My garden
By bloomer
Thought I would add some info about my garden It is quite small,but try and pack as much in as I can.We moved here almost 9 years ago,and there are 9 bungalows,which are for aged 55 and over..and luckily we all like gardening,so a lot in common.Ours was the last to be finished,so ,as a result,we got the majority of Builders rubble.As you will see,the Back garden is mainly gravel and paved areas to make it easier for the years ahead.We did try a lawn,but it didn’t do well at all,and couldn’t face digging all that out,as the borders took long enough to get in good condition.
The front one is on a slope,but the lawn was already done.again,lots of rubble underneathWe only moved a short way,so used to walk round and take pictures of progress.
The long border across the road is shared between 3 bungalows,and we each look after our own in front of our property,although,our lovely neighbours are much older than us,so we help them out if needed but they do very well,and we all muck in together.the high wall behind the border is the wall of our Crown Green Bowling club,so we spend more time chatting to members
than gardening,which is nice.The best move we ever made,as we love it here.
Think that about sums it up, Sandra
10 Nov, 2009
Next post: Our new Grandson
Sandra your garden is absolutly beautiful. It is a credit to all your hard work. And what a lovely place to spend in your retirment years.
10 Nov, 2009
Gorgeous garden Sandra...well done.....all your hard work has paid off. We love North Yorkshire, especially the dales, we lived in Harrogate for nearly 20 years before coming back "home" to Northumberland......we have some lovely memories of our time there...
10 Nov, 2009
That's a lovely garden Sandra and the wall across the road is an asset too.
10 Nov, 2009
thank you for your kind comments,am getting withdrawal symptoms now,as Iits a horrid damp dayso have had to do some jobs inside instead.Have gone mad,and done lots of baking !
10 Nov, 2009
What a beautiful garden - lots of colour I'm most impressed. It is difficult to get neighbours to get on together and you've obviously achieved that to great effect - well done!
10 Nov, 2009
What wonderful Photos uv taken of your gorgeous Garden :)
10 Nov, 2009
WoW Sandra your gardens are Gorgeous, Your grass in the front looks lovely and green and the Aubretia set it off lovely, Love your back garden borders and hard Landscaping, its all Good :)
10 Nov, 2009
You are all so kind.It sure gets a lot of love and attention,and its the best
tonic in the world,so calming,in this fast pace of life.I can't imagine life without
gardening. Sandra.
10 Nov, 2009
Thats a really lovely garden with such nice block paving and isnt it lovely that the neighbours all like gardening too that must make such a difference.
10 Nov, 2009
Small but perfectly formed. A very colouful and tidy garden, Sandra.
10 Nov, 2009
Small is beautiful Sandra ....your garden is a credit to you, I love it :))
10 Nov, 2009
I love it too Sandra. It's easy to see why you do too. Beautifully laid out and cared for. Well done.
10 Nov, 2009
It looks a really nice bungalow where you live, and you have a lovely garden. Thank you for showing it .
10 Nov, 2009
You have lovely garden both back and front, very colourful and pretty too.
10 Nov, 2009
what a treat to look out onto. you should be very proud of your efforts.
10 Nov, 2009
Once again,thank you for all the lovely comments.I'm gobsmacked ! I didn't realise so many people were on GOY.Although I actually joined a year ago,I have only just started taking part,as didn't feel sure how to do it,but thought it was time to "go for it".with not being computer literate.My daughter and her partner bought me my laptop,and they have helped me a lot,when they have the time,so have made progress hopefully.Still learning,just like gardening :o))Cheers everyone,its boosted my confidence no end. Sandra.X
11 Nov, 2009
What a lovely garden you have and seems you have nice neighbours aswell.
11 Nov, 2009
thank you Clarice,Yes,we are very lucky to have lovely neighbours.there are only 9 bungalows here,and everyone who live in this little community are nice
No one is intrusive,but we are all here for each other if needed.Sadly a lot of this seems to have disappeared over the years,such a shame really.Sandra.x
11 Nov, 2009
absolutely beautiful,Sandra
11 Nov, 2009
Hello Sandra. Sorry that I'm late in finding this ! A very warm welcome to Goy. I can tell that you're going to love it ! They say that good things come in little packages and if your gardens are anything to go by, they've got it dead right ! They are beautiful Sandra ! You live in a lovely little community there and I'm sure that you'll find the Goy community to be just as nice !! Just one question ..... what goodies were you baking ??? ;~))
13 Nov, 2009
Hi Sandra
Love your bungalow and your gardens are a credit to you, your set up seems quite similar to ours, although our s were built in 1970s but there are just four bungalows and three houses in our close and everyone is helpful and friendly [makes such a difference having friends around] I like your hard landscaping at the back, thinking of doing some ourselves next year as the lawn takes up so much time and I would like to squeeze a few more plants in. Love your choice of plants and style too.
13 Nov, 2009
Hi,Sue,Thanks for your comments.In answer to your question,I made an orange cake,A Banana bread loaf,and fruity oat crunch,which is just a variation of Flapjack,but nicer.Our daughter and her partner usually come for a meal one night in the week,after work,so usually do some baking,but not always so much at once.Like I said,I was soooo bored,cos I couldn't be outside.Done a bit of pottering today,as its been nice and mild,and it didn't
start raining till about a good day.
13 Nov, 2009
They all sound scrumptious Sandra! Glad you were able to get out there today before the rain started. I think it's country wide but really bad in the South West. Let's hope it's a better day all round tomorrow. :~)
13 Nov, 2009
Hi Carole,
I must admit,its much easier now that we have taken the lawn up at the back,and I find it better for planting,as I can let things grow over the edges to soften the look,which you can't do with grass.The pictures were taken early summer before the the Fuchsias came into flower in the pots,so didn't look as colourful.They are all in the conservatory and mini greenhouse for the winter,so
I now have pots with Purple sprouting Broccoli stood on the gravel.Not done them before,but seem to be doing ok.I have also got spring cabbages growing in the cold frame,one plant per pot,and we have had two meals off them already,as they are growing so well.I enjoy a challenge,nice when it works isn't it? It makes up for the failures.Oh,well,thats gardening.Some you win,and some you lose.Still a great hobby.
13 Nov, 2009
Sandra~ Your garden is really lovely and quite inviting! It is the kind of garden I would like to nose around, discover all the different plants, chat with the owner about the types of plants and their care, etc. My garden is barely a year old and looks rather naked compared to yours! What a wonderful job you've done with all the plants~ can you tell me please...what is the purple low growning plants in the front of the house ? Annual or perennial, etc? Thanks~ Lisa (also new to GoY!) :)
14 Nov, 2009
How lovely it all is, Sandra! My garden's only been done this summer & looks bare compared to this!! ☺ ❤ ❦ ✿ ☯ ❀
15 Nov, 2009
Welcome Lisa Hope you enjoy this site as much as I do already.It has taken me almost 9 years to get it almost as I want it,and I have moved lots of things around,as I have gone along.Some of the poor plants don't know if they are coming or going,but don't seem to have suffered.You will probably do the same,as like me you had a blank canvas,which is great.The plants you asked about are evergreen Campanula's,and start flowering late spring/early summer.It can spread quickly,but stands harsh treatment,and I just dig some up,split it,or cut it back,it doesn't mind.Sorry,don't know the variety,as I have another which throws out long stems and can look untidy,so I now stake it and train it upwards instead,and it looks better.
15 Nov, 2009
Thank you,Madperth,you will fill it sooner than you think !!
15 Nov, 2009
Thanks Sandra~ I will look into Campanula's in general as I really love the color and the low growing spreading habit. I grow Geranium 'Rozanne' which is a little darker purple but same spreading habit- I use it as ground cover. :)
15 Nov, 2009
You have a lovely garden Sandra, we want to move to a bungalow when we retire and yours looks perfect. :o)
Sandra x
18 Nov, 2009
Thanks,sandra.Its great living in a bungalow.No stairs to climb (or vacuum),housework soooo easy,more time for the garden.;o)))Must say though,I felt guilty at first,not having as much work to do,as always on the go when you work,and in a bigger house.That soon passed ! Go for it,its great.
I wouldn't have had the time to play on this whenever I wanted either .lol.
19 Nov, 2009
Just checked out this blog Sandra, your garden is lovely, your front lawn looks like a bowling green - and the planting under that wall if fab - so much colour and character - you have every reason to feel proud - its gorgeous.
3 Dec, 2009
Thank you BL,I like yours too.Roll on summer,so we can put our plans into action again.I have seen so many lovely flowers and plants on here,and am going to start putting some on my favourites.It is so helpful,when the variety is named,as I would never remember them otherwise.
3 Dec, 2009
Bless you - mine is more like a blank canvas needing filled with colour, I started with the veg garden and am only now thinking about the rest of it - like you say there are so many lovely plants listed on here I already have a shopping list ready for spring!
3 Dec, 2009
Fabulous, how lucky you are to live in such an idealic spot, your garden is a credit to you. Love it !
12 Dec, 2009
Thank you Valadel,glad you liked it :o))
14 Dec, 2009
I have been looking at your garden, what a beautiful one it is too.
It is nice when everyone who lives nearby has also got the time to spend keeping their gardens in good order.
Doesnt it make you wish all this cold weather would soon go away so we can all start again!
I miss not spending time in my garden, roll on spring.
12 Jan, 2010
Thank you,Ash, I love looking at all the Goy gardens too,so much inspiration
,and new things to try.Like you ,will be glad when this awful weather has passed.I think the broccoli,and spring cabbage will have died a death,as I can't even see them under the snow.Never mind,it will end soon..hopefully...
13 Jan, 2010
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You have a beautiful garden and what is even nicer you have very good neighbours, that is counted as lucky nowadays.
10 Nov, 2009