By bornagain
Last week they started arriving, we still had some snow. First came McGregors, very pleased with the quality and already in pots. Anemone wild Swan (2) and various Viola Cornuta … Maidens Blush, Alba and something else
….and after a few days rest on the dining table ……
Then came 5 pretty Bocopa Great Pink Eye which I bought off Ebay, again very pleased with the quality and most were in flower!
Next came 24 jumbo ready Osteospermum Regal Classics from Jersey Plants Direct, again couldn’t be more pleased.
Today, inundated lol ….. first time I’ve ordered from this nursery and I’m more than pleased with the quality and service
Must start potting up, lots more to do. Where can I put them all?……..
…… All on a trestle table in the dining room, they’re taking over, I do of course expect more plants, just can’t remember what else I sent for and I have a few packets of seeds to sow too …… :o)
So I ask again …. please may I borrow your greenhouse?
11 Apr, 2013
They are Sticki, I've had some rubbish in the past, mainly from T&M, but these are all great. We're having some work done ( fixing up wetroom after cowboy did it a year ago grrrr) so OH stressed and I'm not able to come on here much. I'll never catch up with all the blogs etc:-)
11 Apr, 2013
have a nice potting!!!
I like last package.clever
12 Apr, 2013
You can borrow mine this year Ba.......just a fair way for you to come each day. :0)
normally at this time of year my gh is full but after the last two summers and the awful summer/winter/spring with easterly winds battering my garden and the frosts only just receding there are no baby plants. :0(
I,m changing the pots for perennials and buying a few bedding plants.......I may sow some marigolds though, they are the only ones to stand any weather
Good luck with the overcrowding xxx
12 Apr, 2013
They look very healthy plants,Ba,good idea with the trestle table :o)..sorry luv,no Greenhouse either..but i see you have had a kind offer from Pam..much nearer than me ! Lol.I'm also going for more perennials now too..seeds sown so far failed miserably..but I will try again this weekend..if they don't succeed this time,I shall be visiting the Market,or Morries..or wherever there is a good deal..and just say sod it ! :o))
12 Apr, 2013
You can borrow mine BA ... as long as you sort out all the plants I've already got squashed in there too ;o)
Looks like you're going to be busy with that lot, but it's good they're a decent quality, it's so disappointing when plants arrive that are half-dead or the wrong ones!
12 Apr, 2013
lots of lovely plants there BA, sorry old girl no room in my greenhouse, hope they all survive for you, Bloomer Morries were doing trays of pansies this week, delivered that morning BOGOF, they were beauties,
12 Apr, 2013
I'd share with you Ba but I guess its a bit far, I've got lots of trays on the go but apart from my geraniums the others haven't yet reached the potting on stage, very slow growing this year in view of the weather.
Your plants look healthy, I went with my daughter around a few of our local gc's a few days ago, shocked at the prices this year, ended up at a local nursery just outside of town and should have gone there first, they sell pots of seedlings at a quid a time, 20 geraniums to a pot, then one grows them on at home, we will be back there in a couple of days to see what else is on offer....
12 Apr, 2013
dont worry BA ~ sorry to hear about the cowboy plumber, hope its soon fixed
just nice to see you on here when you can make it! hope the sun shines very soon so you can get out into your garden
12 Apr, 2013
hope the weather bucks up soon so you can move them out of the house BA, no greenhouse here either so im not buying any plants yet, we deserve a good summer after a long wet summer then winter, at least 8/9 bad weather yuk :))
12 Apr, 2013
Ba , got your hands full there , just hold steady and all will be done .
For various reasons I've had little time on here lately , you start to feel a bit left behind , don't you ?
12 Apr, 2013
I went to Morries today,Yorky..the one in Meltham,on our way back from a nice lunch :o) ..I saw the pansies and viola's,but bought a nice red Acer for £3,and a white Rose for £2..I'm well chuffed..first one potted up when we got home,and Rose soaking overnight in a bucket :o)
12 Apr, 2013
That's a lot of plants BA..... They will keep you busy come planting time. Have you considered a glass roof - your attic could double up as a greenhouse :)
12 Apr, 2013
Oh my, what a lot of plants on that table! You could happily share my GH, Ba, as long as you don't mind keeping an eye out for the tiny striped snails I have found beneath some seed trays today ... apparently they are harmless ... but a snail is a snail and they're not welcome!
Could you make room outside for a small cold frame or a GH against the house wall? Failing that, your best option is to 'phone a friend!' .........
13 Apr, 2013
Thanks Bik and Pam, I don't usually go for bedding plants, don't know what's got into me lol. just perennials and shrubs. The worst thing is I've got lots to come and I've bought some marigold seeds, Russian ones in colours I haven't seen before, pink, cream and some bronze ones too:-)
13 Apr, 2013
Hi Bloomer, I have another problem now, the new pink, cream and bronze marigolds that I bought off Ebay apparently need warmth to germinate and unless I keep them in the lounge, there's nowhere else with a constant temperature:-( Can I come and live with you?:-)
13 Apr, 2013
Flippin' eck Geranium, I'm not after more work! but thanks for the offer:-)
13 Apr, 2013
Hi Yorky, a couple of weeks ago I bought 3 easter? cactus full of buds from Morries for £1 each, they're starting to flower now, absolutely beautiful:-)
13 Apr, 2013
Wow Lincs, what a bargain if you have a greenhouse to grow them on:-)
13 Apr, 2013
Thanks Sticki, rained all afternoon here today, still no chance of getting in the beds and sorting out some division, I may have to leave it 'til the autumn:-)
13 Apr, 2013
Hi Sandra, I don't think I'd have bought all these now, but ordered them last year when I was feeling fed up with the dismal weather and looking forward to spring ... should it come. You're very wise:-)
13 Apr, 2013
Driad, I'm feeling very left behind and no hope of catching up ...still ....soon be May and all will look lovely:-)
13 Apr, 2013
That's a great idea Scottish, and in the summer I could take the glass off so it wouldn't get too hot ....and I wouldn't have to water them much as the rain would do that for me. You're a genius, I can see no downside to your plan:-)
13 Apr, 2013
Hi Shirley, I'm rather fond of snails and yours sound adorable, have you put a pic on? I'm afraid there's nowhere for a coldframe or lean to .... I'll have to go for your last option:-))
13 Apr, 2013
Be my guest,Ba..I'll make room for your Marigolds..nothing in my propagator at the mo..all mine failed..except the lettuces..think I did them too early..
14 Apr, 2013
Great Bloomer, I'll send the packets to you post haste (what ever that means) and you can send them back to me all grown up and rearing to go. It's at times like these that you know who your friends are:-)
14 Apr, 2013
Now you are extracting the Michael,Ba..!Lol..get yourself up here with your seeds..I'm glad you have lots of friends ..lovely isn't it? :o))
15 Apr, 2013
Ha I have the same problem! Just written my blog about the same thing lol, my kitchen windowsill is heaving with petunias and surfinas and this morning 72 plug plants arrived! Lol
17 Apr, 2013
Sure is Sandra:-)
17 Apr, 2013
I think it's a form of madness Skilla, I've hunted out my old cheap shelf thing from Wilkos and put it up in the porch, so they're all out there now. Ready for the next lot now lol, some came today to take up the last bit of space on the shelf thingummy:-)
17 Apr, 2013
Frost forecast for Friday night , Ba , be careful .
Don't want all those little gems damaged .
17 Apr, 2013
Mine are all wrapped up in bubble wrap! Lol
18 Apr, 2013
Hi Driad, theyre frost free in the porch and fortunately wind free too. We've been having gale force winds:-(
19 Apr, 2013
I've got loads of buuble wrap too Sk, I keep buying on line and everything's wrapped in the stuff:-)
19 Apr, 2013
Thanks for pointing me in the right direction, Ba. You could come down here and we could move things around to clear a shelf in one of my greenhouses if you like.
That's if you promise to pull up some Him. Balsam seedlings while you're here. ;-D)
20 Apr, 2013
Now Barbara, you know I'd love to, but just too much to do here:-)) By the way, since putting in the porch on rickety shelving, they have really come on and I will be planting them out soon if all goes well, at least the wind has dropped (been blowing a gale here for a few days) and the sun seems to have found its way here too:-)
20 Apr, 2013
Yes, we had a lovely day yesterday and it has re-appeared this morning, too! :-)
Watch out though - we also had a light frost this morning.
21 Apr, 2013
I was only thinking of putting the violas in, mine from last year (viola Columbine) are flowering beautifully, they flowered all through last year 'til frosts too:-) Haven't quite decided where to plant Wild Swan yet:-)
21 Apr, 2013
Would you like to borrow my magic shoehorn?
21 Apr, 2013
22 Apr, 2013
Sorry I`m late to see this, you can`t use my greenhouse but you can use my garden if you like :0))))
26 Apr, 2013
You've got quite enough already my girl:-))
27 Apr, 2013
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Sorry BA I don't have a greenhouse to lend you. Have fun potting up, they all look good!
11 Apr, 2013