By bornagain
This blog is mainly about geums. Where to start? With the adorable G. Apricot I think.
It’s neighbour is the beautiful G. Bell Bank.
Next, by the pond, is the wonderful El Wano
it is next to the lovely G. R. Leonards Variety
To the right of Leonards V is this delicate looking beauty. I will try to find out its name. I know it is one from East of Eden Nursery as is El Wano. Roger from East of Eden has identified it as G. Tinkerbell, I remember buying it from him now:o)
This dainty geum is by the little red tile patio, it’s next to the remaining discoloured flowers of Helleborus Tutu.
This next Geum is the best value for money perennial I know. It flowers just about all year (sterile) and is very lovely …. it’s the totally tremendous G. Totally Tangerine ta da!
This little’un is Lionel Cox
And this is G. Eos which has bright yellow leaves which become greener later.
This is a pic of Photinia Davidianan Palette, but you can just see G. El Wano top right:o)
I do have some others which haven’t flowered yet including Borisii, but I do prefer the gentler colours.
Hope I haven’t bored you with these lovelies. I’m about to buy 4 more from East of Eden Nurseries which I will show you when they come. Maybe add them to this blog:o)))
21 May, 2013
Next post: NEW GEUMS (mouthwatering)
I like that Scotkat Ba's Geum gems......
Really lovely flowers
21 May, 2013
I love them Ba......they're really dainty, the flowers standing above the foliage, seeing so many different ones together is a real treat! You're Totally Tangerine is fabulous and I'm looking forward to seeing your 4 new ones when they arrive. Agree with Kathy, true Gems...:))
21 May, 2013
Ba , what a treat , thank you .
Lots that I have never seen before , I especially like the peachy ones .
Added to faves .
21 May, 2013
Ba I wanted to nominate this blog for Goypedia but there isn't a category for Geum, why don't you take it on,? If you go to the noninate page there is a bit on the right hand side asking folk to contact them if they would like to be involved, and you are so knowledgable.
21 May, 2013
I love Geums, but have never seen any of these beautiful varieties, I found your blog fascinating and very educational!
21 May, 2013
Me to Louisa very interesting .
21 May, 2013
What a lovely collection you have , I had no idea there were so many of them, my favourite is the first Apricot one, it is so pretty with the For get me nots, and I like El Wano too, thanks for showing;0)
21 May, 2013
these soft geums are beautiful. I find the large scarlet and double yellow just too much but these soft peaches/pinks are stunners.
21 May, 2013
I loved the apricot one too - never seen one like it.
21 May, 2013
great blog.. I bought a totally tangerine last year and want to get a Mrs W Moore for my mother-in-law! Your photo of Totally Tangerine is just gorgeous!
21 May, 2013
Loved your blog Ba.....Geums are never boring...gorgeous...:>)
21 May, 2013
Thats a fabulous collection, could never find a blog about them boring Ba, in fact I've added to my favs for future reference, I love it when people supply me with the name for some of my plants especially without me asking in the first place.
21 May, 2013
As everybody as said before me.... stunning collection. Ive never seen so many nice ones,will certainly look on that website Thanks for sharing Ba, you've certainly got me interested :-)
22 May, 2013
These obviously love where they are in your garden BA, the couple that I have only just come into bud.
22 May, 2013
They are all beauties Ba and you garden looks very pretty. I have never had a Geum in the garden but am on the look out now :o)
22 May, 2013
i love them to BA so pretty and delicate, lovely photos of yours :o))
22 May, 2013
I love them all, we have a few, but you must have the National Collection, or you will have very soon, looking forward to seeing your next little beauties.
22 May, 2013
You're right, Ba - I haven't got many Geums, but I do like them. Yours are lovely - difficult to choose a 'favourite' one. I have 'Mrs W. Moore' - she's lovely. Have you got her? My orange one is 'Princess Juliana', and as you know, I bought 'Eos' earlier this year.
23 May, 2013
Hi Scotcat ...ahem a geum expert ...I can categorically state that, that is precisely how they got their name;-))
23 May, 2013
Hi pam, I was only joking about being a geum expert ...I just read stuff:-) I'm such a technophobe that I would probably make a mess of everything if I got involved in categories. There is another geum lover on here, I'll pm him and see if he's interested:-))
23 May, 2013
Thanks Janey, Driad and Louise for your kind comments. I do love those soft apricots with a tough of pale reddish pink:-))
23 May, 2013
Thanks Carole, there's probably hundreds of different ones now, but I find I'm drawn to apricottish ones:-)
23 May, 2013
They have a gentle beauty I think Seaburn, so many lovely ones now. I got rid of my bright red ones and never did have Lady Stratheden although she is a good doer I believe. I've noticed I don't grow yellow plants except welsh poppies which grow themselves:-)
23 May, 2013
Thanks Stera, Sarah and Motinot, I feel like an evangelist for geums lol although my name refers to bornagain gardener:-))
23 May, 2013
Thanks Lincs, I also like it when people show me the plant close up and from further away so I can see the shape they make, so I try to do that too:-)
23 May, 2013
Wheeeee a convert!!! Welcome to the club Gralew:-))
23 May, 2013
Hi Phyl, different ones come into flower later, but I think the rivale type like it a bit damp as they're bred from the water avens:-))
23 May, 2013
Another convert Annella? Wheeeeeeee:-))
23 May, 2013
Thanks Sandra, glad you like them. It was a pic of yours that made me buy that pretty, delicate variegated spirea 'Pink Ice' The leaves look fabulous at the moment:-))
23 May, 2013
Thanks Dotty, if only I had a bigger garden (sigh) :-))))
23 May, 2013
Hi Barnara, I have thought about buying Mrs Moore, but I think there are better ones now and room is limited. I'm going to try for those which flower for ever cos if I had too many early flowerers there would be too many flower gaps later on. Hoping to get to Gardeners World Live in June:-))
23 May, 2013
You really have some lovely Geums and great pics.
I love the apricot flowers with the forget me nots and Bell Bank is smashing with the Heuchera leaf....Well they're all great plants!!! I only have a couple but they're flowering their hearts out at the moment!!
23 May, 2013
Which do you have Paul?:-)
23 May, 2013
Mrs bRadshawe...although not sure if that is coming up this year! trouble is, my borders are getting so full now, I have to be very careful I don't lose stuff! Fiery Red, I believe is the name of another!not sure if that right or it maybe fiery sunset!! Bright orangey red!
23 May, 2013
There's a Blazing Sunset Paul, maybe that one? It's funny , but no matter what I have in my borders ....there's always room for another:-))
24 May, 2013
That's the one..ha ha, my memory is awful now!!!
24 May, 2013
hi, I live in nova scotia,canada and have never seen these colors before they are just georgeous, do you know if you can get seeds for them
27 May, 2013
Hi Pondlady, you should see the new ones I've just had delivered from East Of Eden. Unfortunately my pc is not behaving and I cant put pics on or send and receive emails so can't show you them yet. If you go on East Of Eden website, I just google 'East Of Eden geums' and it comes up, you could ask Roger Proud as he owns it. He's on here too so you could contact him via pm he's reddirtrog on here. He does do mail order, not sure about seeds though, but it can't hurt to ask:-)
27 May, 2013
Your colour combinations are invitingly peaceful... your choices in foliages, impeccable....
Thank you for, inviting me into your garden :)
28 May, 2013
thanks for letting me know I will go into that web site now, hope your pc works soon, waiting for more pics
28 May, 2013
I'm flattered Ladyns, thank you:-)
28 May, 2013
Hi Pondlady, pc working ok now, not sure whether to do new blog or add new pics to this:-)
28 May, 2013
Ba - This is going on my Favourites as I have never really seen Geums before - I love everything about yours - especially with the Forget-me-nots. Could you tell me how long they are in flower? A few weeks or longer perhaps? ... :o)))
29 May, 2013
Thanks Shirley:-) Some are in flower for months on end. Totally Tangerine, which is quite tall and amazing is hardly ever out of flower. Apricot (the first one) is supposed to flower all summer and lots flower for at least two months. If you look on East Of Eden website, you'll see quite a few different flowering periods. I had T. Tangerine from Hardys. If you look on Ebay and search 'geum apricot', you should get to Westcountry nurseries which also have geums. East Of Edens owner Roger Proud is a GOY member 'Reddirtrog' and he has a blog on showing some of his. My garden would be rubbish without them at the moment. I'll put pics of my new ones on today from which I bought online from East Of Eden:-)))
30 May, 2013
Thanks for the info. Ba ... I have looked at the East of Eden Geums online and fear that I have found another species of plants that I need in my garden! There are some fabulous colours ... off to view your latest pics now ... :o)
31 May, 2013
geums great never boreing great pics
1 Jul, 2013
Thanks Jobob, sorry late in replying:-))
7 Jul, 2013
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No you never bored me what a wonderful show of your geums or should I said Gems:)
21 May, 2013