A day on the Farm..
By bloomer
This was an afternoon visit to a farm in The Cotswolds,featured on BBC 1’s Countryfile programme,and owned and presented by Adam Henson..Luckily the weather cleared up,but we had to watch where we stepped,on a working Farm !
It really was a lovely place to see,and we all thoroughly enjoyed seeing all the well cared for Animals,,in their indoor housing for the winter..I would have loved to see ERIC,the recently retired Highland Bull,but he is taking life easy in a field belonging to Adam’s sister now,but we did manage to see the recent new Highland Bull,and his Harem,in the field nearby..A magnificent Animal,don’t you think?
Indoors now,to see the Goats,enjoying a meal..
Steady on,plenty for everyone,it isn’t Black Friday yet !!
I’m not daft,I waited till that lot had gone :o)
On to the lovely Rabbits…they were so cute,and we were allowed to stroke some,when their keeper lifted them out of their pens..some visiting children held baby ones :o)
It’s ok,little Poser,I saw you !
Guinea Pigs tucking in…
We loved these sheep..their fleece was so thick,and quite coarse.no wonder they survive the harsh weather..
Time to say .‘.aw,so cute.’..baby chicks ,and the darker little Grouse..Again,we were given the chance to hold one of these little bundles of fluff..
We also had the chance to ride around the rest of the farm,in a covered trailer,but we were getting hungry,so we headed for the lovely Farm shop instead..
We had just missed Adam Henson when we got there,as it was one of his days at home,when he wasn’t filming..and he had just had lunch there.. We were sorry we didn’t get to meet or see him,but he had probably heard that Carole and I were about to arrive! Lol..
These little piglets were the last to see,before heading for the Cafe..lots of informative info,from a young lady,about the rare breeds,they are trying to preserve,.like the Gloucester Old Spot..Something first started by Adam’s Father,many years ago,of all the Animals they care for,and nice to see it’s being carried on…:o)
Our visit almost over,so just a last photo of the Signage,before we left,after an enjoyable afternoon out..
Their Website is interesting,should you ever decide to visit,if you are in the area..
Time to get back to our Hotel,in preparation for a rest before our “Turkey and Tinsel” Christmas dinner :o)
I hope you enjoyed the visit with us..x
I’ve just edited,to add another photo…
30 Nov, 2014
Next post: Whoo hoo,I'm back online! :o)
Thank you Sandra, what a lovely place to visit . . . loved it all, but especially the 'awww' moments!
Countryfile is one of our favourite programmes, and Adam is great, isn't he. I'm glad to see it's still on, so at 6.15 today we'll be watching, sitting by our first log fire of the winter :))
30 Nov, 2014
Oh I love the Coos...and the tamworth pigs they have reallystiff ginger hair and sticking up ears
there's a small petting farm near us, not rare breeds like Adams but lovely for us and the children, it teaches them so much and is fun.....
we had rare breed sheep a few years ago, they were shetland sheep, they are not so rare these day which is good
we had 4 lamb's as pets...they loved digestive biscuits, now their fleece was soft, I used to spin it at one time....
Sam was a chocolate brown ram, he loved to chase and get you behind the knees.....you had to hold an apple for him as a distraction.....happy day's
what a lovely place to visit, I do enjoy Countyfile.....
hope the turkey....and tinsel was tasty ?
30 Nov, 2014
I loved the Tamworths too, and the baby Old Spot piglets. I bet there willbe a lot of clamouring for baby rabbits this Christmas after that visit! Highland bulls are magnificent aren't they? Its so nice when bulls are allowed to be with the cows, and it does often make them less aggressive (not surprising). What a lovely visit you had - hope the meal was as good as the tour!
Pam, I did enjoy imagining your ram..
30 Nov, 2014
Wow! Lucky you seeing Adam's lovely animals! Thanks for sharing...I love those sheep! :))
30 Nov, 2014
Thank you Hywel,it was one of the visits we had been really looking forward to..and we weren't disappointed..It was lovely to have plenty of time,to look at them all..I had to delete a lot of photo's,as a lot of them looked away,just as I took one...as they do ! Lol ..I think Highland cattle are among my favourites too ,and The 'Turkey and Tinsel'was very nice indeed :o)
30 Nov, 2014
Thank you Sheila..It's one of our favourite programmes too..but we will record it tonight,as we are babysitting..I think Adam is a great presenter,and comes across as a lovely man..It would have been even nicer to meet him..a bit dishy,I think :o)I hope you aren't getting hot under the collar...in front of your log fire,of course ! :o))
30 Nov, 2014
Adams a natural isn't he Bloomer shame you missed him.....next time maybe?
Stera Sam the Ram was such a character, hardly came above oh's knees, he was chocolate brown with huge proper curly rams horns thst were ideal to hang onto him by, no malice in him.....just cheeky bless him
I didn't spin his fleece though, I couldn't wash out that male musky smell, the girls had lovely fleece so easy to spin thin.....
30 Nov, 2014
Thanks Pam,I have edited ,and added another photo.,as I forgot..but you reminded me with telling us about your lambs,sheep and Ram ..How lovely it must have been to have them..and yes,a real shame we missed Adam..secretly,it was him I wanted to see most! Lol..shh,don't tell anyone ! :o) x
30 Nov, 2014
Thank you,Sue.I'm pleased you enjoyed the visit with us..and they were all equally delightful..It was so nice to see how well cared for they are,and how the staff love them all..A contented animal is a happy one. like us,I guess :o))
30 Nov, 2014
Thank you Karen..now wouldn't one of those sheep be ideal to keep your grass cut? you could teach it to do stripey,I'm sure..if you wanted it that way ! Lol..and a new playmate for Molly and Willow..rounding them up when necessary :o)) x
30 Nov, 2014
Just watching Adam on TV at the moment with his lovely Exmoor ponies.
It must have been so interesting to visit his farm, I love the handsome Highland cattle.
Many thanks for sharing your very special visit.
P.S. The turkey you tucked into wasn't one of his I trust!!
30 Nov, 2014
I didn't know that his farm was 'open'. something to look forward in the next few years.
30 Nov, 2014
That was a lovely blog I think all us gardeners enjoy country file and those tinsel & Turkey breaks are very popular with us senior citizens :-)
30 Nov, 2014
Super visit Bloomer thank you for sharing all those lovely animals with us, what a pity you missed Adam though!
quite a disappointment on your otherwise super Turkey and Tinsel break! :o)
30 Nov, 2014
Love the blog, well worth a visit, being a farmers daughter whose father farmed pigs, sheep, chickens, and turkeys.....oh and greyhounds!! I still enjoy looking at photographs of animals, especially as I do not have to clean them out or feather them!!
Hope you enjoyed your tinsel time...
30 Nov, 2014
Soay are semi wild.....bit like a cross between sheep and goats i think!
where the shetlands behaved as pets, you could hand feed them and they came to our call, Soay would disappear to the 4 winds it seems.....so we chose shetlands!
There are some lovely rare or endangered sheep breeds out there and farms like Adams do such a good job preserving them and educating us....
1 Dec, 2014
Thank you Chris..I saw that too..aren't the ponies lovely?
Oh dear,perish the thought about the origin Turkey dinner..more than likely another well known make from a Freezer,!) and to be honest,we never saw any at the farm..:o)
1 Dec, 2014
I only found out,when I checked the Itinerary for this particular holiday,Sbg..We have been to this hotel before,but decided to revisit,now it is going to different places..I'm sure you would enjoy the farm as much as we did..:o)
1 Dec, 2014
Thank you Neellan,it was a shame,but the rest of the trips,and the food,soon made us forget :o) Just had to get priorities right ! Lol
1 Dec, 2014
Thank you Angela..Nice you have good memories of life as a Farmers daughter.even the chores you had to do,have to be part of it...I remember watching my Grandma,and mum,plucking Feathers from Chickens and Turkey's at Christmas..Our Butcher used to deliver them..no oven ready ones then,and Chicken was a luxury meal ! We had a wonderful time,made even more special,meeting up with Amy,and her OH ..:o)
1 Dec, 2014
Thanks for the info on Soay sheep,Pam..I posted the photo,for you mainly,with it saying they were originally of Scottish descent..It jogged my memory..I think you can just see some of them in the 2nd photo,with Archie the Bull..all living in harmony together,it seems :o)
1 Dec, 2014
Sorry,Kidsgran,I bypassed you there,I do apologise..
thank you for liking my blog and photo's.It's great to be able to just pick up and go,when you are retired ,isn't it?
We go mainly on coach tours now,as my OH doesn't like driving long distances anymore..He enjoys them so much better,being able to relax..It's the first time we have been on a 'turkey and Tinsel',but we would definitely do one again :o)
1 Dec, 2014
Well , Bloomer , what a trip you had all round there !
The farm looks amazing , and of course Adam is a fav of mine too .
He seems so personable , and does such good work telling of farmers' trials and tribulations , and indeed enjoyment of their work .
1 Dec, 2014
Thanks Driad,it was a wonderful day.We had been to Bourton on Water,and Burford in the morning,the latter we hadn't visited before,but I think Carole and Harry had....It rained all the time,but cleared up just as we got to the Farm :o)..good timing ! All the facilities for visitors were absolutely spotless ,and so was the Barn where the Animals were.and big notices as you came out,asking people to please wash their hands after touching them..We were impressed with the high standards of hygiene....not just for us,but the animals as well..just how it should be..
1 Dec, 2014
I agree with you Driad, in this modern age the countryside and people living there are not valued, I'm sure folk think animals....or vegetables for that matter are not connected with the fields we see and the food they eat...
Plans everywhere to build on prime grazing land...."oh look that fields empty lets plant more houses"......
I'd better stop now, sorry to go on but programmes like Adams are the only voice these days.....so sad.
thanks for the Soay Bloomer.....did you see Jacob sheep, even the ewes have 4 horns and their fleece is patches of black and white..lovely to spin and a pretty effect..
2 Dec, 2014
What a lovely time you must had had, down on the farm, Sandra! Thanks for sharing your photos on GoY ... :o)
2 Dec, 2014
I didn't see those sheep,Pam..probably if we had gone on the trailer trip around the rest of the farm,we would have..
I would have liked to have seen them,but the farm shop and food was calling :o)
2 Dec, 2014
Thanks Shirley,we did..An ideal place for children and Adults alike :o)
2 Dec, 2014
Loved the blog Sandra, great to see farm animals so contented and well looked after. I must admit to being a little disappointed though ... I thought we were going to see you on Country File:-(
3 Dec, 2014
What an awesome place to visit Sandra. I'd love to spend a week or two on a farm like this. The animals look so well cared for and each has a personality. I especially like the bulls in the first photo.
3 Dec, 2014
Great Pictures Sandra and a great day out [ I have almost identical pictures lol]
3 Dec, 2014
I'd no idea it was possible to visit Adam's farm, so I was surprised when you told me, when we met up, about your visit there. You've taken some smashing photos and I really enjoyed reading your blog about your visit. It's a shame it's so far away, I'm sure Freya would love to visit it. Thanks for sharing your visit :)
5 Dec, 2014
Its amazing , i really enjoyed seeing this :-)
The best Sandra, Thanks for sharing us :-))xxxx
7 Dec, 2014
Maybe you could google family farm Waddy, there may be one near to you, there's one near us, and I know a friend near to Peterborough tskes her grandchildren to oneover there....
7 Dec, 2014
Hadn't thought of that Pamg, thanks for the idea :)
7 Dec, 2014
Thanks Ba..don't you think you have seen enough of me on here,over the years? I wouldn't have wanted everyone to switch off ! Lol
Thanks Paul..I'm sure you would enjoy a visit..maybe one day if you have the time,and you are in the area..The TV programme this is featured on,is shown on a weekly basis..and has many viewers..It takes you to many places across Britain,and so many topics are covered,not to mention the scenery..:o)
I remember us taking similar photo's,Carole..but I didn't get one of either of us holding the tiny chick..did yours come out ok?
Thank you Julia,Freya and Thomas would have loved it,but as you say,too far to visit..I know we have Cannon Hall Farm,but we haven't been yet,as we wanted to wait till Thomas was old enough to appreciate it..anytime this next year,I guess :o)
Thank you Junna,and lovely to hear from you again.I'm so glad to hear you and your family,and your Filipeno Countrymen and Women,haven't been affected as badly this time..I have thought of you many times,and was glad to read about you on Terra's blog..take care,my friend..a big hug and kiss from Thomas X:o)
11 Dec, 2014
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Yes I enjoyed it :)
I like to see those Highland cattle. There's a herd of them on one of the hills near here. Fantastic beasts !
Love Rabbits and Guineapigs lol ...
I agree the fleece on a sheep is rather coarse. A person I know once held a little lamb in her arms, and said it was like hugging wire wool :D
I hope you enjoyed your Turkey and Tinsel :o) x
30 Nov, 2014