Garden Seed Tapes
By crissue
Groweasy Seed Tapes and Mats
Do you have trouble handling small seeds and getting an even distribution? When the seedlings emerge, do you find thinning them out is a real chore? Seed Tapes contain pre-spaced seeds in a tape. Just prepare the soil, draw out a groove and roll out your tape. Seed Mats are a great way to start vegetables indoors. Place a pre-sown biodegradable mats in a small pot with compost and wait for the seedlings to emerge……
Has any GOYers heard of or tried this method…I have a friend sent me a pic of her Zinnias grown this way, and they are stunning…takes all the hard work out of sowing……Fruit – Vegetables – Herbs – Plants…
2 Sep, 2011
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I've grown lettuce this way. they were ok though the spacing was such that i still had to thin out so some wastage still.
not found that many types for sale though.
2 Sep, 2011
Hi Sheila...I was really pleased when I heard...I've got carrots waiting to be thinned out again, and it's such a waste I think....and laborious too...
She also told me you could make your own for plants and Herbs...then pick out what you want...
Hi Seaburngirl...
I had a quick look, and Suttons seeds do quite a range, I wish I could find a site here, that did them...Glad you have tried them...Would you use them if you could get the selection do you think....!!
2 Sep, 2011
not sure really, they are good for putting things in straight lines lol
2 Sep, 2011
Hmm ... from our experience of using the vegetable ones we are less than impressed, Sue! ... We used them on the allotment as an experiment, but the Carrots and Parsnips are not thriving ... yet the ones sown by hand are great ... Same with Beetroot ... and I agree with Sbg on the 'straight line' effect! ... So, it's a thumbs down from us ... :o(((
2 Sep, 2011
Hi Sue I bought a pack of two discs from Poundstretchers with a mixed selection of seeds for hanging baskets, (just out of curiosity really), and was pleased how easy they were! Unfortunately there were quite a few Bizzy Lizzy in the selection and that fungus got to them! :( I would definitely use this method again with different varieties.
2 Sep, 2011
I picked up a packet of lettuce seeds in Lidl earlier in the year and was shocked to see the seeds on tape when I came to open the packet. They grew well and good lettuce but still needed thinning out. Would certainly have them again.
2 Sep, 2011
It's a great response everyone, thankyou. I don't know how long these seed tapes have been around, and like all relatively new things, there's those that work and those that don't...
Not sure OH is convinced on the Veg side...... I would like to try a couple of varieties of flowering plants...Fran...thanks..
Hi Shirley...I don't know what it is with Carrots, but if I try and sow thinly, so as to cut down on the waste, I get a poor show...if I sow thickly every carrot seed germinates, but then I have the laborious job of thinning I can't win...
3 Sep, 2011
Hi Crissue, i've not tried them but there again i dont grow veg, not been on here for abit again, find it gets to me not being able to keep up with everyones photos, and feel quilty at missing some out, so i've decided to just keep up with the blogs:o))
3 Sep, 2011
That's ok Clarice, I understand completely...I have cut back as well, as I can't keep up either...I don't do many Blogs, only if it's something specific...Always nice to talk to you anyway...:)))
3 Sep, 2011
It sounds a good idea. I get trouble thining seedlings out.
6 Sep, 2011
Me too Hywel, fiddly job for the most nimble of fingers...
6 Sep, 2011
I got round discs with Basil seed in them. I planted them then forgot about them so they died off. I
20 Sep, 2011
Aww shame....doesn't Basil smell gorgeous when it's growing....I popped an odd piece in a pot by the garden door, and it's the first thing I can smell in the mornings...lovely...
Three times i've thinned my Carrots out, and I hate the waste, tho the thinnings go to the Chooks...I think of all those Carrots gone...:(((
21 Sep, 2011
I was given a seed sower. You put the seed in a chamber, put the top on and click to sow the seeds. The lid can be turned around to accomodate the seed size. With very small seed the merchants sometimes coat them in a clay substance to make them look like little balls.
You could just cut up the seed strip and sow further apart. It is work before or after sowing. At least if you cut the strips up there would be less danger of carrot root fly which is attracted by the smell of the pulled carrots.
The only other tip i have is sow your seed thinly but in small batches about 8" apart then do not thin them. They will grow into the space around them until they are worth pulling.
21 Sep, 2011
Every time I sow thinly, I get a no show, or very little...unless I grow in a large pot which I did several times last year, and had good results, but there just isn't I'm persevering with them in the ground...I haven't seen any seed tape in France as yet, only on the Internet...Thanks for that tip on Carrot fly...:)))
21 Sep, 2011
Carrots in pots is a good idea as carrot fly do not go higher than 2' off the ground. My best carrots were grown in a 40 gallon blue plastic chemicals vat which had the top and bottom removed. You often see them used on allotments as compost bins.
21 Sep, 2011
Yes I know what type vat you mean Sg...there's something similar here...good idea... I rather enjoyed growing Carrots in Planters, they were really tasty...A.T mentioned Pot grown on his program a while back, and he mentioned the long Carrot, that will grow down into the Pot...I'll know it if I see it...
22 Sep, 2011
I once won first prize with the longest carrot in the show having grown St Valery in these bins inside an old piece of drain pipe, it was easy to get the soil out and the carrot out undamaged. For anyone who likes carrots the link below opens up a pandoras box of fascinating facts about carrots.
Type in Longest carrot and you will be surprised at the amount of interest there is in growing them.
22 Sep, 2011
I'll have a look at the carrotmuseum when I've got chance...out of curiousity, how long was this carrot....:)))
22 Sep, 2011
About 4'6". Not long at all. The experts have grown them up to just under 20'. You need a pipe that length to get a carrot that length and I did not have one. I have now though. In fact I have three. I keep meaning to try it and will one day. We do not have a village flower and veg show now but there are other shows around which are open to outsiders. Ours was a closed show which did mean I was only competing against other local gardeners. We got so many entries that we did not have the space to accept exhibits from outsiders.
22 Sep, 2011
hi , i have tred this for veg and had gud results .......... !!
def use em again ;0))
28 Oct, 2011
Hi Cris...It seems to work for some and not others, I'm pleased they worked for you...:)))
28 Oct, 2011
i forgot bt them till you reminded me lol ................
1 Nov, 2011
Hi Cris...Until a friend emailed me a pic of her Zinnias, that she had grown from a seed tape, I had never heard of them...would like to try, just to see for myself how they do....
1 Nov, 2011
If you fancy making your own seed tapes there are full instructions on this site. I am going to have a go with my grandchildren. It would make a lovely Christmas present for someone special.
1 Nov, 2011
Oh thanks Sg...what a good idea....:)))
1 Nov, 2011
I was not sure what cornstarch is but Wikipedia says cornflour so that is easy to find.
1 Nov, 2011
That all seems straight forward enough :)))
1 Nov, 2011
i did the salard ones !!
1 Nov, 2011
Did you make your own Cris !!
1 Nov, 2011
no got them at b/q , they had loads !!
1 Nov, 2011
Haven't seen them here in France at all, only on line, but making your own sounds a good idea to me...
I was thinking of Trailing Lobelia...they are tiny wee seeds...
1 Nov, 2011
I remember a long time ago someone telling me they mixed their tiny seeds in with a delivery agent, maybe wallpaper paste, and put them on paper before planting. Lobelia are transplanted several plants at a time so I suppose they could be added to the cornstarch before it is deposited on the paper. It is worth a try.
1 Nov, 2011
I think so, they're too fiddly for me lol...
2 Nov, 2011
On that same site it explains how to make clay ball seed pellets. You can buy pelleted seeds but using their recipe for lobelia would also be a good idea.
2 Nov, 2011
Yes I agree thanks Sg...x
2 Nov, 2011
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Sweet Pea Seeds Everlasting Mix
£2.45 at Suttons Seeds -
Mina Lobata Seeds
£2.65 at Suttons Seeds -
Heliotrope Marine Seeds
£2.85 at Suttons Seeds -
Sensitive Plant Seed
£1.85 at Suttons Seeds -
Verbena Bonariensis Purple Elegance Seeds
£1.49 at Suttons Seeds
Sounds a terrific idea . . . thanks Sue . . . will look out for them!
2 Sep, 2011