Birds of prey day ..
By bloomer
A visit to a local Garden centre,to see the Wildlife Conservation display,of birds not able to be released back into the wild,because of various injuries..The man in charge was so informative,and very hands on with everyone,especially the children..They gained invaluable knowledge and experience being allowed to hold them and touch them in a gentle manner,which they soon got confident with,even the very shy..which didn’t include Thomas! he was up for it straight away :o)
Lovely Barn Owl,one of my favourite species
Small brown Owl..big Gauntlet..big smile :o)
Canadian Owl,the biggest one there..majestic bird..alongside a Hawk..Sorry,I have forgotten the name of it..possibly Harrier ?
The children were asked who would like to lie down in a row,and let the Canadian Owl fly over them..naturally Thomas was in the line up,as usual being a bit nosey,as he had his head up a bit..I don’t think he would have been too pleased if it had flown into him ! :o)
No show without Punch..I had to go for the big boy ! lol
There were lots of other little creatures as well,but it was so busy,I couldn’t manage to get a photo of the little Pygmy Hedgehog, so cute,with lovely speckled creamy colour speckled spines..we were allowed to stroke it gently too,and the rabbits..
A wonderful afternoon out,plus the purchase of two well established Dianthus in the sale,just finished it off nicely :o)
8 Oct, 2014
Previous post: Fuchsias fending for themselves...
Next post: Siege of Calvi ,Corsica..
Lol,Annie..I never thought of that..quite possibly :o).x
8 Oct, 2014
Love the last photo, your friend looks like he is about to have 40 winks xx
8 Oct, 2014
Thakns Annie..Two old birds together !..ha ha..He was probably so fed up of having his photo taken ... can't say I blamed him :o) x
8 Oct, 2014
Wow! what an amazing time that must have been! The owls are so majestic looking. I also love the Barn Owl.
8 Oct, 2014
Lovely photos Sandra, especially loved that baby cute ! I'm not sure I would be brave enough to do that !
8 Oct, 2014
How lovely and especially nice that they included the children encouraging them to be kind to birds , A good day out Sandra :o)
8 Oct, 2014
What a wonderful outing for Thomas! I love owls too -
never seen such a tiny one as that little brown one, wasn't it adorable? Was the hawk Harris rather than Harrier?
8 Oct, 2014
Thank you Paul,we always go to these events when they visit the Garden Centres..and they are well attended..I noticed most people were putting donations in the tubs provided,to help with the care of them all,.but in a tasteful rattling of tins in your face,which I don't like..
8 Oct, 2014
Thanks Rose,glad you enjoyed these events ever visit Brigg? You must go if they's a lovely day out..and also good for shrewd business tactics for the GC..lots buying plants,gifts etc..including me ! Lol.x
8 Oct, 2014
Thanks Amy..It's good to get the children interested early,I agree..They have even had one on a smaller scale at Thomas's Nursery..and I think Alison's friend ,who owns it,was having a word with the Organiser for him to come to hers some time..She is an avid supporter of any form of wildlife..:o)
8 Oct, 2014
Thank you, are quite was a Harris Hawk..I knew it began with 'H',so thanks for jogging my memory..
The little one was really cute..and they were all very well behaved..I suppose they are so used to Humans now..which is sad really..just glad there are people who can care for them..
8 Oct, 2014
Lovely pics of a happy day out for you all Bloomer - Thomas particularly! the owls are lovely aren't they? Your owl looks decidedly content!!
8 Oct, 2014
That looks like fun, I loved outings like that with my grandchildren when they were little, mind you I'd still enjoy seeing the birds even now, there's something so appealing about owls, my favourites were always the big Snowy Owls..
Lovely pics Sandra....
8 Oct, 2014
I would've gladly donated as well. I don't like anybody rattling anything in my face either but this is a worthy cause. I love how the owl's head bob up and down. Thanks for the blog...well done!
8 Oct, 2014
Lovely pictures Bloomer. It is so good for children to go to events like this. Thomas looks very brave.
What a fun day . I was wondering how heavy was the big owl on your arm?
9 Oct, 2014
It's good that there are places like this. It's very important to look after animals, and to teach children about them.
Sorry however, that I was not able to look at the photos because of my bird phobia lol ... :)
Pity you didn't get one of the hedgehog. I would have been able to look at that :)
And I'm pleased you bought some plants as well ... it makes the day when we can buy some plants :o)
9 Oct, 2014
A lovely blog Sandra, great photographs, Thomas is very like our Edward anything to do with animals, insects, he is up there, I am fond of Owls something about them is so appealing...
We went to a large show in France a large birds of Prey show with Eagles, Falcons, Vultures, etc, where they flew from one perch to another, we were in a huge arena, and told not to take any food out of our bags,!! they flew right over the top of our heads, so low we all ducked.......was quite an experience.
9 Oct, 2014
Thank you Angela..They learn so early these days,about the world of Nature ,which is them respect for living creatures..At Thomas's school,they have a woodland walk once a week,whatever the weather..All have to have waterproofs and spare wellies ,as part of their uniform.
That sounds a wonderful place to visit in kind of day out :o)
10 Oct, 2014
Haven't schools changed over the last few years, for the better mostly,far more interesting than our days, school was for learning not fun then.......:-!
10 Oct, 2014
....and didn't the Teachers seem soo old to us ? even in high school..well.ours did fun at all..I loved school till I went there..:o(.That part weren't the happiest days of my life,I couldn't wait to leave and start working..I didn't even take my O levels ,as they were known then..and I have never been out of work till I retired..I learnt much more through every day life..! Lol.
10 Oct, 2014
A great experience Bloomer, I love owls too. That little Brown owl so sweet :D Lovely when things are done for kids like this
13 Oct, 2014
Beautiful aren't they,Paul..? I could have stayed much longer,but I needed to find the clearance shelves :o)
13 Oct, 2014
Never held an owl would love to though . Very good place to take the kids too
13 Oct, 2014
Maybe they could have one of these days where you work,Paul...good for business as well as a good day out :o)
13 Oct, 2014
I think the manager's husband does birds of prey visit - would like to go one day. Be nice Bloomer :)
13 Oct, 2014
Drop some hints, might be lucky :o)
13 Oct, 2014
Lovely to see Thomas and the birds of prey Sandra ... I found them very calming when I visited some across the road from us last year. Sometimes I hear an Owl hooting late evening ... lovely sound. :o)
13 Oct, 2014
Oh, My Thomas! Hello my dear again, You make me always proud of you my Dear :-)
You are so brave, huh!
You are not afraid of that Birds, small and Big,
The kids around you seems to be so afraid, of handling birds, except you...hahaha! Wow! Ok... take care a lot :-)) Love and Hugs to you !
14 Dec, 2014
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That looks like it was good fun. Do you think they liked Thomas's Angry Birds top ;O))x
8 Oct, 2014