The things I havent done since I joined GOY
By drc726
Since joining GOY I have not had an early night. Have not finished knitting a jumper for my husband. Have not finished the book I could’nt put down. Have not stopped planting what others recommend. I not been to Blue Water or Thurrock to drop while my daughter shops. Have not finished the crossword before going to sleep at night. Have not kept in touch by phone. Have not had an empty head since I joined. Have not had my camera except for last week-end and its on its way to europe as I speak. Finally have not had so much fun in ages. What have others not done since joining.
- 12 Sep, 2009
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I am relieved, for a momment there!
12 Sep, 2009
12 Sep, 2009
I know one thing I hav'nt done and I made a New Years res about it, I have not tidied out the loft space, this I MUST do before the ceiling caves in :o))))
12 Sep, 2009
What on earth have you got up there? We have just topped up the roof insulation which is now the newly recommended 11" so we havent got room for anything else. The one thing about new year resolutins you have till december the 31st!
12 Sep, 2009
I have not watched telly!
12 Sep, 2009
I'm with you Madperth, the only thing I've watched is Gardener's World and the Tudors - and to be honest I missed the first 5mins of GW cos I was on here!
12 Sep, 2009
...I've not actually done as much GARDENING as I should have!
13 Sep, 2009
I haven't watched anything on telly when it's actually on...just recorded it for when I have time...the list is very long now!
Had an early night...
Done much weeding...
Haven't washed the spare room curtains which has been on my 'to do' list for months...
Cleared up the living room before going to bed...have to do it in the morning before work now...
Haven't regretted joining Goy for a second!
13 Sep, 2009
Well I haven't watched any TV either except Gardeners World and then I fell asleep while it was on.
Cleaned any windows so no need to pull curtains anymore.
Cleaned my car, now get it done in Tesco car park.
Visited the library.
Scarified the grass
Cooked a proper meal that is not burnt or undercooked.
But a new thing I do quite often....I even dream about GOY !!! (how sad is that?)
13 Sep, 2009
It seems the onething we havent neglected is GOY
13 Sep, 2009
I have a lot of my Daughters stuff up there as we have installed a floor, and when her marriage broke-up I have stored things for her, but she has got her life together now so maybe I will fulfill the resolution :o))
13 Sep, 2009
Glad to hear its worked out for her, whats a loft compared to helping a loved one.
13 Sep, 2009
I'm with you Fluff! I havent regretted it either!
Mind you, nor have I finished painting the living room, sorted out all the kitchen & craft stuff that STILL in my bedroom from getting the kitchen done, or caught up with my ironing!
13 Sep, 2009
Ironing? What's that? I haven't seen my ironing board since joining GOY - the creases soon drop out with body heat, lol.
14 Sep, 2009
LOL! Well put wagger! I hang my clothes up in the shower room the night before (if I remember)!
14 Sep, 2009
My SKY+ box is FULL up...the TV has never been on - except for the Prom...which I could hear as I typed on here. I haven't eaten a square meal (what the H is that meant to be anyway?!) .... so the freezer is emptying of all those boxes of batched meals I laid down for when I am gardening and come in too tired to cook. Cooking and gardening - what are they?? My INBOX is overflowing ...some with repeat requests from my nearest and dearest as to my well-being as they haven't heard from me in quite a while. Last but not least - I DO switch on my laptop before the kettle in the sad is that!!!
PS ..and like the rest of you....I don't regret it a bit ....I haven't had as much fun in ages!!!! Long Live GOY LOL
14 Sep, 2009
Yes, my laptop goes on before the kettle too and I'm getting up earlier and earlier. Is anybody else going to join me in admitting that they DREAM about GoY too (or am I the saddest of the lot)? It's definitely the best fun in ages Alzheimer....LOL
14 Sep, 2009
I did it! I hadnt switched on GOY till 7pm today. Not dreaming yet Lily give me time though.
14 Sep, 2009
EEK...I haven't dreamt about it YET...but I was up and switched on by really is great fun I quite agree Lily.
I thought eBay was addictive but this is ten times worse! I can see when the really bad weather gets here - what I will be doing!!
14 Sep, 2009
Hey Alz...a square meal is a naval thing...the old ships had square plates which rested against pieces of wood running the length of the tables to stop the plate ending up on the floor when the ship rolled...I knew there was something useful about being married to an old seadog!!
Anyway...sorry to digress... but only to admit Lily that yes...I too caught myself dreaming about replying to folk on know when you wake up & can just remember what you were dreaming? Scary!
14 Sep, 2009
14 Sep, 2009
Yes Fluff, I can never remember the actual dream just that it was about GoY. Well I can't remember anything while awake either so no difference there! lol (Glad I'm not alone in my sad affliction)
14 Sep, 2009
At least they are not nightmares Lily!
14 Sep, 2009
I'm not so sure about that Denise, there's been too much on GoY about spiders lately!
15 Sep, 2009
Theres a new spider blog today Lily!
15 Sep, 2009
Now Denise! Dont scare her!!!
GoY might be more addictive than Ebay, Alz, but it's a helluva lot cheaper!! LOL!
15 Sep, 2009
Very true I am a buyer - not a seller. I jolly well should be a seller - I have long since run out of space for my collections....but I always succumb!!! Still....I don't drink nor smoke and never go away on what the H....might as well be surrounded by things I like in my wee old cottage...:>))
15 Sep, 2009
Oh no its a nice one with a yellow tummy!
15 Sep, 2009
Quite right! Its expensive as a seller too these days! I closed my shop! But I need to pay to sell from my own site too!! :~((( Only allowed 5 items for free!
15 Sep, 2009
I left a comment about 6 comments back and it's not there.....doh!! SUBMIT. Oh well can't remember what it was now anyway, something about spiders no doubt :o((( I've had a look Denise ....EEEEK!
15 Sep, 2009
I'm not even going to look!
15 Sep, 2009
Is it ok to ask what you are doing at Uni Madperth?
15 Sep, 2009
Of course!! I'm doing a BA (hons) in Community Learning & Development. I want to go on to do Art Therapy, preferably with people with learning disabilities/mental health problems.
15 Sep, 2009
Thats demanding but rewarding work Madperth.
15 Sep, 2009
Yes, I already work as a support worker for people with learning disabilities (which I love, but its time for a slight change) & do some voluntary (fun) stuff with a wider range of 'marginalised' people, & I'm a bit arty crafty, so it's a dream job for me (if I get one!)
15 Sep, 2009
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I'm embarrassed to say really .... well okay then ... I have not had a bath since I joined GoY (I have a shower everyday hehehe)
12 Sep, 2009