In Memory of Our dear Sweetie
By crissue
‘Marmalade’ aka Sweetie, lost her battle against Lymes Disease today at 2.36pm French time 18th may 2012.
Born approx August 2010, we found her in our Garden abandoned at 6 weeks old….She gave us a lot of pleasure, and we loved her dearly and always will…She was a fighter to the end, but it was too much for her…we stayed with her right through 24 seven…
She was a happy soul…and now she will be happy again at Rainbows Bridge…
Rest easy little darling, xxx
The last pic of Sweetie before she became ill, relaxing with Elkie…
18 May, 2012
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Oh...So ever so sorry, she looks so content there, obviously much loved in the little time she had.
18 May, 2012
so sorry to here this sad news Crissue, sounds like you gave her plenty of love after finding her, and you did everything you could for her, x
18 May, 2012
So sorry Sue, take heart in that she was loved and cared for by you and that she is no longer suffering, xx.
18 May, 2012
im sorry to hear your sad news, im sure you gave her lots of love in the short time she was with you, its so heartbreaking when a pet dies, but remember she had a happy if short life with you. Just try and remember the happy times you had with her:-) thinking of you.
18 May, 2012
So sorry Sue, but she had a good life with you didnt she.
18 May, 2012
Sorry as well is always so heartbreaking losing a beloved pet.
18 May, 2012
RIP Sweetie... A very special cat xxx
18 May, 2012
Your comments are lovely, they just make me cry more, a big piece of my heart is shattered..I loved her so much...She tried so hard..
Just thankyou from OH and myself xx
18 May, 2012
Sue I,m so sorry to read this, as you say she is at the rainbow bridge....looking after your tiny kittens...xxxxx
18 May, 2012
Crissue, I cried for weeks after we lost our dog, we had her 17 years, so don't worry about crying,
18 May, 2012
Aw Sue I'm so sorry..Sweetie has been in my thoughts.
poor wee thing. Bless her. :) xxxxxx
18 May, 2012
Im sad to hear about beautiful Sweetie, Crissue...She was lovely, i know how hard it is after loosing our Nali....Thinking of you Sue...:>)
18 May, 2012
Hi Sue sorry to hear that - sad when it happens - the like by the way is just for her xxx
18 May, 2012
Sorry to hear this Sue, sad to lose the pets we love so much xxx
18 May, 2012
So sorry Sue, that's the third one I've heard this week, my brother had to have his puss cat put down on Monday, then today I heard a neighbour had to have his dog put down on Wednesday.
It's so sad when it happens, R.I.P. Sweetie.
18 May, 2012
Sorry to hear your sad news Crissue....What a sweetie she was x
18 May, 2012
So sorry Sue. It's heartbreaking to lose your beloved pet. X
18 May, 2012
Know how you are feeling, poor puss. Maybe room for the remaining kitten? - these things have a way of working out, maybe it was just meant to be.
18 May, 2012
Which one was she? Some pets have just so sad fates.
When you said abot that bridge - my mom told me in the morning two days ago:"I had a dream with my mother. She was standind in the middle of the road with Tulishko (mom´s black poodlexterrier, which we found in the street and had for 10 years). Don´t know what does it mean..." That morning a car knocked on that street our beloved cat. You never knows...borders between life and after life are so thin...
18 May, 2012
So sorry... it is awful to lose a beloved pet :((
18 May, 2012
Hello everyone, and thankyou for your kind words...It started me off all over again...We buried Sweetie in our little Woodland, and I planted a Huechera 'Georgia Peach' a vibrant colour to grow among the Ferns and Arums, Cowslips, and Lily of the Valley...and lovely bulbs in early Spring...She used to love to lay in the cool on the Bark it's a lovely spot for her little body...Her pain has gone now, and she's in a better place....and as days go by we can remember all her happy times, and what a joy she was to many good memories...when the pain of her loss hurts less...
I didn't realise until later yesterday how traumatised Elkie & Snoball were. They knew she had gone and they were so scared. She was one of theirs too, even though they weren't an exceptionally close group..Snoball looked everywhere for her, while Elkie hid away and shook...that was even more destroying, we hadn't even thought about their little bit of pain...
Sad to say all Freckles kittens passed, we don't know for sure whether, it was an accident and she laid on the last one or if she disposed of it......Below is the Poem of Rainbow Bridge, for those of you that may not know it....
And Chris my dear Hubby sends his thanks to all of you, for your kindness to us...xx
19 May, 2012
The Rainbow Bridge
inspired by a Norse legend
By the edge of a woods, at the foot of a hill,
Is a lush, green meadow where time stands still.
Where the friends of man and woman do run,
When their time on earth is over and done.
For here, between this world and the next,
Is a place where each beloved creature finds rest.
On this golden land, they wait and they play,
Till the Rainbow Bridge they cross over one day.
No more do they suffer, in pain or in sadness,
For here they are whole, their lives filled with gladness.
Their limbs are restored, their health renewed,
Their bodies have healed, with strength imbued.
They romp through the grass, without even a care,
Until one day they start, and sniff at the air.
All ears prick forward, eyes dart front and back,
Then all of a sudden, one breaks from the pack.
For just at that instant, their eyes have met;
Together again, both person and pet.
So they run to each other, these friends from long past,
The time of their parting is over at last.
The sadness they felt while they were apart,
Has turned into joy once more in each heart.
They embrace with a love that will last forever,
And then, side-by-side, they cross over… together.
19 May, 2012
Beautiful Sue, a comfort and a blessing xxx
19 May, 2012
Oh SUe I'm in tears.
19 May, 2012
Aw, lovely poem
19 May, 2012
oh you've made me cry now....that is a lovely poem im going to write it down and keep it. Remember time will heal your hurting heart.
19 May, 2012
Very nice and very true.
19 May, 2012
So sorry to hear your sad new,s even though the poem make's me cry it is a help take care Crissue x
19 May, 2012
Blessed Sunday everyone...
The Poem, is wonderful, very sad and as Kat says very true, I have no doubt we will meet up with our loved ones all of them, when it's our turn....which made me smile, when I remember years ago a Phsychic told my Mum, that there was a big party in store for her when it was her time, she always did like a good giggle...:o))))
We learned a lot from Sweeties experience, and has made us more aware of what can happen to our Pets, we can't watch them 24hrs a day, but we can act on any bite or nasty scratch that may appear, that we may put down to something trivial...This disease is rare in Cats, but it can lay dormant for a time until something sets it off...It's not all Pet owners that care for their animals, like we, and you all do...and with so many strays out there who knows what dangers they face...
We'll not forget your kindness....xxxx
20 May, 2012
20 May, 2012
Hugs to you from me and Milliepuss. x
20 May, 2012
Hugs back, and an extra one for all your Pets...xx
20 May, 2012
Thank you. xxx Gave them all a kiss and one wagged a tail, the other two groaned and Millepuss...well I just about got away with it!
20 May, 2012
Rest in peace Sweetie from Blue, Bubba, Baby Sunday, Sprout, Saitah, Binky, Smalls and their parents.
Love is what she needed and love is what she got, to the end.
20 May, 2012
Suki mewed back :)
21 May, 2012
Morning everyone, Rusty thankyou, my friend, you set me off again...but never mind, it's true what you said...
So glad you gave your Pets an extra hug, they are so special to us, they deserve and extra Pat, Hug, or kiss on the head,
Not forgetting our Frecks in all the sadness, she is doing ok, and gets lots of strokes and cuddles, she's very calm, and doesn't seem to be too concerned about the loss of her babies, she looks tired though...Trying to build her up now, so we can take her to the vet, and have her done, so there is no more risk for unwanted pregnancies for her...and she is happy to stay in no problems so far...
Enjoy your day everyone....xx
21 May, 2012
Morning everyone, Rusty thankyou, my friend, you set me off again...but never mind, it's true what you said...
didn't mean to make you cry, just wanted you to know that your Sweetie was happy living with you and Chris. Not all our pets are blessed with a long life, but we love them forever.
21 May, 2012
so sorry sue, so sad rest in peace sweetie xx
21 May, 2012
Hi everyone, and continuing thanks for your kindness...
It's true Rusty, some of our Pets are only loaned to us for a while, but we do love them...I know mine get an extra cuddle and stroke, because they're special and we never know do we...
Thanks San, xxx
22 May, 2012
I'm so sorry Sue, you've all had such a rotten time lately. Everone's said all there is to say. She was such a lovely little cat who you gave happiness to. I can't read the 'Rainbow Bridge' poem without crying, I've so many I'd love to meet again. Surely you're all due some peace and happiness now x
2 Jun, 2012
Thankyou for your kind words Ba...
She was a special little one, and we're so pleased she was in our life for a while...We loved her and always will...and I firmly believe we will see her again one day...
' Rainbow Bridge' is a very moving Poem, and someone sent me the Video with the music added, very moving indeed...
In time the pain subsides and all the good memories will take over....roll on that day...x
2 Jun, 2012
I have got round to reading about Sweetie, (hope I don't start you off all over again) it's all so sad but you have had some lovely messages. I know she is in a happy place now & her life sounded idyllic with you until she got ill.
About your other cats - I am certain animals must be telepathic or something - they will have known Sweetie was probably going to leave them sometime soon, but were just as sad as you were when it happened.
Flossie is settling in really well with us & has caught a mouse already in the garden!! She brought it indoors, but I didn't want her scrunching it up in here, so I managed to grab it & take it back into the garden! It was dead poor thing, but that's cats for you!!!
How many pets do you have?
How long have you lived in France? My daughter's parents-in-law live in Normandy, they have been there about 12 years I think. We have been on a couple of hloidays to France - once to Brittany & once to the Loire. We loved both holdays. Might go again one day - though we don't drive as much as we used to, now we are getting ancient!!
What part do you live in?
27 Jun, 2012
Hiya Shirl,
Thanks for your comments...our Sweets is still very much missed, hard to think she's not here in the physical....and your'e right about the other Cats they know, they are closer to us now, Elkie is almost my shadow...
Yes we had some lovely comforting messages, which means a lot...:o))
We're in the Loire Valley, very Rural we are...and we've lived here in the same Village since 2002...
Can't imagine living anywhere else now, calm, no pollution, better quality of life, and nice people...
1 Jul, 2012
Sounds idyllic.
We have been along there once or twice for a drive out - not too far from here for a day's trip - but not for many years now.
From what I remember it's glorious.
4 Jul, 2012
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Oh Sue I'm so sorry to hear that. It's very sad. You've been very kind, and did all you could for her.
18 May, 2012