Pink bed
By drc726
All our married life my husband has not wanted a ‘Girly’ bedroom I have always let him have his way over this (cos I didnt want one either).
Well now he has a pink bed outside his study!
The Buddlia emporer had got too big and scruffy and he fancied a change. Now I really did not do this on purpose! it just happened.
It all started with a Clematis Pink fantasy, then a Phlox pink flame then I saw a Phlox pink eye flame. followed by Verbascum summer sobet, an Anemone hup praecox to go with the Anemone hyb serenade and finally Penstemon pensham plum jerkum. 7 pink flowers plus some pink bulbs. well if you can have white gardens why not a pink bed. It was dark when he came home but what is he going to say when he opens his garden door tomorrow. Might he like it? Would you? I am picking my daughter up tomorrow and taking her to the airport now where’s my passport?
11 Sep, 2009
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I think it might look like a bed of candy floss next year which is why I've got cold feet Clarice.
11 Sep, 2009
If he`s like my hubby he wont notice for a while and then when he does you just casually say "oh yes dear does it look nice,I fancied a change but not sure now".........
11 Sep, 2009
But with the buddlia gone he will notice!
11 Sep, 2009
ah Drc - this is all my fault - cos I asked the gardening question about buddlia being planted too close to buildings. (and everyone said DONT), it sounds like it was just the excuse you needed for diggin it up and 'going girly'. good for you. It sounds devine, and with your usual good taste will look devine too.
11 Sep, 2009
By the way... where are you are you daughter off too.. somewhere warm and exotic, I hope.
11 Sep, 2009
Oh no I am not going, only to the airport, she has just finished a month at the Edinbrough fringe and is off to the South of France and then Spain with a stop over in africa.
11 Sep, 2009
As you do! Kids, nowadays eh. Hope she has a ball, wherever she goes....
11 Sep, 2009
Out of sinc here Spindle thanks for the nice comments. it wasnt you it was the answers about the roots. I was concerned as we had such root problems before. It was supposed to be a dwarf and it was big and showy so I just needed to get it out and stop worrying and hubby agreed. The roots were surprisingly easy to get out which after what was said surprised me. I have two other Buddlia away from the house to enjoy so it will not be missed. I just never knew about their roots till now.
11 Sep, 2009
Sorry Drc - didnt mean to speak out-of-turn. Bet your new plants look a zillion times nicer than the buddlia :o)
11 Sep, 2009
No No Spindel out of sinc meant our responces got posted the wrong way round. I answered the its my fault one then you asked about where we were going and they got posted first it looks as if I had ignored the fault one. Does that make sence? I have found before when posting a reply someone else gets in at the same time and it can make it look like a contradiction.
12 Sep, 2009
Well at least he doesn't have to sleep in the pink bed does he? Are you sure he'll notice, mine wouldn't or if he did I'd just say 'what?...that's been like that for ages, have you only just noticed' lol. My hubby's snoring got so bad I moved into another room and now I have the lovely pink girly bedroom I've always wanted..........and ALL the duvet!!
12 Sep, 2009
Good for you lily, all he said this morning was 'I see you got rid of the Buddlia then its much lighter in here now'
12 Sep, 2009
LOL! Where's the pic?
12 Sep, 2009
He did say tonight its very nice. My camera's gone to europe with my daughter I did take pics with my phone as I have now got one of those leads to the computer but I cannot get it to work. The disc has loaded but the imformation will not cross over. When she comes back I will post a pic.
12 Sep, 2009
Okey doke!
13 Sep, 2009
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Bet it looks nice.
11 Sep, 2009