... :o)
21 Nov, 2013
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- Ist August..Happy Yorkshire day..xx.
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A very fitting week B. Thank you, lovely blog and what great gardens they have there. I love that tree, bet it could tell a story or two!
13 Nov, 2013