Trees 4
By dawnsaunt
Here are a few more of my trees :-)
Acer davidii George Forrest (snake bark maple)
Betula Pendula Youngii
Taxodium distichum (Swamp Cypress) autumn colours
Chamaecyparis nootkatensis Pendula
Cornus Controversa
Crateagus Paul’s Scarlet – second one I’ve had, if this one succumbs to disease I wont have any more
Malus Director Moerland (improved version of Malus Profusion). I’m a bit disappointed with this, the fruits are very small, not as good as M Evereste and M Red Sentinel
Malus tschonoskii – coming into leaf
Quercus robur (good old English Oak)
Betula Pendula
A few more to follow …..
6 Jan, 2018
Previous post: Trees 3
Next post: Trees 5
Wow!! just how many trees do you have? simply incredible!
6 Jan, 2018
Haha Seaburn, now I didn't plant the oak, its been on the boundary all my life, I remember when I was little thinking what a cute little tree. I'm glad you like my choices.
Dotty, I don't know! I must count them, when we planted the woodland, I think we planted 1,500
Going to post Tree 5 blog now!
6 Jan, 2018
oh my giddy Aunt!! that's a lot of trees! can't wait to see blog 5......and!!!!.............
6 Jan, 2018
Yes, a lot of trees....just think of the contribution you have made to your environment. And you have been rewarded with the nesting Owls for your efforts. Beautiful!
7 Jan, 2018
Yes, it's good to know we're doing our bit, ironic though when the field the other side of the hedge was being sprayed with chemicals tut, that doesn't happen now (different farmer) it's not used for crops, grassed now and we have the pleasure of seeing Charolais cows with their calves in the summer. The owl box is in an established ash tree on the boundary but I hope theyve been drawn to us by the other trees.
7 Jan, 2018
Well yes, because the birds need a tree canopy corridor don't they....not just an odd tree here or there. That's our problem here....not enough trees around us for birds or squirrels. I call it an 'agricultural desert'. Thankfully there is a burn at the bottom of the field which means there are some small trees and shrubs, but not nearly enough. But now the farmer has to leave a big unploughed edge of about 4m there, so perhaps more shrubs will appear in time.....until we leave Europe and then all the rules will change again!
7 Jan, 2018
I echo Karen's comment. What a marvellous contribution you have made to the environment.
It is a real achievement and one that must give you endless pleasure and something different to see and enjoy every single day.
7 Jan, 2018
So do would be such a huge benefit,if lots more would plant as you have done, must feel a great sense of pride and satisfaction with all your hard's a credit to you..xx
7 Jan, 2018
Wonderful ! and you know all their names too :)
7 Jan, 2018
Karen, your views are stunning though as you're open. When the parent owls are watching over their babies, they sit in our pine trees, leaning against the trunk, obviously nocturnal do to be out in the day time must be tiring, I have a pic if you'd like to see.
Wildrose, you've described it perfectly.
Bloomer, thank you, it was quite a big decision at the time but I'm so pleased we did it and of course the pond went in around the same time. Love that as much as the woodland.
Hywel lol, I only know them as noted down and I'm still reading my plant dictionary each day though and practising my pronunciations
7 Jan, 2018
I think I've seen it Dawn...have you put it on before? Well put it on again....I can't get enough of your Owls. I really do love the birds. I should really join the RSPB, but I have so many other memberships already, including Scottish Wildlife Trust. Sometimes I can hear a Tawny Owl hooting in the distance as there is a decent bit of woodland at the top of the hill behind us, and of course, the woodland on the hill in front of us. Yes, lovely views. Thank you x
7 Jan, 2018
Dawn I think you need to be re-classified, yours surely should come under estate not garden, I too didn't realise how many you actually have...Would love to see it in the autumn, the colours in some of your photo's are stunning...
8 Jan, 2018
Haha Sue, yes Autumn is a special time :)
Karen, I will look it out.
10 Jan, 2018
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well you wont see the oak to maturity unless you develop an eternal youth drug :o))
but all joking aside you have chosen some wonderful trees.
6 Jan, 2018