Older Heucheras in larger pots
By dorjac
I decided to make a feature of the older Heucheras in larger pots this year. I thought there was going to be a drought…..ha ha…..they would save me a bit of bother fiddling with other tender display plants. Some of them had been got at by vine weevil grubs. So out of the pot, clean up the root, and replace with new compost. Some gel and fertiliser blobs and off they go. Petit Marbled Burgundy was struggling, so it was dismembered, and sprigs planted in fresh soil. They have bounced back well and in full bloom. Two oldies in chimneys (creme brulee and marmalade) couldn’t care less about the weevil….they just bounce back and really show off how they can survive. It was raining when these pictures were taken.
Petite Marbled Burgundy is in front, in the whicker pot, and doing really well after looking really sick, so the sprigs planted earlier this year are already in bloom. The oldest one that was in the border for some time is on the ground, a yellow /orange colour. Stoplight in the blue pot, standing in the old chimney is still in recovery, but not too bad. Firefly is in bloom to the left behind the Fuchsia.
Marmalade in the chimney is a real oldie and has 20 odd flower heads about to bloom ( I believe some people take these off in favour of the foliage). Tiramisu in front clad in green and yellow and rather flamboyant, likes the cool spring. A small pot of PMB of sprigs that may go in the pathside border later and a small pot of Paris bought earlier this year at RHS Hyde Hall. Sparkling Burgundy is on the front of the steps. Never really been successful for me.
I decided to use the large really colourful ones to brighten up the jungle near the steps. The alliums are waiting for more sun. This is where the chimbly pots are useful. Heucherella Tiramisu in bloom at the top and Berry Smoothie on a plant support in the border. Caramel is an old friend with lovely leaves at the bottom of the steps. This patch grows couch grass/bind weed/bluebells/self seed geraniums and alliums and needs a makeover….soon to come ….if I have the energy.
15 May, 2012
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Lovely blog, Dorjac, it was your earlier heuchera photos that started my collection off. They have such stunning colours and, as you say, do bounce back. I shall know now to be vigilant and watch out for the dreaded vine weevil grubs - one of my potted plants was effected and I found the problem just by chance when repotting. Couldn't help noticing your lovely lawn in the background - I am so envious of flat un-Millied lawns :)
Take care.
15 May, 2012
Heucheras do look great displayed together. I'm a new convert to these and love the range of colours.
Love your chimney pots!
15 May, 2012
My lawn is a disgrace really Gee. Yours is still in recovery after your makeover. A lot of my lawn is mossy to the left side in the shade. I did put feed weed and moss killer on it thinking it would rain and it didn't until later on and by then it looked awful. Then came the deluge and it does look better now. I like the chimbles too Ojib. They were all freebies....quite pricey now.
15 May, 2012
My dear Millie has a 'silly five minutes' every so often and runs around the garden like a maniac, making deep grooves in the very waterlogged lawn - in spite of the damage it is good to see her play as she is often a very serious dog. Repairs will be undertaken later in the year :)
15 May, 2012
Hi Dorjac ..
Your heucheras are stunning ..
... fanatastic display ! :o)
15 May, 2012
Love those Heucheras they are really pretty, nice at different heights too.
15 May, 2012
What a stunning display I think I'll try some heucheras in pots too .........great idea.:)))
15 May, 2012
I think an overcast day tends to intensify the colours. On a bright sunny day it can be difficult to get the moment which is best to take a picture, and show an unshadowed range of colours. It was actually raining but they still show up well.
15 May, 2012
What a great display. They all look good dotted around and grouped together. I like :)
15 May, 2012
Fabulous group there Dorjac....See how 'marmalade' stands out (can you tell its my fav)....:>)
15 May, 2012
Lovely! No wonder you were able to direct me to the right place to sort out my query ... you're a Heuchera-maniac! ;o)
16 May, 2012
Lovely pots Dorjac....great colour combinations.
19 May, 2012
I just had to come back and look at your beautiful heucheras again as they are such a joy and a delight Dorjac.
14 Aug, 2012
Thanks Scotkat they have had a mixed sort of summer. The bright, noname, one at the bottom of the shallow steps entertained an ants nest and failed to thrive with them round the roots. Still to be attended to. Sweet tea has been marvellous, in flower all the time. Tiramisu ,so far, is the best, bright vigorous and in flower all through from May. All the sprigs from Petit Marbled Burgundy grew on well and have been seperately potted now for my circle project. Berry Smoothie was going well and then got brown dry patches on the leaves. So all affected leaves removed, sprayed with rose rust spray ,just in case and recovering well. To be honest they are not without problems but so rewarding.
14 Aug, 2012
A lovely display of a heucheras, must make a note of some you have shown so I can look out for them next year, they do look so attractive grouped together in pots ;0)
24 Sep, 2012
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DJ excellent blog I so love your heucheras one of mine Sweet Tea not looking to great .
I think I may need to take out of pot an investigate.
15 May, 2012