Hoody Snowball fun and further foxy visits.
By dorjac
Couldn’t sleep due to light in the bedroom. 2.30 am got up and peeped out to see if still snowing. Saw a hoody type figure with low slung kecks, showing lots of blue underpants, kneeling, doing homage to no less than a sizeable snowball, in front of our neighbours car. They just scraped into Gatwick, from Egypt, 20 mins before it closed at about 10.30 pm.
I thought this is fun, lets get the Ixus and see what goes.
He gathered snow and patted it around his creation then, showing his underwear, he rolled it past our driveway, thankgoodness, as it enlarged really fast. The snow was ideal for it to build up a mega snowball.
Lovely to see a hoody lad getting his fun with a giant snowball. Better than the one in the bus shelter who ordered his mate not to smoke under the canopy!!!
Unfortunately there is just one still .The rest is movie of him rolling the snowball.
He abandoned the snowball when 3 scantily clad young ladies came by. By the side of the road a lot further up.
The hawthorn tree looking very pretty. The little birds soon rearranged it during the day, hopping down to the feeders.
Pretty Miss Fox strolling up ,the steps 9 feet from the door at 2.30 pm in the afternoon. This is the one with the brown shaded front legs who was stalked by the mangy dog fox the other day.
Looking up at the bird feeders wondering what tastes nicest. Robin/chaffinch/a tit/ starling/blackbird greenfinch/sparrow/fat woodpigeon/collared dove or even a magpie? I should think woodpigeon would be rather tasty and quite filling.
6 Feb, 2012
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That is really some snowball, Dorjac. I think that is brilliant, well caught! I keep asking my grandson why his underpants are showing :)
Lovely photos of your little fox, she is really beautiful. It must be very difficult for all wildlife to feed themselves just now.
I have just returned from a walk through the woods - I forgot two things! First my hat, so I came home with a wet head as snow dropped off the trees, and secondly my camera. It was so pretty but seems to be thawing quickly now.
Hope you are keeping warm and manage to catch up on the sleep you missed last night :)
6 Feb, 2012
try a return session after you've thawed out a bit, Gee - remembering both items!
lucky he was right under a street light, Dorjac; that's a really sharp picture
6 Feb, 2012
Fascinating blog, Dorjac... you had an exciting night :o)
6 Feb, 2012
Very heartening to see that lad - not cool, of course, hence the desertion of his creation on the appearance of the young ladies...
6 Feb, 2012
He did desert the snowball rather Smartly Bamboo. It had got rather large and the ladies don't do snowball pushing in their flimsies. I don't think most Romford foxes go short of a snack Gee. We only have wheelies for garden rubbish. The young ones are very generous with their left over kebabs/chips/ noodles and all the other rubbish they graze on, as they weave their way home from from their 'fun filled celebrations' only a short stagger away!Fortunately there are some dedicated cleaner uppers with trolleys and brushes who get it all sorted smartly first light, on main grazing routs. The fox was about 9 feet away Fran. She looks really well fed. Someone could be feeding them, but it aint me.
6 Feb, 2012
Kids eh what would we do without em lol. lovely pic of the fox. :o)
6 Feb, 2012
ha, we'll be getting wildlife programmes on the dangers of fast food diets for foxes!
6 Feb, 2012
Brilliant blog, loved it!
Pretty Miss fox is so daring.
6 Feb, 2012
. They seem to be positively glowing on junk food! I think daddy fox also thought the cubs should have toys. Some strange things found their way into the garden.O ne was a very expensive looking childs shoe. They really liked that a lot
6 Feb, 2012
shudder, what happened to the othr shoe? and the child??? *s*
6 Feb, 2012
6 Feb, 2012
They do like shoes - and sandals. I had to clear a very overgrown, neglected garden, narrow but 150 feet long, wild up the end, with a brook. Foxes in residence right up the end, and clearing the decks exposed a vast range of children's toys, shoes, sandals, odd socks, a couple of teatowels, plastic bags, paper, balls, all with teethmarks in.. Not a pair of anything, the owners of the various items must have been mystified as to where they'd all gone...
They like to play, seen 'em on the front lawn here in the middle of the night chucking a lump of paper around between them.
6 Feb, 2012
*s* meybe they can become addicted to the smell of human feet? I've known a few people whose socks or shoes would blow their noses off!
6 Feb, 2012
Lol. I think the fabric objects like socks (even a pair of pants) and teatowels were probably nicked off a washing line or rack left out overnight, so I suspect they were clean when they took them.
6 Feb, 2012
We found a half eaten sandal on our lawn last summer too,and suspected it was our local fox,who does his rounds most nights,so I'm glad to know it probably was him/her...we have found a rat with its tail chewed off..must be a delicacy ! and a dead shrew,up to press..
6 Feb, 2012
Great blog. Love the foxy.
6 Feb, 2012
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nice one of the lad! one can convert movies to stills in Windows Movie Maker or other, but it can be a bit of a pain to do. Glad you goe one at least. and good to see a lad having some innocent pleasure.
That fox looks close! how far away were you?
6 Feb, 2012