Flowers, Food and Fellow "GOYers"
By david
Yesterday (Sunday), Madperth (aka Marie) and I visited the Dundee Flower and Food Festival 2009. I’ve always missed this event in the past, so it was really interesting to see. The forecast weather of torrential rain did not materialise, Thank Goodness, and there wasn’t too much mud underfoot.
Novel idea for a raised veggy “bed”
I was pleased to find many planting schemes in my favourite combinations.
Carex, and Heuchera “Marmalade”
Phormium “Alison Blackman”
Even something to wash it all down with!
I did resist all temptation, however, or might have needed to buy one of these…..
We met up with GOY member Scotkat, who had fuchsia and begonia entries in the Show.
Me, Madperth and Scotkat
On the way to the fuchsia and begonia displays, we HAD to pass the main vegetable displays.
Spuds, Glorious Spuds!
I was studying the varieties in great depth, and heard Marie joke with the gentleman manning the stand that I was looking for a “chocolate” potato. He produced a very heavy ringbinder and we looked through it. Guess what? We found references to “Choco” and “Chocolate” potatoes. Thanks folks, will be researching this further! Also, I enjoyed the jokes about “chocolate chips”. :-)
The National Vegetable Society’s mouthwatering display was an edible interpretation of Dundee city’s own tartan:-
Okay, Marie, you shall go to the Ball……..
……just, don’t, please, turn me into a mouse or rat, especially having just looked at a witchcraft-themed garden, complete with herbal and medicinal plants, cauldron, and spellbooks.
Speaking of witches, here’s Rabbie Burns writing “Tam o’ Shanter” in his garden.
We also met Paul, who had signed up to GOY just to leave me a message telling me to visit the Woodland Tent, where he was promoting the Perth and Kinross Countryside Trust, as well as “Big Tree Country”, on which I have written 8 blogs to date. Paul gave me some great info, and I got a free DVD entitled “Big Tree Country”, which I’ll watch tomorrow. Many Thanks, Paul! If you read this, hope you’ll stay around on GOY and share your expertise with us.
Back on a “food” theme, I loved these displays of fuchsia flowers floating in bowls of water. Don’t they look just like trifles?
Just time for a couple more pics (will put some others into my picture gallery later).
Part of a cacti and succulents display
Rock garden/alpine garden
First Prize in the Children’s “Miniature Terraced Garden” section
A different “take” on a “Butterfly cake”
Having exhausted the Show, it was time to leave Dundee and drive northwards to the garden of GOY member Romneya, who had herbs to give to Marie.
Madperth and Romneya choosing herbs_
Romneya has absolutely wonderful gardens, and puts her plant skills to good use, to raise money for charity.
This is Madperth and Romneya in the “Drinking Hole” as Romneya calls this wonderful relaxation area below ground level, with seating and chiminea. It is surrounded at garden surface level with planting of Stipa and Diarama, which “bow” over the hollow to create a “ceiling”, and protection from the wind – brilliant idea!!!
We thoroughly enjoyed our tour here, Romneya – Thank You so Much (and for my Egyptian onion, too). :-)
As the first pic on this blog is of a “bed”, I shall end it with something similar..
A flower “bed” in one of Romneya’s garden areas
6 Sep, 2009
More blog posts by david
Previous post: "Big Tree Country" - Part 8
Next post: Dahlias are Growing on Me.
About 40 pounds (in weight), Bob, or:-
from here. <......................
> to here (in feet), I think!
6 Sep, 2009
Great blog with great pictures and lovely to see members meeting and enjoying each others company.
The picture of the Carex and Heuchera show those two wonderful plants at their very best, absolutely brilliant.
7 Sep, 2009
Interesting blog, David.
Lovely photos of the GoY members, and of the flowers and food displays.
7 Sep, 2009
loved the fuchsia bowls and of course the cacti...great pics David..
7 Sep, 2009
The fuschia truifles looked cool and good enough to eat.....
As Bob said, nice to see 2 sides of the same day and looks like a great place to visit.
And, chance to meet other GoYers.
Nice one Dave. Much enjoyed
7 Sep, 2009
Lovely photos - people are so clever and full of imagination - what a wonderful world we live in!!
7 Sep, 2009
Good blog David, great garden Romneya, a lovely day out , wish I'd been there in person!
7 Sep, 2009
Nice blog David sounds and looks like a great day
7 Sep, 2009
Many Thanks, it was a great day out! :-)
7 Sep, 2009
Nice one David, Enjoyed the tour. :~))
7 Sep, 2009
Great blog enjoyed it all.
7 Sep, 2009
I still think you're cruel, but I'll get my own back! You HAVE been warned! Hahahahaha!!
I came away with that book of spells, you know!
Thanks for another great day out!!
7 Sep, 2009
Lovely pics David - some very imaginative displays.
7 Sep, 2009
I should keep an eye on that Hatter David, she likes weaving baskets you know! ! !
7 Sep, 2009
Its good therapy you know! They use it in all the best institutions!
7 Sep, 2009
Great blog and super pics
Yummy trifles I thought then read your comment :o))
Glad you all had an enjoyable day it sounded fun
7 Sep, 2009
They DID look good enough to eat!
8 Sep, 2009
8 Sep, 2009
They confused us at first, as we'd just passed the cakes & stuff!
8 Sep, 2009
Lol :o))
8 Sep, 2009
Especially liked the flower beds! I've used old metal bedsteads to keep the free range cattle out, but never managed such a nice quilt as Romneya! Looking forward to the chocolate chips...
12 Sep, 2009
I've been looking for a metal bedhead/stead to use as a support for clematis in our themed garden, so far no luck. For another slant on garden "beds", Orgratis, check out the four-poster on page 1 of the pic gallery of Doreensgarden - fit for a real medieval Sleeping Beauty, lol!
12 Sep, 2009
Make your own!!
12 Sep, 2009
A definite "no"! Will just wait until one of the local charity warehouses gets one in (re-use/recycle. etc.). They all have my number, lol!
12 Sep, 2009
OK, but you could've used recycled wood or metal! Take a trip to the local tip! Its amazing what people dump!
12 Sep, 2009
Interesting mention of local authority recycling centres, aka, tips. Where once it was illegal to remove anything put there by someone (regarded in Law as theft), now, here, The staff are encouraged to give you whatever you see that you can use - to reduce costs, landfill, etc. But, I like to think that someone has had the kind thought of donating an item for the benefit of a charity rather than dump it,, and I'll be able to help that charity in some small way by buying from them. So, this saves landfill, whatever, and beenfits someone, somewhere, too. Double Whammy, in my book. You should see what else is on my distributed "wishlist", lol!
12 Sep, 2009
Do tell!
12 Sep, 2009
OK, you asked!
A tail-coat, preferably plum or purple in colour!
A pair of trousers - bottle green, or thereabouts!
A top hat!
Have made a walking cane myself
A turban-style hat - must be white!
An Indian gent's tunic and trousers - also white!
A pair of predominantly gold sequinned slippers
Not the full list - and none of this for me to wear, either, LOL!!!!
Poor Tin Man from the Wizard of Oz is desperately seeking a new star role!!!
12 Sep, 2009
LMAO!!! Some list!!
12 Sep, 2009
David, all that finery for a scarecrow?! I had white tails which I dyed purple, but they paled to lavender, w/ top hat for my brief career as a chimney sweep (!): the Victor Crickette. As for the turban, sikh and ye shall find...
13 Sep, 2009
I think they ARE for you!!
13 Sep, 2009
Of course, Orgratis! Tin Man is in rehearsals at the mo for 2 lead roles in our new themed garden based on "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" as Mr Willy Wonka, of course, but also as Prince Pondicherry of chocolate palace "fame".
"sikh and ye shall find" - good 'un! :-))
13 Sep, 2009
Oh, no, they're NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
13 Sep, 2009
13 Sep, 2009
He'd look goood in a turban and plum coloured tail coat!
14 Sep, 2009
Yes, Indy. I think that Tin Man will be a role model!
14 Sep, 2009
So you like to get oiled up, do you?
15 Sep, 2009
Cant wait to hear his answer to that one Orgratis! LOL!
15 Sep, 2009
Preferably, straight from the can! :-)
16 Sep, 2009
There's no polite answer to that!! How's you?
16 Sep, 2009
Crap - to be honest. Rough seas ahead, me hearties! And you? :-))
16 Sep, 2009
So so! Looking for another job!!
Uni's good tho!
Got my timetable so we can maybe plan the Pitlochry trip!
16 Sep, 2009
Yep. let's do that!
Both Amy and Arlene wouldl like plants from there. :-))
16 Sep, 2009
Okey doke you can let me know your free days & see if we can coincide!! LOL!
16 Sep, 2009
Big Wave 2 u all it looks like my sort of day 4 sure with all those Plants & Yummi CHOCOLATE David :)
29 Sep, 2009
Huh, Jaque! He wouldnt let me buy any!! Surrounded by chocs we were!
But I DID get plant & bulbs!!
29 Sep, 2009
Oooooooo David u meeeeny fancy not letting Poor Madp buy some Chocs !! Glad 2 hear u got some Plants&Bulbs though :)
29 Sep, 2009
To be honest Jaque, there was so much choice I'd've been there all day!! I got a chocolate cosmos though, which David kindly bought me! And he also treated me to 30 Queen of the Night Tulip bulbs AND fed me! So I didnt really mind about the choc, I just cant resist winding him up!! ;~)D
29 Sep, 2009
:) What a Sweet Heart David is :)
29 Sep, 2009
He is a sweetie, very kind (but dont tell him I said so!) & we had a great day. It was lovely meeting up with other GoYers too!
29 Sep, 2009
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Thanks David a great accompanyment to Marie's Blog, its always good to see another side of the same place, and great shots too. So if the bag was £10 ... how much was the large bum?
6 Sep, 2009