Favourite members and paranoia, help needed!
By bornagain
I’ve no idea what I’m doing as I’ve never blogged before. It’s just that I have a problem with “favourites” I feel if I “favourite” someone, I’m slighting someone else, perhaps hurting someones feelings. I did favourite Terratoonie so that I could follow little Conkers hopeful improvements and I’ve “spoken” to many lovely people on GOY so I would have a very large list and guilt would make me keep adding to it. If someone comments on one of my photos , I have to look at their photos and comment on them and some people have thousands! I would have to spend all day at the computer. Also I don’t know the form when favourited by someone and don’t wish to offend. Should I reply? Have I spelt paranoia correctly? Am I neurotic? :-)) Eek I just pressed publish and noticed that “0 people like this blog” now I’m really upset…:-) Now I’ve noticed a line through my writing, have I done something wrong?
23 Jul, 2009
Next post: holiday near Tenby
Thank god there's someone with a sense of humour on this site.The trouble with sites like this is that they become all consuming as you have to keep looking through your photos to find a bigger and better flower than some total stranger with a parrot that you'll never even meet!! Make them all favourites, but be prepared for hours of blogging,commenting and liking all their pictures! Good luck with it all.Don't worry about your spelling, it's only a bit of fun not a job interview!!
23 Jul, 2009
I`ve pressed like as well and its true I do like,also popped back to check on Ginnellie`s blog.I,m sorry dont mean to offend but you have made me chuckle,I doubt whether anyone would feel slighted whether you add as favourite or not,there are a lot and we all get behind sometimes,with me a lot depends on the weather and minding grandchildren,just go with the flow and enjoy..........
23 Jul, 2009
Hi bornagain,dont worry about spelling,favourites,making lines i do it all the time,i try to make a paragraph half of the word at top other half way down the pageLol ,Oooops..... lens in glasses just fell out other 1 stuck with sellotape,( see what i mean)dont no how that happened didn`t even try to do paragraphLol welcome to GoY enjoy it.....:~)))))
23 Jul, 2009
You dont have to Favourite Anyone, Lots of people dont bother, When I favourite Pics its usually so i can go and look back at a Plant or design idea i want to "copy" :))) and I know Goy Members wont be offended if you dont favourite or comment, There you go, Easy Peasy..And Falco, Who has the Parrot? hehe, I missed that one :)))
23 Jul, 2009
What I like most about this site is that nearly everybody has a great sense of humour and there are all sorts of people, that's what makes it so addictive. It's impossible to comment on all the blogs and photos and we all know that, so just pick what most appeals on the day and don't worry about it, just enjoy....!
24 Jul, 2009
spelling hehehehe
I for one am a terrible speller and would have no clue as to how you spell paranoia....
this site is for the weird,the wacky,the cuckoo,the series,the friendly,the dummy throwers,the proffesionals,the beginners and all in between.
I heard a saying not so long back the day you feel like gardening is a job is the day to give it up
or something similar, just sit back and enjoy
x x x
24 Jul, 2009
Thanks all, Ginellie, I did see your blog and had a neurotic rant on it too, it gave me confidence to do this. A little plagiarism ( I spell checked that one) possibly :-)
I also have a problem trying to think of different ways to show appreciation of a photo..such as lovely....beautiful...gorgeous etc. When commenting on one persons photos I run out of adjectives and have to go back to see if I've already used that word or expression. Is there a cure? Deep breaths.........in out...in out...that's better. ;~)
24 Jul, 2009
I am the worlds worse speller
24 Jul, 2009
Should I "comment" on my own blog or put it up the top?
24 Jul, 2009
Most people add comments to their own blogs
24 Jul, 2009
Thanks all, once I've mastered this, the sky's the limit. Facebook....twitter..whatever they are. Falco, there's loads of people with a sense of humour on this site, just try the comments on many of the photos or look through some more blogs. I would recommend some to you, but with my neuroses it would be impossible, see above. ;-)))
24 Jul, 2009
Try not to have a gilty conshens. Just do what you want and don't wurry about your spaleng . I'm hopliss at it.
24 Jul, 2009
ha ha Hywel, oops, I've just noticed my mouth's in the wrong place (on Comment) another thing I worry about is what if I accidentally click on "I've gone off this picture" ? The first time I saw this I thought I must have done it, does anyone do it? I did do "flag this picture" once, thinking it meany something good!
24 Jul, 2009
Sometimes I click on 'add to favourites' instead of 'like' - so I've ended up with 990 favourites. lol. I'll have to sort them out one day :o)
24 Jul, 2009
Glad I'm not the only one Hywel, I'm off to Tenby (always wanted to go there) on monday, one week, Haven site, eight of us in caravan, three of them children aged 3,6, &12. Sheer bliss....;~\ that's supposed to be a cynical frazzled face.
I worried at first that we would all overheat it being at the height of summer and all, now I'm thinking have we packed enough woollies, wellies& brollies. I'm told we may see dolphins! Bet they won't be wetter than us :-(
Perhaps the forecasts are wrong ;-)))
25 Jul, 2009
I've just 'joined' and spent the last few days writing a blog, in which I promised to get camera batteries and trip down to my local castle and take more photos....and I HAVE, I HAVE!!!! ...and advising someone - Jaque - on genealogy!!!!!!!!!! I didn't MEAN to, honest!
I should have been preparing tomorrow's dinner....I should have been at a friend's birthday party, instead of sending 'Him Outdoors' on his own.....I should have been watching a dvd.....I SHOULD have been In The Garden....
It's horribly addictive, and I DO have a life. Don't worry about responding to others, just go with the flow! Fun, isn't it?
Where did I put the potato peeler?
25 Jul, 2009
Welcome to goy Bscott, yes it is rather. My husband worried at first when I joined in case someone tried to groom me!!!!! :-))) He's more of a technophobe than I am and hasn't quite got the hang of things. I think he doesn't like the time I spend on here 'though I do call him in to see particularly interesting or beautiful pics.
Oh well ...must continue packing...
26 Jul, 2009
LOL Bornagain, My hub thinks i spent too much time on the computer but he's used to it now :)
Welcome to GOY Bscott, My hubs peeling the pots as i write LOL He must be hungry..
26 Jul, 2009
Off to Tenby, will take camera in case... I mean in case I see anything, well both actually :-) YDD your husband's probably right, I know mine is:-)
26 Jul, 2009
The paranoia doesn't last long, you'll soon get over it....I think....maybe..... lol
Enjoy Tenby.
26 Jul, 2009
I am addicted, I've had to look at my home page although I'm off today :-) Weather forecast dire :-(
27 Jul, 2009
Oh frabjous day callooh callay!!! has anyone noticed? the "I've gone off this photo" has been replaced by "you liked this photo" whew...one less thing to worry about....
12 Aug, 2009
I've had the same problems, Bornagain! I worked out that the line happens if you put - just before a word, & carries on til you put another - ! Took me half an hour to work it out, & I was nearly screaming at it!!!!! if you go to edit & take out the - s it'll sort itself!
Yes, noticed that! I've clicked on "I've gone off" by mistake too, & ended up leaving a comment apologising!!
15 Aug, 2009
PS The reason you had no-one likes this blog is that no-one had read it yet!!
15 Aug, 2009
15 Aug, 2009
I love this site its a bit of fun, not to be taken too seriously.
I would be the first to drop out if it got to intense.
Good experienced helps there when you need it. I have learnt a lot from the questions and answers. For me favorites means - I choose my favorites so I can look at them later at my leisure some have hundreds of photos. Or so that I can keep track of someone garden. (If I didnt I would never find them again). Just enjoy it as the others said.
28 Aug, 2009
Conker says thankyou...
He recently celebrated his 6th birthday and is still fighting the gremlin cells :o)
19 Mar, 2010
However did you get here Tt? I think this was my first blog and I'm not so paranoid now, and do have favourites in my head that I follow, but that's not infallable and I suddenly think...I've not seen so and so for a while and then have to catch up. Happy Birthday to Conker:-))
20 Mar, 2010
Hi Bornagain...
Sometimes I come across photos and blogs from around July 09 timeframe, and think "How did I miss this?"... and then I realise it was those weeks when Conker was very ill...just started on the months of weekly chemo...
Yes, thanks... he is doing quite well at the moment..... :o)
20 Mar, 2010
Didn't know it was Conker's birthday TT. Belated birthday wishes Conker xx.
29 Mar, 2010
Hello Skillen, fancy seeing you here too lol:-)
29 Mar, 2010
Thanks, Skillen..
Conker had some nice cards and gifts x
Hello Bornagain... again. :o)
29 Mar, 2010
This blog could become really popular Terra lol:-)
29 Mar, 2010
Lol Bornagain, don't quite know how I got here but it's a good blog. :~)).
31 Mar, 2010
Excellent blog...
I especially like the crossed out bit. he he he.. :o) xxx
1 Apr, 2010
I'm not much better now Tt:-) I've just noticed that I have a very plain nose:-( Skillen, you have a wiggly one and Terra you have a rotund one. I'm feeling rather jealous:-(
1 Apr, 2010
Some have big noses ....:O) some have small noses :o) LOL...
1 Apr, 2010
I've thought of this:<) but do you think I look stuck up?
1 Apr, 2010
No... looks individual and different. :o) =] -o)))
1 Apr, 2010
He he, now you're showing off:-))
1 Apr, 2010
How about this for something different? :+)) Special Easter hot cross bun nose! LOL
1 Apr, 2010
Oh I like that Lily, so topical, Terra never thought of that...you are Queen of the noses...just goes to show...your'e as daft as me Ha ha lol :-))))))))
1 Apr, 2010
:x))) :X]]] :♪♪♪)))
with bells on...Lol.
1 Apr, 2010
As daft as you BA? oh dear, that is bad! LOL. Well I just looked in the mirror for nose inspiration!!!
1 Apr, 2010
Lol Terra, ok you can be Nose Queen too, Lily something drastic must have happened since you had your pic taken here then lol :-)
2 Apr, 2010
It only looks like that on a bad nose day....when I'm hot and cross! LOL
3 Apr, 2010
3 Apr, 2010
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Look at my blog, and comments, of 27th June. I felt the same about favourites.
Oh, and I've just pressed 'Like'.
23 Jul, 2009