Sheffield Park and Gardens,Sussex...feel the warmth !
By bloomer
Thought you might like to see this lovely NT parkland,to bring a little sunshine to you today,which was one of the hottest days of July last year,with over 300 acres of beautiful Countryside to explore..if you have the time…We didn’t,but I hope you enjoy the small area we were able to didn’t disappoint..The beauty of the park,is often it’s elderly trees,which provide valuable habitats for Woodpeckers,Owls and Bats..
Sheffield Park House doesn’t belong to the National Trust,but it’s a wonderful Building..We spent a lot of time trying to keep under the shade of the trees,as the heat was quite oppressive,and we sat down a lot ! :o)
This is the route we took..starting with a view of the
How Carole and I envied these lads,keeping cool,whilst tending the Water lilies..oh my,the heat was almost unbearable in the open..and not much better in the shade ..
Almost back,with the house coming in to view..
Carole and I reaching our Oasis..cream crackered..:o)
..but trying to look cool,at the NT trust help desk ! Lol..
good job no one came to ask for advice :o)
A wonderful place,despite the searing heat..hope you enjoyed our walk..
30 Jan, 2014
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Hi Terra,it is..and don't think we weren't tempted :o)
30 Jan, 2014
lovely day out but is it the sheffield i know or is it like leeds castle hundreds of miles from leeds xxx steve
30 Jan, 2014
just re read sheffield gardens sussex what am i like xxsteve
30 Jan, 2014
A very enjoyable selection of photographs, thank you.
30 Jan, 2014
I feel better already Bloomer.......bring on the cold drinks :0)
30 Jan, 2014
Sandra??? Is that you?? Did I finally get to see the face of my mystery pen pal?? Is that you??
I love the Gothic Architecture of the Sheffield Park House and how it blends in so nicely with the surroundings - not jarring and the park in marvelous with many points of interest- a nice place to wander around even in the heat. Can you rent a bicycle for a park tour?
30 Jan, 2014
I have made a note for future investigations. :0)
30 Jan, 2014
Lol,Snoopy,go to the top of the class ! ha ha.Easy mistake to make..and thank you :o)
Thank you Diane,pleased you enjoyed our visit..We were on a coach holiday to Eastbourne,with our was a Garden themed tour,very nice..Maybe you saw my blog on Great Dixter,which was part of the Itinerary as well ?
Thanks Pam..we could have done with a bucket full,it was so hot ,but well worth it :o)
Yes,Paul..with my GoY friend Carole..who is the one wearing the trousers..whether her husband would agree,I don't know ! Lol.You would love it there,and we only saw a very small part of it,owing to time restrictions..I have just checked their information leaflet,but it doesn't mention Bicycles for hire..only self drive mobility vehicles usually free of charge,,but I guess you aren't ready for one of those yet :o)
There are lots of interesting places dotted around,and it wouldn't take so long to see it all,if you had the time..Thank you,and I'm glad you enjoyed it.. :o)
I can almost guarantee you would like it Linda .It's wonderful..
30 Jan, 2014
How beautiful...always wanted to go there. The house looks like it has a big chapel with a stained glass window. I bet it's stunning, shame it's not open. But the gardens are really the star of the show aren't they?! And I really can feel the heat in those pictures. Thank you for reminding us that it's not winter all year round...(usually) :)
30 Jan, 2014
Beautiful park, glad to see you all enjoyed yourselves thanks for sharing.
30 Jan, 2014
As you know Sandra, this is only about 30 miles away from us so we visit regularly ... an amazing place and always something different to see on each visit ... I had forgotten quite how hot that week was ... lovely blog ... :o)
30 Jan, 2014
Thanks Karen.It's a shame we didn't have time to take a close look at the house,and it's Architecture..we were going to another place afterwards,for lunch..maybe another time,if we get down that way again..I hope you do too, one day :o)
30 Jan, 2014
Looking good you two and of course so are the gardens, just beautiful aren't they and so green. Delightful blog B.
30 Jan, 2014
What a beautiful place. Trees, lawns and water - what could be nicer on a hot day?
Snoopy, do you know Sheffield? My native city.
30 Jan, 2014
Oh that is just what I needed to see this evening Bloomer, after such a cold and grey day here.. Photos look wonderful.. I vaguely remember that heat back in blog my friend..\0/x
30 Jan, 2014
Thanks,Gmage,glad you enjoyed it..there are some lovely walks here,and you could quite easily spend a full day,to stroll around at your leisure,and all flat for easy walking..We only saw a small part of it..
31 Jan, 2014
Thank you Sue,and despite the heat,everything looked so green,and fresh..but then, the summer was only just beginning .
31 Jan, 2014
Thanks Flori..I saved this purposely, for these dark grey days..not a lot to see just now.That week was the hottest we have had on holiday,for some time..but we just soldiered on !..:o) Some one had to do it..Lol.x
31 Jan, 2014
What a beautiful place, not one I know unfortunately, perhaps I shall have to remedy that this year. I loved the trees, they are so majestic, but then I'm a sucker for trees anyway.
The water Lily is beautiful. Do you think I could get one like that for my new pond?...
31 Jan, 2014
Looks lovely sandra, you cant imagine the summer weather at the moment can you.... but hopefully spring is on its way.... lovely pics.. :))
31 Jan, 2014
Thanks Waddy,neither did we,as it isn't an area we are familiar with..I do however,remember seeing photo's of it last year,by Paulthegardener,I think,who went to a few NT places ,when he was given a gift to visit some..
31 Jan, 2014
Thanks Holly.yes a distant memory of summer..but just to tempt you for the coming one.. I'm going to be optimistic :o)
31 Jan, 2014
Hi Sandra! This is great view ! Thank you are very outgoing nature lover , Regards to you and Carol, Have an enjoyable trips...
31 Jan, 2014
How could you do this to us Sandra?!!!
Sweet memories of summer days! It is a beautifully landscaped area and I love the water lily as it is such a perfect colour (not in the Dulux range I bet!!!)
1 Feb, 2014
Lol,Chris..It was supposed to give you a lift,with promise of things to come,not depress you ! :o).as for the paint,you should have listened to 'Mother' ,and not bought that cheap stuff ! ha ha.x
2 Feb, 2014
How right you are!!!
2 Feb, 2014
Fings ain't wot they used to be,are they,Chris? :o)
2 Feb, 2014
Oh Happy Days Sandra, and lovely pictures, could do with a little of that warm sun today, its a very chilly wind out there, great memories;0)))
4 Feb, 2014
It was a great holiday,wasn't it Carole? It's been another lovely sunny day here,but out of the wind it felt so nice..not looking forward to what tomorrow is going to be like..We won't be stirring out ! :o(
4 Feb, 2014
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Hi Sandra ..
That looks a lovely place ...
I'm surprised you didn't jump in the water with the lads and the water lilies ;o)
30 Jan, 2014