September garden..
By bloomer
For me,this is the time when most things are at their peak,before the onset of autumn..Some have been slow to get going,but the plants seem to be doing their utmost to show off,before it’s too late,although some will continue for a while yet,hopefully..
The back garden ..The Astilbe has already gone into Autumn with it’s brown flowers,but I leave them on ,as I like them against the Pieris..
This side is going to have a revamp soon.My original ‘Fragrant Delight’ Rose..just visible in the background,has had it’s day,so it’s coming out..It’s offspring cuttings are doing well,so all is not lost..I am going to move the Echinops further back in it’s place,and it will give the Japanese Anemone more room to do it’s thing..this is the best it’s been so far…The small plant in between the plant supports(for the Delphiniums) and the Anemone,is my new Coreopsis..I hope it does well there..and as you can see,the Zinnias and Lobelias,in the right hand side pot, have been rubbish this year..and I have a matching one at the other side! :o(
The Miscanthus Zebrina seems to be happy in a pot in the background..One I split from my front border..
Sedum looking good again this year… are these in the front garden,with Tom Thumb Pittosporum..The only plants that have done any good in this border,owing to the concrete base of the steps..believe me,I’ve tried many other plants over the years..!..if in doubt,plant a Sedum !
Cosmos at their best,and the Choisya ‘Sundance’ seems to have forgiven me,for hacking it back so ruthlessly a couple of years ago :o)
The Begonia border,still as cheery as ever..
I just wish we didn’t have a sloping lawn at the front.Ah well,I can’t have everything! :o)
3 Sep, 2014
Previous post: Back garden/gravel area..
Next post: Fuchsias fending for themselves...
ooooh B. lovely 'last minute' flowering there, you certainly have more than me, they all look lovely and I agree when in doubt plant a sedum! Lol. (can you split a sedum and when is best time?) :)
3 Sep, 2014
Hi there Paul..and thank you..We must have good taste ! Lol.I hope the Coreopsis does well's called Sunfire..I planted two more in our daughters garden..I think they are called Early Sunrise..nice names for nice plants :o) x
3 Sep, 2014
Thanks G..I like this time of year,as they all seem to come to maturity now,don't they? The Sedums split so easily,or from cuttings..all mine are from the original plant..I now have about 7,planted in different areas..great gap fillers..:o) You can do it almost anytime,but now would be will have time to get established before winter..go for it girl !:o) x
3 Sep, 2014
Gosh Sandra your garden still looks like midsummer! Love your Echinops - I had to leave mine behind but remember how it attracted the bees. You do have an eye for arranging things!!
3 Sep, 2014
What a joy, so much colour to be seen, love the cosmos, just the right size and looks perfect with the Choisya...
3 Sep, 2014
Lovely display Bloomer. Hard to believe it is already September. Your pots look wonderful and I love your cosmos. I plant it as well.
3 Sep, 2014
Its a picture Bloomer, a credit to you xxx
3 Sep, 2014
Thank you Sue..It seems better now,than earlier on in the season..On the whole it's been a pretty good year,hasn't it? I don't know about an eye for colour..but thanks for that too..If things don't look right,when they start to flower,I move them around..:o)
3 Sep, 2014
Looks amazing. Life in the garden just goes on and on.
3 Sep, 2014
It really as at it's height. I was thinking the same today Bloomer. September is fabulous for colour isn't it. That Sedum looks like the one I'm trying to ID. Any idea on the name?
3 Sep, 2014
Thanks Angela..The Cosmos have been great this year,much nicer than the taller variety I used to grow from seed..which all failed this year..Not a bad thing really,as I wouldn't have bought these ..They looked stockier right from the start..and did I keep the label ? No !
3 Sep, 2014
Thanks Klahanie..I think most of us seem to like Cosmos,they just go on and on,in fact most plants seem to be lasting well this year..we haven't had the fierce heat,like last year..much more temperate,which suits them better ..
3 Sep, 2014
Thank you's been a good year on the whole.,which makes all the difference :o)
3 Sep, 2014
Thanks Linda..I agree.I don't want it to end ..
3 Sep, 2014
We all seem to be happy with our gardens this year,Karen..and I'm not sure of the name of the Sedum,as I've had it years It could possibly be Sedum Spectabali
"Brilliant" or "Autumn Joy " ? I wouldn't like to say for definite..sorry...maybe you could get a better idea by checking both out..
3 Sep, 2014
Thanks! I mustn't go another year without Cosmos...they are really lovely!
3 Sep, 2014
Lol B. I will :) x
3 Sep, 2014
Absolutely lovely Bloomer all your hard work certainly shows :o)
3 Sep, 2014
Definitely a good idea,Karen..sometimes mine have lasted well into Autumn..:o)
3 Sep, 2014
I hope to see a photo next year G..I'm sure you will be successful..I believe you can do them from leaf cuttings too,or just break a stem off,and bung em in ! :o)
3 Sep, 2014
Thank you Neellan..hard work sometimes,but worth the effort,as you know with your garden..much bigger than mine :o)
3 Sep, 2014
Your garden always looks lovely Sandra.I think I shall try some Cosmos next year, not from seed though.My hanging basket(one&only) has been abissmal this year, in the bin already, and the basket as well.It fell to peices when being emptied, was it trying to tell me something? New basket for winter violas /pansies on my shopping list!:-) Will have to try and take come cuttings of my sedum, if its that easy!
4 Sep, 2014
Your garden is immaculate :)
4 Sep, 2014
Thanks Val..I only have three half moon shaped baskets on the shed now,Val,I found other hanging baskets too time went for pots instead..I can reach those better..especially for watering..I shall be buying some Violas soon too..You shouldn't have any problems taking cuttings..just do a few,in case..if they all take..well,you can do what you want with them :o)
4 Sep, 2014
Thank you should be,the time I spend out there ! :o) x
4 Sep, 2014
Still looking grand Sandra, I think Autumn can be a lovely time of the year in the gardens, the flowers always cheer me up, its that mad scramble they all have to outshine and outlast one another, judging by what I see in your gardens you'll be a happy bunny for a while yet, lol....
4 Sep, 2014
Thanks Sue..and I agree about them doing their best to survive as long as they can..let's hope it's well into Autumn..I have pulled up the Lobelia in pots today..I have trimmed them back a couple of times to try and get them to get the message,but they weren't listening for some reason..A girl can only stand so much ! Lol..
4 Sep, 2014
It's looks ever so lush and green.
4 Sep, 2014
All still looking very nice sandra.... lets hope all the flowers go on for a long time... its getting quite Autumny now in the mornings and evenings isnt it..
5 Sep, 2014
Apparently B. you cut of a stem of sedum, strip the leaves off at the bottom of stem then poke it back into the ground where you want it to grow, about six inches deep and voila!! It's as easy as that :) Just done three.
5 Sep, 2014
I agree, of the easiest plants to propagate..:o)
5 Sep, 2014
lovely bloomer they all seem to be still going strong even though we seem to have been having some strange weather it doesn`t seem to know whether its summer or autumn, I`ve just planted one or two sedum cuttings which I rooted in water, there such an easy plant to deal with.
5 Sep, 2014
Thank you my mind,I am still in late summer..I refuse to accept early Autumn just yet :o)My new Coreopsis in the back border,has been 'got at' already ! it was ok till yesterday..I have now taken it out,and replanted in a pot for now..still some buds and a little foliage remaining,so I have my fingers crossed..
6 Sep, 2014
Shame about the coreopsis Bloomer, hope it recovers well. The only coreopsis Ive grown was `moonbeem` and one plant grew so huge (tall and wide) it almost covered my little central bed so have never grown it since. However, I do like the look of your little `sunfire` so may have a try next year.
6 Sep, 2014
Looks lovely Sandra ... I had to smile at your comment of "If in doubt, plant a Sedum" ... they really are useful plants aren't they? Two of mine, possibly 'Autumn Joy', are huge this year! The Echinops I grew from the seed you sent me has made a beautiful strong plant ... :o)
6 Sep, 2014
It is still alive,Stroller,and a flower has opened to day..This one is only supposed to grow approx 18"x!8 "or so it says on the label.! .I will reserve judgement on that:o).. I hope I will be pasting a photo next year..
7 Sep, 2014
Thanks Shirley..mine are too..I will need to split them yet again next year...another freebie for Alison's garden..whether she wants one or not :o) I think it's been a great year for most plants,especially the Echinops..I love the way they stay erect in any staking or twine needed at all,..I do take the dead and dying foliage off from the bottom..looks a bit unsightly ..mine will look like lollipop shrubs before long :o)
7 Sep, 2014
Ha ha Sandra ... I do exactly the same when the leaves look shabby.
9 Sep, 2014
One of my favourites too,Bb..I'm surprised your lawn is under water,although we did have rain all day last Saturday..maybe I should be grateful for a sloping lawn,after all..All my garden is well draining..lucky me :o)
10 Sep, 2014
Great blooms. My Pit might be higher than our house soon! Swap?
15 Sep, 2014
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Hi Sandra: Your garden is looking really good. I love the variety and all the colors seem to go very well together. I have several of the same plants as you and like them very much. I'm glad you found the coreopsis and hope it blooms well for you.
3 Sep, 2014