The party's over..almost...
By bloomer
I think we are all trying to keep memories of our lovely summer going a little longer.. here are a few of mine yesterday..
Begonia Semperflorens,with Purple Emperor Sedum,now in it’s winter brown..
Ballet Girl,Looking decidely leggy,and ready for potting up today..
Cosmos valiantly hanging on,,
My trusty Empress of Prussia,showing she can still keep up with the young ones,in her old age..
Polemonium(Jacob’s ladder) not to be outdone..
‘Fragrant Delight’ Rose..not so much Fragrant now,but still a delight ..
‘Cliff Richard’ still looking to be number one ..:o)
Sedum,with a Godetia and Hebe competing for a last fling..
The Russet tones of a pink Astilbe..
Welsh Poppy,ignoring Autumn altogether..
Osteospermum,defiant to the last..
Bacopa refusing to make way for Viola’s..
Lonely little Chive..
Bowles Mauve will hopefully laugh it’s way through winter..
More Sedums proudly flanking ‘Tom Thumb’ Pittosporum..
But Autumn is slowly taking over..and the Florida variagata Weigela refuses to shed it’s leaves yet,and still has the odd pink flower..but the Zebrina grass has already succumbed with it’s buff foliage..
and the vibrant berries are taking over on the Pyracantha’s
The yellow foliage on the Silver Birch will soon be history..
Does my Eric have an inkling of things to come? :o))
It’s time to take stock and relax,and I think most of us will be looking forward to spring,and another good Summer..I guess the garden has to rest too,at some point..and we will start all over again..xx
18 Nov, 2013
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Thank you Junna..pleased you enjoyed it :o) x
18 Nov, 2013
It's amazing to have so much still in flower, Bloomer: thanks for giving me a smile :)) (We also have the Bowles Mauve still flowering, and the other day a bee on a welsh poppy . . . extraordinary.)
18 Nov, 2013
Well done never fail to make me smile....Love Erics hat!!! Love Tom Thumb as well :-)
18 Nov, 2013
It is,Sheila,and glad I made you smile:o) Those Bowles Mauve were cuttings from last they have done well.Silly me,pulled the original up,as it looked very straggly and woody..but my neighbour's rallied round,and is lovely..I won't do the same next and learn eh?
I haven't seen a bee for a while :o(.Thank you for your nice comment x
18 Nov, 2013
Thanks Val..I managed to get those Fuchsias potted up this afternoon,once the rain had stopped,so everything is just about done now..the rest will have to take pot luck Poor Eric is hatless again..I might need it has come really cold now..:o(..I think Tom Thumb is my favourite shrub :o)
18 Nov, 2013
If you hadn't shown the picture of the tree, I'd have difficulty in guessing it was November in your garden Bloomer.
Didn't know Cliff had a rose named after him, not that I should be surprised - there are many roses around! I hope your garden doesn't go to sleep to quickly for you :)
18 Nov, 2013
Thank you Scottish.I think a lot of gardens are the same this year,aren't they? I don't ever remember an Autumn like it..but I'm not complaining:o)..I have had two of the Cliff Richard Roses a long time..not especially for the name,but I liked the colour..although in my youth,I thought he was great..we are the same age,born in the same month :o)..
18 Nov, 2013
Great Blog Sandra, that wall opposite your house is looking fantastic with all the Trees Shrubs and berries and still full of colour. The begonias and Sedums look amazing and I really envy your Pittosporum Tom Thumb, [must look out for him next year].
Just reminding you to get your hat back off Eric you will be needing it Next Week lol
18 Nov, 2013
Loved your pics .
18 Nov, 2013
Your autumn garden is very interesting. I like that high wall. I should think it gives some shelter to the plants :o)
18 Nov, 2013
Magical blog Bloomer....I love your garden
18 Nov, 2013
Lovely blog Bloomer so many flowers giving you colour still, all looking neat and tidy too, are you really going to let Eric freeze his stoney feathers off without a hat this winter? :o)
18 Nov, 2013
its amazing for mid November. And like Hywel, I just love that stone wall, you are so lucky to have it! Eric and his hart are the bee's knees too.
18 Nov, 2013
Thank you's lovely to look at the wall from the kitchen..especially just now..I can't see the Begonias looking good after tomorrow..a good job I potted some up :o) ..and about Eric's hat,don't forget I bought my new jacket with the cosy hood in Windermere? a hat is a last resort for me ..Lol xx
Thank you Suey,glad you liked the pics :o)
Thank you Hywel..and yes,the wall does give protection to my border..there is a Bowling green behind it,which is level with the top of the wall ...
Thanks Moti..I bet your garden is looking nice too :o)
Thanks Neellan,I thought this might be the last time to take pics, ..and 'poor' Eric is under cover of a canopy..he only borrowed it..I don't want to ruffle his feathers by spoiling him too much :o)) x
18 Nov, 2013
Thanks Sue..I love it too..adds some character and privacy..most houses around here are built in old stone..we have a stone quarry not far away..:o)..Eric was a Christmas gift from our daughter last year,so he is special..with or without his hat :o)
18 Nov, 2013
Hard to believe that this is a November garden still flourishing. I love the colour on the silver birch and hope it lasts a few more days for you. Begonias have been truly wonderful this year and the roses too look lovely. As you said, the garden does need a rest now but it is certainly taking its time in curling up and going to sleep!!
19 Nov, 2013
Thanks Chris.I guess it will all be over any day now,according to the temps forecast for a while..but we have all had a good run for our money this year,so no complaints;o).x
19 Nov, 2013
Eric will be fine under there then tough breed those northern owls, love your new avatar btw :o)
19 Nov, 2013
He will Neellan..tough as owd boots up here:o) I'm not sure about the looks a bit drab compared to the photo,don't you think? I might look for something a bit brighter,or go back to my Delphs :o)
19 Nov, 2013
It is so hard to believe you still have so much colour in your garden,a real credit to you, it does make the winter shorter when we have a late warm autumn....loved the blog.??
19 Nov, 2013
Thank you Dd..not bad for up north,is it? :o) all downhill from here I think..pouring down with a strong wind this morning,after a frost that lasted all day yesterday,despite the lovely sunshine....not a good combination !
20 Nov, 2013
Owl in boots lol It's a pretty pic Bloomer :o)
20 Nov, 2013
Thanks Neena ,might stick with it for now :o) x
21 Nov, 2013
21 Nov, 2013
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What a gorgeous blog:-O))
18 Nov, 2013