Captain's Blog (12) "Safari so Good"
By david
At the weekend, we had a marvellous time at a safari park, chosen by my daughter for her birthday day out treat. I had been really looking forward to this, too, as hadn’t been there since I was her age. I expected there to be many great changes, and was amazed how well this trip fitted in with our garden themes, past and present.
Upon arrival in the main car park, we were astounded to be right next to a children’s play area with a pirate theme – right up our galley (sorry, alley).
The centrepiece was this wonderful pirate ship with escape chutes and, yes, i clambered all over it, too, lol, looking for ideas and inspiration (noted that the upper age limit was 14 years, but thought that this did not apply to me mental age, aharr!).
Ahoy there, me ‘earty! You ’as given us an idea for making a themed scarecrow for the garden, seein’ as ye be right up there in ye crow’s nest an’ not a crow to be seen, aharr!!! (something to work on during the coming long dark winter nights, methinks? So long as he don’t scare off ye dear lil’ ol’ Jack sparrows, though).
Aharr!! I alus pays attention to notices (jist in case me mugshot be on one o’ ‘em). Treasure to be found, eh? Young Jim an’ me dug in ye sand for ages, but, alas, ne’er struck gold :-(( Yet, this ‘as given me an idea for future treasure trails at Easter, or even Christmas, weather permitting – might get me plot dug over nicely, too, in the process – har har!) Anyways, the face-painting shack was shut down an’ derelict, so this was priobably a red herring!
Me crew soon got to grips with the helm and the ropes! Glad to see they were prepared for rough weather, as the forecast was totally wrong. We were feeling rather more like “Scott of the Antarctic” than “Pirates of the Caribbean”.
This was great, as gave us so many ideas for our garden, whilst waiting for the drive-through reserves to open. At last, they opened, and we drove towards the first gate. Reading all the warning/precaution notices, we also noted some of the wonderful animals we were about to see. Eilidh (now being a smart 8 year-old) was first to pick out… “Lions, tigers…and bears – Oh, My!”
Amidst a great chorus of laughs and chants, we set off on a drive round the “African Plains”, chanting this line from the script of the Wizard of Oz movie. Of course, this was our first garden theme a few years ago. Was amazed at how my kids remember this, but am having concerns about their mental welfare state, as a result – LOL!!!
Saw some nice parrots for me shoulder, an’ thought that I could well plunder some matching clothing for ye perfect fashion statement! Alas – no pics :-(
Never smile at a crocodile? Well, this little fellow brought broad grins from us, and, in a sticky situation with the kids, who had spotted a nearby fairground with expensive rides, got me “off the hook” so to speak!
Ah, well, another great voyage for us, many memories to be treasured, and more ideas for the garden, to boot!!
This trip certainly got the seal of approval!
(Of course I know that they are sea lions, not seals, lol!!)
Anyways, we had a fab visit, and so many ideas to take home for our “Pirates” garden, which is why I posted this here. Went home totally Captain Flint (skint), but with plenty o’ pics, an’ ideas. :-))))
Well, that was a great ol’ “jolly”, but it’s “roger and out”!
Time to go home to our own garden treasure. :-))
11 Oct, 2010
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Wow! Tou cuaght me of guard there, Alice.!! Was still correcting spelling mistakes, lol! Glad you liked it, and find me crew not too scary!!! :-))))
11 Oct, 2010
Pleased you chose well and enjoyed the trip to the Safari Park...and birthday wishes to your daughter, David. We'll have to keep a sharp eye on your garden to see how you transport the ideas into your own space!
11 Oct, 2010
Many Thanks, Whistonlass!! Will pass on your good wishes to her! Will remember, as she and I share the same birthday, lol! Hence my reference to my mental age!!!! We are looking forward to some creative projects to "tide" us over winter. :-)))
11 Oct, 2010
Oh well David....birthday wishes comin' atcha' too! :) My daughter shares her birthday with her daughter too....nice coincidence for you all.
11 Oct, 2010
Happy Birthdays you guys - lovely day out for you all, enjoyed the visit with you.
11 Oct, 2010
Hoping that your daughter enjoys her birthdays because of ths link, just as much as I do!!!! :-)))))
Many Thanks, Olive, so glad you enjoyed it! :-))
11 Oct, 2010
Yes, David....they feel very special sharing a birthday. Strangely too they all (4 children and mom all have birthdays on either the 24th or 2nd of the month)....poor dad is unique....his is 30th! It was a joy to me as nana to have our grandaughter born with the same birthday as her mom too.
Yes, it's special, David. :)
11 Oct, 2010
Lovely photos of the children ...
... and I like the second photo ...
I presume that's a pic of you, David, climbing up high ?
;o) x
12 Oct, 2010
Lovely blog David
12 Oct, 2010
lovely blog David, and two beautiful crew members.
12 Oct, 2010
Yet another great blog David ! So good to see the kids enjoying themselves..what an adventure !
13 Oct, 2010
:-)) Whistonlass.
Lol, Tt! Not me, am afraid. Didn't climb that high. :-D)
Many Thanks, Nana, Yorkshire and Bb :-)))
14 Oct, 2010
LOLLLLL @ you puns - very silly =)) thank you for sharing your happy day!
14 Oct, 2010
You're so welcome. Cate :-))
Yes, keep trying to "tone it down" a bit, but the puns are just sitting there, waiting to be included, aren't they? Lol!!!
It was a fab day, though, and was happy to record it here, or would otherwise forget. :-))
14 Oct, 2010
~ looks as though you had a wonderful day~ if a bit cold!
18 Oct, 2010
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Nice one David!!!....Good looking crew you have there...:-))))))
11 Oct, 2010